Nombre de documents archivés : 392.
Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Ross, Pierre-Simon
ORCID:; Bourke, Alexandre; Schnitzler, Nathalie et Conly, Andrew
Exploration Vectors from Near Infrared Spectrometry near the McLeod Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Matagami District, Québec.
Economic Geology
, vol. 114
, nº 4.
pp. 613-638.
DOI: 10.5382/econgeo.4656.
Lefebvre, René
ORCID:; Lahmira, Belkacem et Löbner, Walfried
Atmospheric control of radon emissions from a waste rock dump.
Environmental Geotechnics
, vol. 6
, nº 6.
pp. 381-392.
DOI: 10.1680/jenge.15.00066.
Langendijk, Gaby S.; Aubry-Wake, Caroline; Osman, Marisol; Gulizia, Carla; Attig-Bahar, Faten; Behrens, Erik; Bertoncini, André; Hart, Neil; Indasi, Victor S.; Innocenti, Silvia; van der Linden, Eveline C.; Mamnun, Nabir; Rasouli, Kabir; Reed, Kevin A.; Ridder, Nina; Rivera, Juan; Ruscica, Romina; Ukazu, Bethel U.; Walawender, Jakub P.; Walker, Dean P.; Woodhams, Beth J. et Yılmaz, Yeliz A.
Three Ways Forward to Improve Regional Information for Extreme Events: An Early Career Perspective.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
, vol. 7
DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00006.
Cerutti, Jérôme; Lavoie, Roxane et Lefebvre, René
Development of a knowledge base to support the consideration of groundwater protection in land-use planning.
Sustainable Water Resources Management
, vol. 5
, nº 3.
pp. 401-413.
DOI: 10.1007/s40899-017-0175-7.
Nguyen, Viet Hoang; Nguyen, Hong Khanh; Nguyen, Thanh Dong; Pham, Tuan-Linh; Dang-Thi, Cam-Ha; Song, Yan et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Sources for isolation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) producing bacterial strains which are capable of using wastewater sludge as solo substrate.
Environmental Technology
, vol. 40
, nº 17.
pp. 2215-2224.
DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1351488.
Naghdi, Mitra; Taheran, Mehrdad; Pulicharla, Rama; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Pine-wood derived nanobiochar for removal of carbamazepine from aqueous media: Adsorption behavior and influential parameters.
Arabian Journal of Chemistry
, vol. 12
, nº 8.
pp. 5292-5301.
DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2016.12.025.
Marien, Cédric B. D.; Le Pivert, Marie; Azaïs, Antonin; M’Bra, Ignace Christian; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Dirany, Ahmad et Robert, Didier
Kinetics and mechanism of Paraquat’s degradation: UV-C photolysis vs UV-C photocatalysis with TiO₂ /SiC foams
Journal of Hazardous Materials
, vol. 370
pp. 164-171.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.06.009.
Jones, Anna F.; Turner, Jonathan N.; Daly, J. Stephen; Francus, Pierre
ORCID: et Edwards, Robin J.
Signal-to-noise ratios, instrument parameters and repeatability of Itrax XRF core scan measurements of floodplain sediments.
Quaternary International
, vol. 514
pp. 44-54.
DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.09.006.
Trottier, Annie-Pier; Lajeunesse, Patrick; Normandeau, Alexandre et Gagnon-Poiré, Antoine
Deglacial and postglacial paleoseismological archives in mass-movement deposits of lakes of south-central Québec.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences / Revue canadienne des sciences de la Terre
, vol. 56
, nº 1.
pp. 60-76.
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2018-0167.
Ladevèze, Pierre; Rivard, Christine; Lavoie, Denis; Séjourné, Stephan; Lefebvre, René
ORCID: et Bordeleau, Geneviève
Fault and natural fracture control on upward fluid migration: insights from a shale gas play in the St. Lawrence Platform, Canada.
Hydrogeology Journal
, vol. 27
, nº 1.
pp. 121-143.
DOI: 10.1007/s10040-018-1856-5.
Zhang, Jing; Knight, Rosalinda; Wang, Yushan; Sawyer, Thomas W.; Martyniuk, Christopher J. et Langlois, Valérie S.
Hair Follicle miRNAs: a Novel Biomarker for Primary Blast Induced-Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
, vol. 24
, nº 2.
pp. 166-179.
DOI: 10.1080/1354750X.2018.1531929.
Proulx, Isabelle; Hare, Landis et Dupré, Bruno
Is it justifiable to pool Chironomus species in trace element contamination studies?
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
, vol. 38
, nº 1.
pp. 145-159.
DOI: 10.1002/etc.4294.
D'Andrea, Maria Florencia; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Bigah, Yao; Gattinoni, Natalia Noemi et Brodeur, Julie Céline
Trends in reference evapotranspiration and associated climate variables over the last 30 years (1984–2014) in the Pampa region of Argentina.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
, vol. 136
, nº 3-4.
pp. 1371-1386.
DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2565-7.
Caillouet, Laurie; Vidal, Jean-Philippe; Sauquet, Eric; Graff, Benjamin et Soubeyroux, Jean-Michel
SCOPE Climate: a 142-year daily high-resolution ensemble meteorological reconstruction dataset over France.
Earth System Science Data Discussions
, vol. 11
, nº 1.
pp. 241-260.
DOI: 10.5194/essd-2018-79.
Foulon, Étienne et Rousseau, Alain N.
Surface Water Quantity for Drinking Water during Low Flows - Sensitivity Assessment Solely from Climate Data.
Water Resources Management
, vol. 33
, nº 1.
pp. 369-385.
DOI: 10.1007/s11269-018-2107-1.
Yellapu, Sravan Kumar; Klai, Nouha; Kaur, Rajwinder; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Oleaginous yeast biomass flocculation using bioflocculant produced in wastewater sludge and transesterification using petroleum diesel as a co-solvent.
Renewable Energy
, vol. 131
pp. 217-228.
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.06.066.
Kumar, Lalit; Yellapu, Sravan Kumar; Zhang, Xiaolei et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Energy balance for biodiesel production processes using microbial oil and scum.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 272
pp. 379-388.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.10.071.
Rivard, Christine; Bordeleau, Geneviève
ORCID:; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René
ORCID:; Ladevèze, Pierre; Duchesne, Mathieu J.; Séjourné, Stephan; Crow, Heather; Pinet, Nicolas; Brake, Virginia; Bouchedda, Abderrezak; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID:; Ahad, Jason M. E.; Malet, Xavier; Aznar, Jean-Christophe et Malo, Michel
Assessing potential impacts of shale gas development on shallow aquifers through upward fluid migration: A multi-disciplinary approach applied to the Utica Shale in eastern Canada.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
, vol. 100
pp. 466-483.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.11.004.
Kumar, Pratik; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Cledon, Maximiliano; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh; Roy-Lachapelle, Audrey et Galvez-Cloutier, Rosa
Novel fluidized-bed biofilm reactor for concomitant removal of microcystin-LR and organics.
Chemical Engineering Journal
, vol. 359
pp. 99-111.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2018.11.119.
Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Yousef, Latifa A. et Charron, Christian
Non-stationary Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves integrating information concerning teleconnections and climate change.
International Journal of Climatology
, vol. 39
, nº 4.
pp. 2306-2323.
DOI: 10.1002/joc.5953.
Liu, Qingxia; Zhou, Linbin; Liu, Fengjie; Fortin, Claude
ORCID:; Tan, Yehui; Huang, Liangmin et Campbell, Peter G. C.
Uptake and subcellular distribution of aluminum in a marine diatom.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
, vol. 169
pp. 85-92.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.10.095.
Gignac, Charles; Bernier, Monique et Chokmani, Karem
IcePAC – a probabilistic tool to study sea ice spatio-temporal dynamics: application to the Hudson Bay area.
The Cryosphere
, vol. 13
, nº 2.
pp. 451-468.
DOI: 10.5194/tc-13-451-2019.
Oubennaceur, Khalid; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID:; Nastev, Miroslav; Lhissou, Rachid et El Alem, Anas
Flood risk mapping for direct damage to residential buildings in Quebec, Canada.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
, vol. 33
pp. 44-54.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.09.007.
McDonnell, Denby; Madison, Barry N.; Baillon, Lucie; Wallace, Sarah J.; Brown, Stephen R.; Hodson, Peter V. et Langlois, Valérie S.
Comparative toxicity of two diluted bitumens to developing yellow perch (Perca flavescens).
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 655
pp. 977-985.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.199.
Los, Helena; Osińska-Skotak, Katarzyna; Pluto-Kossakowska, Joanna; Bernier, Monique; Gauthier, Yves et Pawłowski, Bogusław
Performance evaluation of quad-pol data compare to dual-pol SAR data for river ice classification.
European Journal of Remote Sensing
, vol. 52
, nº 1.
pp. 79-95.
DOI: 10.1080/22797254.2018.1540914.
Naghdi, Mitra; Taheran, Mehrdad; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Fabrication of nanobiocatalyst using encapsulated laccase onto chitosan-nanobiochar composite.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
, vol. 124
pp. 530-536.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.11.234.
Curceac, Stelian; Ternynck, Camille; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID: et Niang, Sophie Dabo
Short-term air temperature forecasting using Nonparametric Functional Data Analysis and SARMA models.
Environmental Modelling & Software
, vol. 111
pp. 394-408.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.09.017.
Osorio-González, Carlos S.; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh et Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio
Challenges in lipid production from lignocellulosic biomass using Rhodosporidium sp.; A look at the role of lignocellulosic inhibitors.
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
, vol. 13
, nº 3.
pp. 740-759.
DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1954.
Barst, Benjamin D.; Drevnick, Paul E.; Muir, Derek C. G.; Gantner, Nikolaus; Power, Michael; Köck, Günter; Chéhab, Nathalie; Swanson, Heidi; Rigét, Frank et Basu, Niladri
Screening-level risk assessment of methylmercury for non-anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus ).
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
, vol. 38
, nº 3.
pp. 489-502.
DOI: 10.1002/etc.4341.
Gumière, Thiago; Gumière, Silvio José; Matteau, Jean-Pascal; Constant, Philippe
ORCID:; Létourneau, Guillaume et Rousseau, Alain N.
Soil Bacterial Community Associated With High Potato Production and Minimal Water Use.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
, vol. 6
p. 161.
DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00161.
M’Bra, Ignace Christian; García-Muñoz, Patricia; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Keller, Nicolas; Trokourey, Albert et Robert, Didier
Heterogeneous photodegradation of Pyrimethanil and its commercial formulation with TiO₂ immobilized on SiC foams.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
, vol. 368
pp. 1-6.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2018.09.007.
Zhang, Xiaolei; Chen, Jiaxin; Wu, Di; Li, Ji; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Economical lipid production from Trichosporon oleaginosus via dissolved oxygen adjustment and crude glycerol addition.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 273
pp. 288-296.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.11.033.
Gatel, Laura; Lauvernet, Claire; Carluer, Nadia; Weill, Sylvain; Tournebize, Julien et Paniconi, Claudio
Global evaluation and sensitivity analysis of a physically based flow and reactive transport model on a laboratory experiment.
Environmental Modelling & Software
, vol. 113
pp. 73-83.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.12.006.
Koubikana Pambou, Claude Hugo; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID: et Lamarche, Louis
Improving thermal response tests with wireline temperature logs to evaluate ground thermal conductivity profiles and groundwater fluxes.
Heat and Mass Transfer
, vol. 55
, nº 6.
pp. 1829-1843.
DOI: 10.1007/s00231-018-2532-y.
Nielsen, Guillaume; Coudert, Lucie; Janin, Amélie; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID: et Mercier, Guy
Influence of Organic Carbon Sources on Metal Removal from Mine Impacted Water Using Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Bioreactors in Cold Climates.
Mine Water and the Environment
, vol. 38
, nº 1.
pp. 104-118.
DOI: 10.1007/s10230-018-00580-3.
Leduc, Martin; Mailhot, Alain
ORCID:; Frigon, Anne; Martel, Jean-Luc; Ludwig, Ralf Peter; Brietzke, Gilbert V.; Giguère, Michel; Brissette, François; Turcotte, Richard; Braun, Marco et Scinocca, John
ClimEx project: a 50-member ensemble of climate change projections at 12-km resolution over Europe and northeastern North America with the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5).
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
, vol. 58
, nº 4.
pp. 663-693.
DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0021.1.
Pandey, Lalit K.; Lavoie, Isabelle
ORCID:; Morin, Soizic; Depuydt, Stephen; Lyu, Jie; Lee, Hojun; Jung, Jinho; Yeom, Dong-Hyuk; Han, Taejun et Park, Jihae
Towards a multi-bioassay-based index for toxicity assessment of fluvial waters.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
, vol. 191
, nº 2.
p. 112.
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7234-5.
Turney, Chris; McGregor, Helen V.; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; Abram, Nerilie J.; Evans, Michael N.; Goosse, Hugues; von Gunten, Lucien; Kaufman, Darrell S.; Linderholm, Hans W.; Loutre, Marie-France et Neukom, Raphael
Introduction to the special issue “Climate of the past 2000 years: regional and trans-regional syntheses”.
Climate of the Past
, vol. 15
, nº 2.
pp. 611-615.
DOI: 10.5194/cp-15-611-2019.
Ou, Yang; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Wang, Lixia; Yan, Baixing; Gumière, Thiago et Zhu, Hui
Identification of the alteration of riparian wetland on soil properties, enzyme activities and microbial communities following extreme flooding.
, vol. 337
pp. 825-833.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.10.032.
Pachapur, Vinayak Laxman; Kutty, Prianka; Pachapur, Preetika; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Le Bihan, Yann; Galvez-Cloutier, Rosa et Buelna, Gerardo
Seed Pretreatment for Increased Hydrogen Production Using Mixed-Culture Systems with Advantages over Pure-Culture Systems.
, vol. 12
, nº 3.
p. 530.
DOI: 10.3390/en12030530.
Pierron, Fabien; Daffe, Guillemine; Lambert, Patrick; Couture, Patrice
ORCID: et Baudrimont, Magalie
Retrotransposon methylation and activity in wild fish (A. anguilla): A matter of size.
Environmental Pollution
, vol. 245
pp. 494-503.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.11.014.
Cordier, Florian; Tassi, Pablo; Claude, Nicolas; Crosato, Alessandra; Rodrigues, Stéphane et Pham Van Bang, Damien
Numerical Study of Alternate Bars in Alluvial Channels With Nonuniform Sediment.
Water Resources Research
, vol. 55
, nº 4.
pp. 2976-3003.
DOI: 10.1029/2017WR022420.
Santoro, Pablo; Fossati, Mónica; Tassi, Pablo; Huybrechts, Nicolas; Pham Van Bang, Damien
ORCID: et Piedra-Cueva, Ismael
Effect of self-weight consolidation on a hydro-sedimentological model for the Río de la Plata estuary.
International Journal of Sediment Research
, vol. 34
, nº 5.
pp. 444-454.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsrc.2018.12.004.
Sulaiman, Mostafa; Hammouti, Abdelkader; Climent, Eric et Wachs, Anthony
Coupling the fictitious domain and sharp interface methods for the simulation of convective mass transfer around reactive particles: Towards a reactive Sherwood number correlation for dilute systems.
Chemical Engineering Science
, vol. 198
pp. 334-351.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2019.01.004.
Bigah, Yao; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID: et Gumière, Silvio José
Development of a steady-state model to predict daily water table depth and root zone soil matric potential of a cranberry field with a subirrigation system.
Agricultural Water Management
, vol. 213
pp. 1016-1027.
DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2018.12.024.
Lara-Jacobo, Linda Ramona; Willard, Brianna; Wallace, Sarah J. et Langlois, Valérie S.
Cytochrome P450 1A transcript is a suitable biomarker of both exposure and response to diluted bitumen in developing frog embryos.
Environmental Pollution
, vol. 246
pp. 501-508.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.12.039.
Kumar, Pratik; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Cledon, Maximiliano et Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh
Potential of biological approaches for cyanotoxin removal from drinking water: A review.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
, vol. 172
pp. 488-503.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.01.066.
Matte, Pascal; Secretan, Yves et Morin, Jean
Drivers of residual and tidal flow variability in the St. Lawrence fluvial estuary: Influence on tidal wave propagation.
Continental Shelf Research
, vol. 174
pp. 158-173.
DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2018.12.008.
Liu, Hejuan et Nasr, Maher
Construction of Deep Thermal Models Based on Integrated Thermal Properties Used for Geothermal Risk Management.
Mathematical Geosciences
, vol. 51
, nº 3.
pp. 295-317.
DOI: 10.1007/s11004-019-09790-z.
Gumière, Thiago; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; da Costa, Diogo Paes; Cassetari, Alice; Cotta, Simone Raposo; Andreote, Fernando Dini; Gumière, Silvio José et Pavinato, Paulo Sergio
Phosphorus source driving the soil microbial interactions and improving sugarcane development.
Scientific Reports
, vol. 9
, nº 1.
p. 4400.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-40910-1.
Khosravanipour Mostafazadeh, Ali; Benguit, Adam Tareq; Carabin, Anne; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Brien, Emmanuel
Development of combined membrane filtration, electrochemical technologies, and adsorption processes for treatment and reuse of laundry wastewater and removal of nonylphenol ethoxylates as surfactants.
Journal of Water Process Engineering
, vol. 28
pp. 277-292.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2019.02.014.
Blanchette, Marianne; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Foulon, Étienne; Savary, Stéphane et Poulin, Monique
What would have been the impacts of wetlands on low flow support and high flow attenuation under steady state land cover conditions?
Journal of Environmental Management
, vol. 234
pp. 448-457.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.12.095.
Anterrieu, Olivier; Giroux, Bernard
ORCID:; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID: et Carde, Christophe
Non-destructive data assimilation as a tool to diagnose corrosion rate in reinforced concrete structures.
Journal of Building Engineering
, vol. 23
pp. 193-206.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2019.01.033.
Kumar, Pratik; Rubio, Heidi Dayana Pascagaza; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Cledon, Maximiliano; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh; Sauvé, Sébastien; Roy-Lachapelle, Audrey et Galvez-Cloutier, Rosa
Agro-industrial residues as a unique support in a sand filter to enhance the bioactivity to remove microcystin-Leucine aRginine and organics.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 670
pp. 971-981.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.260.
Latutrie, Benjamin et Ross, Pierre-Simon
Transition zone between the upper diatreme and lower diatreme: origin and significance at Round Butte, Hopi Buttes volcanic field, Navajo Nation, Arizona.
Bulletin of Volcanology
, vol. 81
, nº 4.
p. 26.
DOI: 10.1007/s00445-019-1285-x.
Kumar, Kondapalli Niranjan; Phanikumar, Devulapalli Venkata; Sharma, Som Kumar; Basha, Ghouse; Naja, Manish; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Ratnam, M. Venkat et Kumar, Kondapalli Niranjan
Influence of tropical-extratropical interactions on the dynamics of extreme rainfall event: A case study from Indian region.
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
, vol. 85
pp. 28-40.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2018.12.002.
Abbasnezhadi, Kian; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Wruth, Andrea M. et Zahmatkesh, Zahra
Synchronized generation of high-resolution gridded precipitation and temperature fields.
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 573
pp. 631-647.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.096.
Roy, Dany; Benkaraache, Sanae; Azaïs, Antonin; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Leachate treatment: Assessment of the systemic changes in the composition and biodegradability of leachates originating in an open co-composting facility in Canada.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
, vol. 7
, nº 3.
p. 103056.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2019.103056.
Kumar, Pratik; Pulicharla, Rama; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Simple Technoeconomic Approach to Chlortetracycline Removal from Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste
, vol. 23
, nº 3.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000441.
Pierson, Jean-Lou; Auguste, Franck; Hammouti, Abdelkader et Wachs, Anthony
Inertial flow past a finite-length axisymmetric cylinder of aspect ratio 3: Effect of the yaw angle.
Physical Review Fluids
, vol. 4
, nº 4.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.044802.
Cerisier, Angélique; Vedrenne, Jacky; Lavoie, Isabelle
ORCID: et Morin, Soizic
Assessing the severity of diatom deformities using geometric morphometry.
Botany Letters
, vol. 166
, nº 1.
pp. 32-40.
DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2018.1474800.
Fathian, Farshad; Fakheri-Fard, Ahmad; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Dinpashoh, Yagob et Mousavi Nadoushani, S. Saeid
Multiple streamflow time series modeling using VAR–MGARCH approach.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
, vol. 33
, nº 2.
pp. 407-425.
DOI: 10.1007/s00477-019-01651-9.
Comina, Cesare; Giordano, Nicolo; Ghidone, Giulia et Fischanger, Federico
Time-Lapse 3D Electric Tomography for Short-time Monitoring of an Experimental Heat Storage System.
, vol. 9
, nº 4.
p. 167.
DOI: 10.3390/geosciences9040167.
Suresh, Gayatri; Santos, Daniel Ubaldo; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Mehdi, Youcef; Godbout, Stéphane; Chorfi, Younes et Ramirez, Antonio Avalos
Production and in-vitro evaluation of an enzyme formulation as a potential alternative to feed antibiotics in poultry.
Process Biochemistry
, vol. 80
pp. 9-16.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2019.01.023.
Hudelson, Karista E.; Muir, Derek C. G.; Drevnick, Paul E.; Köck, Günter; Iqaluk, Deborah; Wang, Xiaowa; Kirk, Jane L.; Barst, Benjamin D.; Grgicak-Mannion, Alice; Shearon, Rebecca et Fisk, Aaron T.
Temporal trends, lake-to-lake variation, and climate effects on Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) mercury concentrations from six High Arctic lakes in Nunavut, Canada.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 678
pp. 801-812.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.453.
Basha, Ghouse; Ratnam, M. Venkat; Kumar, Kondapalli Niranjan; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Kishore, Pangaluru et Velicogna, Isabella
Long-term variation of dust episodes over the United Arab Emirates.
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
, vol. 187
pp. 33-39.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2019.03.006.
Boujia, Nissrine; Schmidt, Franziska; Chevalier, Christophe; Siegert, Dominique et Pham Van Bang, Damien
Effect of Scour on the Natural Frequency Responses of Bridge Piers: Development of a Scour Depth Sensor.
, vol. 4
, nº 2.
p. 21.
DOI: 10.3390/infrastructures4020021.
Pinet, Nicolas; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID: et Giroux, Bernard
Introduction to the special issue on geophysics applied to mineral exploration.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
, vol. 56
, nº 5.
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2018-0314.
Sirabahenda, Zacharie; St-Hilaire, André; Courtenay, Simon Charles et Van Den Heuvel, Michael R.
Comparison of Acoustic to Optical Backscatter Continuous Measurements of Suspended Sediment Concentrations and Their Characterization in an Agriculturally Impacted River.
, vol. 11
, nº 5.
p. 981.
DOI: 10.3390/w11050981.
Larios, Araceli Dalila; Godbout, Stéphane; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Palacios, Joahnn H.; Zegan, Dan; Sandoval-Salas, Fabiola; Predicala, Bernardo et Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio
Parameters determining the performance of passive flux samplers proposed as a tool to estimate N₂O emissions: evaluation at farm level and perspectives.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
, vol. 26
, nº 19.
pp. 19655-19664.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-04841-8.
Ratté-Fortin, Claudie; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Thériault, Georges et Van Bochove, Eric
Evaluating the effects of BMPs on agricultural contaminants using a novel method accounting for uncertainty in water flow and contaminant loads.
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
, vol. 44
, nº 3.
pp. 263-279.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2019.1581093.
Quattrini, Federico; Galceran, Josep; Rey-Castro, Carlos; Puy, Jaume et Fortin, Claude
Assessment of labilities of metal complexes with the dynamic ion exchange technique.
Environmental Chemistry
, vol. 16
, nº 3.
pp. 151-164.
DOI: 10.1071/EN18202.
Oubennaceur, Khalid; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID:; Nastev, Miroslav; Gauthier, Yves; Poulin, Jimmy; Tanguy, Marion; Raymond, Sébastien et Lhissou, Rachid
New Sensitivity Indices of a 2D Flood Inundation Model Using Gauss Quadrature Sampling.
, vol. 9
, nº 5.
p. 220.
DOI: 10.3390/geosciences9050220.
Kochoni, Émeric et Fortin, Claude
Iron Modulation of Copper Uptake and Toxicity in a Green Alga (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii).
Environmental Science & Technology
, vol. 53
, nº 11.
pp. 6539-6545.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b01369.
Plante Lévesque, Valérie; Boucher, Étienne et Proulx, Guillaume
Spatialisation des processus d’embâcles dans le bassin versant de la rivière l’Acadie, Montérégie : une approche hydrogéomorphologique.
Revue des sciences de l'eau
, vol. 32
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pp. 21-36.
DOI: 10.7202/1059878ar.
Pétré, Marie-Amélie; Rivera, Alfonso et Lefebvre, René
Numerical modeling of a regional groundwater flow system to assess groundwater storage loss, capture and sustainable exploitation of the transboundary Milk River Aquifer (Canada – USA).
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 575
pp. 656-670.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.05.057.
Budnick, William R.; Leboucher, Thibault; Belliard, Jérôme; Soininen, Janne; Lavoie, Isabelle
ORCID:; Pound, Katrina; Jamoneau, Aurélien; Tison‐Rosebery, Juliette; Tales, Evelyne; Pajunen, Virpi; Campeau, Stéphane; Passy, Sophia I. et Bahn, Volker
Local and regional drivers of taxonomic homogenization in stream communities along a land use gradient.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
, vol. 28
, nº 11.
pp. 1597-1609.
DOI: 10.1111/geb.12976.
Castañeda-Cortés, Diana C.; Padilla, Luisa F. Arias; Langlois, Valérie S.
ORCID:; Somoza, Gustavo M. et Fernandino, Juan I.
The central nervous system acts as a transducer of stress-induced masculinization through corticotropin-releasing hormone B.
, vol. 146
, nº 8.
DOI: 10.1242/dev.172866.
Farhadiani, Ramin; Homayouni, Saeid
ORCID: et Safari, Abdolreza
Hybrid SAR Speckle Reduction Using Complex Wavelet Shrinkage and Non-Local PCA-Based Filtering.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
, vol. 12
, nº 5.
pp. 1489-1496.
DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2019.2907655.
Lee, Taesam et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
Multivariate Nonstationary Oscillation Simulation of Climate Indices with Empirical Mode Decomposition.
Water Resources Research
, vol. 55
, nº 6.
pp. 5033-5052.
DOI: 10.1029/2018WR023892.
Samuel, Jos; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Abbasnezhadi, Kian et Savary, Stéphane
Development and evaluation of a hydrologic data-assimilation scheme for short-range flow and inflow forecasts in a data-sparse high-latitude region using a distributed model and ensemble Kalman filtering.
Advances in Water Resources
, vol. 130
pp. 198-220.
DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.06.004.
Sebastian, Joseph; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy et Verma, Mausam P.
Microwave-assisted extraction of chitosan from Rhizopus oryzae NRRL 1526 biomass.
Carbohydrate Polymers
, vol. 219
pp. 431-440.
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.05.047.
Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID: et Charron, Christian
Changes in the distribution of hydro-climatic extremes in a non-stationary framework.
Scientific Reports
, vol. 9
, nº 1.
p. 8104.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44603-7.
Vaillancourt, Catherine; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID: et Pelletier, Geneviève
Hydrologic Performance of Permeable Pavement as an Adaptive Measure in Urban Areas: Case Studies near Montreal, Canada.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
, vol. 24
, nº 8.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001812.
Sena, Noumonvi Yawu; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID:; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID: et Bernier, Monique
Critical Analysis of the Snow Survey Network According to the Spatial Variability of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) on Eastern Mainland Canada.
, vol. 6
, nº 2.
p. 55.
DOI: 10.3390/hydrology6020055.
Lavoie, Isabelle
ORCID:; Morin, Soizic; Laderriere, Vincent; Paris, Louise-Emmanuelle et Fortin, Claude
Assessment of Diatom Assemblages in Close Proximity to Mining Activities in Nunavik, Northern Quebec (Canada).
, vol. 6
, nº 6.
p. 74.
DOI: 10.3390/environments6060074.
Ouellet-Proulx, Sébastien; St-Hilaire, André et Boucher, Marie-Amélie
Implication of evaporative loss estimation methods in discharge and water temperature modelling in cool temperate climates.
Hydrological Processes
, vol. 33
, nº 22.
pp. 2867-2884.
DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13534.
Liu, Fengjie; Tan, Qiao-Guo; Fortin, Claude
ORCID: et Campbell, Peter G. C.
Why Does Cysteine Enhance Metal Uptake by Phytoplankton in Seawater but Not in Freshwater?
Environmental Science & Technology
, vol. 53
, nº 11.
pp. 6511-6519.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b00571.
Sebastian, Joseph; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Kumar, Pratik; Rouissi, Tarek et Brar, Satinder Kaur
Bioproduction of fumaric acid: an insight into microbial strain improvement strategies.
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology
, vol. 39
, nº 6.
pp. 817-834.
DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2019.1620677.
Giordano, Nicolo et Raymond, Jasmin
Alternative and sustainable heat production for drinking water needs in a subarctic climate (Nunavik, Canada): Borehole thermal energy storage to reduce fossil fuel dependency in off-grid communities.
Applied Energy
, vol. 252
p. 113463.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113463.
Mahdianpari, Masoud; Mohammadimanesh, Fariba; McNairn, Heather; Davidson, Andrew; Rezaee, Mohammad; Salehi, Bahram et Homayouni, Saeid
Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compact-, and Full-polarization in Preparation for the Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM).
Remote Sensing
, vol. 11
, nº 13.
p. 1582.
DOI: 10.3390/rs11131582.
Larmagnat, Stéphanie; Des Roches, Mathieu; Daigle, Louis-Frédéric; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; Lavoie, Denis; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; Malo, Michel et Aubiès-Trouilh, Alexandre
Continuous porosity characterization: Metric-scale intervals in heterogeneous sedimentary rocks using medical CT-scanner.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
, vol. 109
pp. 361-380.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.04.039.
Masselot, Pierre; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID:; Lavigne, Eric; Campagna, Céline; Gosselin, Pierre et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
Toward an Improved Air Pollution Warning System in Quebec.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
, vol. 16
, nº 12.
p. 2095.
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16122095.
Mouedhen, Ikbel; Coudert, Lucie; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID: et Mercier, Guy
Prediction of physical separation of metals from soils contaminated with municipal solid waste ashes and metallurgical residues.
Waste Management
, vol. 93
pp. 138-152.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.05.031.
Thiffault, Evelyne; Barrette, Julie; Blanchet, Pierre; Nguyen, Quy et Adjalle, Kokou D.
Optimizing Quality of Wood Pellets Made of Hardwood Processing Residues.
, vol. 10
, nº 7.
p. 607.
DOI: 10.3390/f10070607.
Bartosiewicz, Maciej; Przytulska, Anna; Deshpande, Bethany N.; Antoniades, Dermot; Cortes, Alicia; MacIntyre, Sally; Lehmann, Moritz F. et Laurion, Isabelle
Effects of climate change and episodic heat events on cyanobacteria in a eutrophic polymictic lake.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 693
p. 133414.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.220.
Cardon, Pierre-Yves; Triffault-Bouchet, Gaëlle; Caron, Antoine; Rosabal, Maikel; Fortin, Claude
ORCID: et Amyot, Marc
Toxicity and Subcellular Fractionation of Yttrium in Three Freshwater Organisms: Daphnia magna, Chironomus riparius, and Oncorhynchus mykiss.
ACS Omega
, vol. 4
, nº 9.
pp. 13747-13755.
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b01238.
Alobaidi, Mohammad H.; Meguid, Mohamed A. et Chebana, Fateh
Predicting seismic-induced liquefaction through ensemble learning frameworks.
Scientific Reports
, vol. 9
, nº 1.
p. 11786.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-48044-0.
Giordano, Nicolo; Chicco, Jessica; Mandrone, Giuseppe; Verdoya, Massimo et Wheeler, Walter H.
Comparing transient and steady-state methods for the thermal conductivity characterization of a borehole heat exchanger field in Bergen, Norway.
Environmental Earth Sciences
, vol. 78
, nº 15.
p. 460.
DOI: 10.1007/s12665-019-8397-7.
Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; Bédard, Karine; Comeau, Félix-Antoine; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID:; Comeau, Guillaume; Millet, Emmanuelle et Foy, Stéfan
A workflow for bedrock thermal conductivity map to help designing geothermal heat pump systems in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Québec, Canada.
Science and Technology for the Built Environment
, vol. 25
, nº 8.
pp. 963-979.
DOI: 10.1080/23744731.2019.1642077.
Blessent, Daniela; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; López-Sánchez, Jacqueline; Dezayes, Chrystel; Malo, Michel; Goderniaux, Pascal; Daniele, Linda et Le Borgne, Tanguy
The successful experience of IGCP636 project “Unifying international research forces to unlock and strengthen geothermal exploitation of the Americas and Europe”.
, vol. 42
, nº 3.
pp. 253-258.
DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2019/019014.
Dinis, Lauriane; Bégin, Christian; Savard, Martine M.; Marion, Joëlle; Brigode, Pierre et Alvarez, Cristian
Tree-ring stable isotopes for regional discharge reconstruction in eastern Labrador and teleconnection with the Arctic Oscillation.
Climate Dynamics
, vol. 53
, nº 5-6.
pp. 3625-3640.
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-019-04731-2.
Metahni, Sabrine; Coudert, Lucie; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID:; Guemiza, Karima; Mercier, Guy et Blais, Jean-François
Comparison of different interpolation methods and sequential Gaussian simulation to estimate volumes of soil contaminated by As, Cr, Cu, PCP and dioxins/furans.
Environmental Pollution
, vol. 252
pp. 409-419.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.05.122.
Kumar, Lalit; Ndao, Adama; Valéro, José R. et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Production of Bacillus thuringiensis based biopesticide formulation using starch industry wastewater (SIW) as substrate: A techno-economic evaluation.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 294
p. 122144.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122144.
Kumar, Lalit; Yellapu, Sravan Kumar; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Zhang, Xiaolei
A review on variation in crude glycerol composition, bio-valorization of crude and purified glycerol as carbon source for lipid production.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 293
p. 122155.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122155.
El-Housni, Hind; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID: et Mailhot, Alain
Predicting Individual Hydraulic Performance of Sewer Pipes in Context of Climate Change.
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
, vol. 145
, nº 11.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001127.
Galloway, Sarah; Ross, Pierre-Simon
ORCID:; Bandyayera, Daniel et Daoudene, Yannick
Contemporaneously erupted tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas in the Archean Colomb-Chaboullié greenstone belt, James Bay, Quebec: Petrologic implications.
Precambrian Research
, vol. 331
p. 105363.
DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105363.
Doose, Caroline; Morin, Soizic; Vedrenne, Jacky et Fortin, Claude
Impact of Zirconium on Freshwater Periphytic Microorganisms.
, vol. 6
, nº 10.
p. 111.
DOI: 10.3390/environments6100111.
Jenny, Jean-Philippe; Koirala, Sujan; Gregory-Eaves, Irene; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; Niemann, Christoph; Ahrens, Bernhard; Brovkin, Victor; Baud, Alexandre; Ojala, Antti E. K.; Normandeau, Alexandre; Zolitschka, Bernd et Carvalhais, Nuno
Human and climate global-scale imprint on sediment transfer during the Holocene.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
, vol. 116
, nº 46.
pp. 22972-22976.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1908179116.
Schnitzler, Nathalie; Ross, Pierre-Simon
ORCID: et Gloaguen, Erwan
Using machine learning to estimate a key missing geochemical variable in mining exploration: Application of the Random Forest algorithm to multi-sensor core logging data.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
, vol. 205
p. 106344.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.106344.
Du Breuil, Clémence; César‐Pasquier, Louis; Dipple, Gregory; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID:; Iliuta, Maria C. et Mercier, Guy
Mineralogical Transformations of Heated Serpentine and Their Impact on Dissolution during Aqueous‐Phase Mineral Carbonation Reaction in Flue Gas Conditions.
, vol. 9
, nº 11.
p. 680.
DOI: 10.3390/min9110680.
Kumar, Pratik; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Cledon, Maximiliano; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh et Galvez-Cloutier, Rosa
Dataset of breakthrough time for various modified sand materials using Rhodamine-B as an adsorbate.
Data in Brief
, vol. 27
p. 104751.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104751.
Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Charron, Christian; Kumar, Kondapalli Niranjan; Phanikumar, Devulapalli Venkata; Molini, Annalisa et Basha, Ghouse
Nonstationary warm spell frequency analysis integrating climate variability and change with application to the Middle East.
Climate Dynamics
, vol. 53
, nº 9-10.
pp. 5329-5347.
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-019-04866-2.
Bartosiewicz, Maciej; Przytulska, Anna; Lapierre, Jean‐François; Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID:; Lehmann, Moritz F. et Maranger, Roxane
Hot tops, cold bottoms: Synergistic climate warming and shielding effects increase carbon burial in lakes.
Limnology and Oceanography Letters
, vol. 4
, nº 5.
pp. 132-144.
DOI: 10.1002/lol2.10117.
Osorio-González, Carlos S.; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh et Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio
Data set of green extraction of valuable chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass using microwave method.
Data in Brief
, vol. 26
p. 104347.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104347.
Chassiot, Léo; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; De Coninck, Arnaud; Lajeunesse, Patrick; Cloutier, Danielle et Labarre, Thibault
Dataset for the assessment of metallic pollution in the Saint-Charles River sediments (Québec City, QC, Canada).
Data in Brief
, vol. 26
p. 104256.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104256.
Miri, Saba; Naghdi, Mitra; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur et Martel, Richard
Recent biotechnological advances in petroleum hydrocarbons degradation under cold climate conditions: A review.
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
, vol. 49
, nº 7.
pp. 553-586.
DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2018.1552070.
Slaveykova, Vera I.; Couture, Patrice
ORCID:; Duquesne, Sabine; D’Hugues, Patrick et Sanchez, Wilfried
Recycling, reuse, and circular economy: a challenge for ecotoxicological research.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
, vol. 26
, nº 21.
pp. 22097-22100.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-04626-z.
Bertucci, Anthony; Pierron, Fabien; Ye, Tao; Gonzalez, Patrice; Couture, Patrice
ORCID: et Baudrimont, Magalie
Identification and expression of microRNAs in european eels Anguilla anguilla from two natural sites with different pollution levels.
Environmental Pollution
, vol. 250
pp. 274-283.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.04.029.
Niazmardi, Saeid; Homayouni, Saeid
ORCID: et Safari, Abdolreza
A computationally efficient multi-domain active learning method for crop mapping using satellite image time-series.
International Journal of Remote Sensing
, vol. 40
, nº 16.
pp. 6383-6394.
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2019.1591648.
Reisi-Gahrouei, Omid; Homayouni, Saeid
ORCID:; McNairn, Heather; Hosseini, Mehdi et Safari, Abdolreza
Crop biomass estimation using multi regression analysis and neural networks from multitemporal L-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data.
International Journal of Remote Sensing
, vol. 40
, nº 17.
pp. 6822-6840.
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2019.1594436.
Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Pottinger, Thomas G.; Moore, Alanna; De Ville, Mitzi M.; Caillouet, Laurie; Carter, Heather T.; Pereira, M. Gloria et Maberly, Stephen C.
Effects of brownification and warming on algal blooms, metabolism and higher trophic levels in productive shallow lake mesocosms.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 678
pp. 227-238.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.105.
Löwemark, Ludvig; Bloemsma, Menno; Croudace, Ian; Daly, J. Stephen; Edwards, Robin J.; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; Galloway, Jennifer M.; Gregory, Braden R.B.; Steven Huang, Jyh-Jaan; Jones, Anna F.; Kylander, Malin; Löwemark, Ludvig; Luo, Yangbing; Maclachlan, Suzanne; Ohlendorf, Christian; Patterson, R. Timothy; Pearce, Christof; Profe, Jörn; Reinhardt, Eduard G.; Stranne, Christian; Tjallingii, Rik et Turner, Jonathan N.
Practical guidelines and recent advances in the Itrax XRF core-scanning procedure.
Quaternary International
, vol. 514
pp. 16-29.
DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.10.044.
Simón-Herrero, Carolina; Naghdi, Mitra; Taheran, Mehrdad; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Romero, Amaya; Valverde, José L.; Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio et Sánchez-Silva, Luz
Immobilized laccase on polyimide aerogels for removal of carbamazepine.
Journal of Hazardous Materials
, vol. 376
pp. 83-90.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.05.032.
Beirão, José; Baillon, Lucie; Litt, Margaret A.; Langlois, Valérie S.
ORCID: et Purchase, Craig F.
Impact of crude oil and the dispersant Corexit™ EC9500A on capelin (Mallotus villosus) embryo development.
Marine Environmental Research
, vol. 147
pp. 90-100.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.04.004.
El-Alem, Anas; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID:; Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID:; El Adlouni, Salah-Eddine; Raymond, Sébastien et Ratté-Fortin, Claudie
Ensemble-Based Systems to Monitor Algal Bloom With Remote Sensing.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
, vol. 57
, nº 10.
pp. 7955-7971.
DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2917636.
Akowanou, Akuemaho Virgile Onésime; Deguenon, Hontonho Espérance Justine; Groendijk, Leo; Aina, Martin Pépin; Yao, Benjamin Kouassi et Drogui, Patrick
3D-printed clay-based ceramic water filters for point-of-use water treatment applications.
Progress in Additive Manufacturing
, vol. 4
, nº 3.
pp. 315-321.
DOI: 10.1007/s40964-019-00091-9.
Fathian, Farshad; Fakheri-Fard, Ahmad; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Dinpashoh, Yagob et Mousavi Nadoushani, S. Saeid
Modeling streamflow time series using nonlinear SETAR-GARCH models.
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 573
pp. 82-97.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.072.
Touati, Chaima; Ratsimbazafy, Tahiana; Ludwig, Ralf Peter et Bernier, Monique
New Approaches for Removing the Effect of Water Damping on SMAP Freeze/Thaw Mapping.
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing / Journal canadien de télédétection
, vol. 45
, nº 3-4.
pp. 405-422.
DOI: 10.1080/07038992.2019.1638236.
Huot, Yannick; Brown, Catherine A.; Potvin, Geneviève; Antoniades, Dermot; Baulch, Helen M.; Beisner, Beatrix; Bélanger, Simon; Brazeau, Stéphanie; Cabana, Hubert; Cardille, Jeffrey A.; del Giorgio, Paul A.; Gregory-Eaves, Irene; Fortin, Marie-Josée; Lang, Andrew S.; Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID:; Maranger, Roxane; Prairie, Yves T.; Rusak, James A.; Segura, Pedro A.; Siron, Robert; Smol, John P.; Vinebrooke, Rolf D. et Walsh, David A.
The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 695
p. 133668.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133668.
Uh Zapata, Miguel; Zhang, Wei; Pham Van Bang, Damien
ORCID: et Nguyen, Kim Dan
A parallel second-order unstructured finite volume method for 3D free-surface flows using a σ coordinate.
Computers & Fluids
, vol. 190
pp. 15-29.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.06.001.
Kaur, Rajwinder; Roy, Dany; Yellapu, Sravan Kumar; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Enhanced Composting Leachate Treatment Using Extracellular Polymeric Substances as Bioflocculant.
Journal of Environmental Engineering
, vol. 145
, nº 11.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001584.
Innocenti, Silvia; Mailhot, Alain
ORCID:; Frigon, Anne; Cannon, Alex J. et Leduc, Martin
Observed and Simulated Precipitation over Northeastern North America: How Do Daily and Subdaily Extremes Scale in Space and Time?
Journal of Climate
, vol. 32
, nº 24.
pp. 8563-8582.
DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0021.1.
Abbasnezhadi, Kian; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Koenig, Kristina; Zahmatkesh, Zahra et Wruth, Andrea M.
Hydrological assessment of meteorological network density through data assimilation simulation.
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 569
pp. 844-858.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.12.027.
Daigle, Anik; Boyer, Claudine et St-Hilaire, André
A standardized characterization of river thermal regimes in Québec (Canada).
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 577
p. 123963.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.123963.
Shishegar, Shadab; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID: et Pelletier, Geneviève
An integrated optimization and rule-based approach for predictive real time control of urban stormwater management systems.
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 577
p. 124000.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124000.
Ben Nasr, Iméne et Chebana, Fateh
Multivariate L-moment based tests for copula selection, with hydrometeorological applications.
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 579
p. 124151.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124151.
Ben Nasr, Iméne et Chebana, Fateh
Homogeneity testing of multivariate hydrological records, using multivariate copula L-moments.
Advances in Water Resources
, vol. 134
p. 103449.
DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103449.
Cuprys, Agnieszka; Lecka, Joanna; Proulx, François; Brar, Satinder Kaur et Drogui, Patrick
Appearance of ciprofloxacin/chlortetracycline-resistant bacteria in waters of Québec City in Canada.
Journal of Infection and Public Health
, vol. 12
, nº 6.
pp. 897-899.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2019.04.012.
Camporese, Matteo; Paniconi, Claudio
ORCID:; Putti, Mario et McDonnell, Jeffrey J.
Fill and Spill Hillslope Runoff Representation With a Richards Equation‐Based Model.
Water Resources Research
, vol. 55
, nº 11.
pp. 8445-8462.
DOI: 10.1029/2019WR025726.
Matveev, Alex; Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID: et Vincent, Warwick
Winter Accumulation of Methane and its Variable Timing of Release from Thermokarst Lakes in Subarctic Peatlands.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
, vol. 124
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pp. 3521-3535.
DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005078.
Khider, Deborah; Emile-Geay, Julien; McKay, Nicholas P.; Gil, Yolanda; Garijo, Daniel; Ratnakar, Varun; Alonso‐Garcia, Montserrat; Bertrand, Sébastien; Bothe, Oliver; Brewer, Peter; Bunn, Andy; Chevalier, Manuel; Comas‐Bru, Laia; Csank, Adam; Dassié, Emilie; DeLong, Kristine L.; Felis, Thomas; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; Frappier, Amy; Gray, William; Goring, Simon; Jonkers, Lukas; Kahle, Michael; Kaufman, Darrell S.; Kehrwald, Natalie M.; Martrat, Belen; McGregor, Helen V.; Richey, Julie; Schmittner, Aandreas; Scroxton, Nick; Sutherland, Elaine; Thirumalai, Kaustubh; Allen, Kathryn J.; Arnaud, Fabien; Axford, Yarrow; Barrows, Timothy T.; Bazin, Lucie; Pilaar Birch, Suzanne E.; Bradley, Elizabeth; Bregy, Josh; Capron, Emilie; Cartapanis, Olivier; Chiang, Hong-Wei; Cobb, Kim M.; Debret, Maxime; Dommain, René; Du, Jianghui; Dyez, Kelsey; Emerick, Suellyn; Erb, Michael; Falster, Georgina; Finsinger, Walter; Fortier, Daniel; Gauthier, Nicolas; George, Steven; Grimm, Eric Christopher; Hertzberg, Jennifer; Hibbert, Fiona D.; Hillman, Aubrey; Hobbs, William; Huber, Mmatthew; Hughes, Anna L. C.; Jaccard, Samuel; Ruan, Jiaoyang; Kienast, Markus; Konecky, Bronwen; Le Roux, Gaël; Lyubchich, Vyacheslav; Novello, Valdir Felipe; Olaka, Lydia; Partin, Judson W.; Pearce, Christof; Phipps, Steven J.; Pignol, Cécile; Piotrowska, Natalia; Poli, Maria-Serena; Prokopenko, Alexander; Schwanck, Fran; Stepanek, Christian; Swann, George E. A.; Telford, Richard; Thomas, Elizabeth R.; Thomas, Zoé; Truebe, Sarah; Gunten, Lucien; Waite, Amanda; Weitzel, Nils; Wilhelm, Bruno; Williams, John B.; Williams, Jason J.; Winstrup, Mai; Zhao, Ning et Zhou, Yuxin
PaCTS 1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
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pp. 1570-1596.
DOI: 10.1029/2019PA003632.
Vélez Marquez, Maria Isabel; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; Blessent, Daniela et Philippe, Mikael
Terrestrial heat flow evaluation from thermal. response tests combined with temperature profiling
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C
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pp. 22-30.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2019.07.002.
Tsvetkova, Olga et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
Quasi-Monte Carlo technique in global sensitivity analysis of wind resource assessment with a study on UAE.
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
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DOI: 10.1063/1.5120035.
Innocenti, Silvia; Mailhot, Alain
ORCID:; Leduc, Martin; Cannon, Alex J. et Frigon, Anne
Projected Changes in the Probability Distributions, Seasonality, and Spatiotemporal Scaling of Daily and Subdaily Extreme Precipitation Simulated by a 50‐Member Ensemble Over Northeastern North America.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
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pp. 10427-10449.
DOI: 10.1029/2019JD031210.
Boudreault, Jérémie; Bergeron, Normand
ORCID:; St-Hilaire, André et Chebana, Fateh
Stream Temperature Modeling Using Functional Regression Models.
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
, vol. 55
, nº 6.
pp. 1382-1400.
DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12778.
Lapointe, François; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; Stoner, Joseph; Abbott, Mark B.; Balascio, Nicholas L.; Cook, Timothy L.; Bradley, Raymond S.; Forman, Steven L.; Besonen, Mark R. et St-Onge, Guillaume
Chronology and sedimentology of a new 2.9 ka annually laminated record from South Sawtooth Lake, Ellesmere Island.
Quaternary Science Reviews
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p. 105875.
DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105875.
Jaziri, Nehed; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; Giordano, Nicolo et Molson, John W.
Long-Term Temperature Evaluation of a Ground-Coupled Heat Pump System Subject to Groundwater Flow.
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p. 96.
DOI: 10.3390/en13010096.
Gatel, Laura; Lauvernet, Claire; Carluer, Nadia; Weill, Sylvain et Paniconi, Claudio
Sobol Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Coupled Surface/Subsurface Water Flow and Reactive Solute Transfer Model on a Real Hillslope.
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p. 121.
DOI: 10.3390/w12010121.
Perra, Enrica; Piras, Monica; Deidda, Roberto; Mascaro, Giuseppe et Paniconi, Claudio
Investigating Parameter Transferability across Models and Events for a Semiarid Mediterranean Catchment.
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p. 2261.
DOI: 10.3390/w11112261.
Roy, Dany; Benkaraache, Sanae; Lemay, Jean-François; Landry, Dany; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
High-strength ammonium wastewater treatment by MBR: Steady-state nitrification kinetic parameters.
Journal of Water Process Engineering
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p. 100945.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2019.100945.
North, Rebecca L.; Benoy, Glenn; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID: et Foulon, Étienne
A global scan of how the issue of nutrient loading and harmful algal blooms is being addressed by governments, non-governmental organizations, and volunteers,
Water Quality Research Journal
, vol. 55
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pp. 1-23.
DOI: 10.2166/wqrj.2019.013.
Narancic, Biljana; Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID:; Wolfe, Brent B.; Behmel, Sonja et Rousseau, Alain N.
Seasonal contributions of water and pollutants to Lake St. Charles, a drinking water reservoir.
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
pp. 1-19.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2019.1706641.
Du Breuil, Clémence; Pasquier, Louis-César
ORCID:; Dipple, Gregory; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID:; Iliuta, Maria C. et Mercier, Guy
Impact of particle size in serpentine thermal treatment: Implications for serpentine dissolution in aqueous-phase using CO2 in flue gas conditions.
Applied Clay Science
, vol. 182
p. 105286.
DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2019.105286.
Garneau, Cyril; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID: et St-Hilaire, André
Comparison of modelling approaches to estimate trapping efficiency of sedimentation basins on peatlands used for peat extraction.
Ecological Engineering
, vol. 133
pp. 60-68.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.04.025.
Kim Tiam, Sandra; Lavoie, Isabelle
ORCID:; Liu, Fengjie; Hamilton, Paul B. et Fortin, Claude
Diatom Deformities and Tolerance to Cadmium Contamination in Four Species.
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p. 102.
DOI: 10.3390/environments6090102.
Gutierrez-Villagomez, Juan Manuel; Martyniuk, Christopher J.; Xing, Lei; Langlois, Valérie S.
ORCID:; Pauli, Bruce D.; Blais, Jules M. et Trudeau, Vance L.
Transcriptome Analysis Reveals That Naphthenic Acids Perturb Gene Networks Related to Metabolic Processes, Membrane Integrity, and Gut Function in Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis Embryos.
Frontiers in Marine Science
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DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00533.
Gernez, Simon; Bouchedda, Abderrezak; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID: et Paradis, Daniel
Comparison Between Hydraulic Conductivity Anisotropy and Electrical Resistivity Anisotropy From Tomography Inverse Modeling.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
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p. 67.
DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00067.
Miri, Saba; Hajihosseini, Reza; Saedi, Hamed; Vaseghi, Maryam et Rasooli, Azadeh
Fermented soybean meal extract improves oxidative stress factors in the lung of inflammation/infection animal model.
Annals of Microbiology
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pp. 1507-1515.
DOI: 10.1007/s13213-019-01534-y.
Martel, Richard
ORCID:; Portois, Clément; Robert, Thomas et Uyeda, Michelle
Etched glass micromodel for laboratory simulation of NAPL recovery mechanisms by surfactant solutions in fractured rock.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
, vol. 227
p. 103550.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2019.103550.
Neury‐Ormanni, Julie; Doose, Caroline; Majdi, Nabil; Vedrenne, Jacky; Morin, Soizic; Höss, Sebastian et Traunspurger, Walter
Tolerance of free‐living nematode species to imidacloprid and diuron.
Invertebrate Biology
, vol. 138
, nº 4.
DOI: 10.1111/ivb.12272.
Osorio-González, Carlos S.; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Ferreira, Pedro; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh; Soccol, Carlos Ricardo et Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio
Lipid production in Rhodosporidium toruloides using C-6 and C-5 wood hydrolysate: A comparative study.
Biomass and Bioenergy
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p. 105355.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.105355.
Celebanska, Anna; Chiniforooshan, Yasser; Janik, Monika; Mikulic, Predrag; Sellamuthu, Balasubramanian; Perreault, Jonathan
ORCID: et Bock, Wojtek J.
Bioinspired Carbohydrate-Decorated Long-Period Fiber Grating for Label-Free Bacteria Detection.
IEEE Sensors Journal
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pp. 11965-11971.
DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2939279.
Brar, Satinder Kaur; Verma, Mausam P.; Misra, Kshipra; Sharma, Sumit; Sarma, Saurabh Jyoti et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Production of cellulase by Trichoderma sp. by utilization of various agro-food residues.
International Journal of Environment and Health Sciences
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pp. 1-6.
Brar, Satinder Kaur; Verma, Mausam P.; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Surampalli, Rao Y. et Misra, Kshipra
Tannery wastes: Trivalent chromium case.
International Journal of Environment and Health Sciences
, vol. 1
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pp. 15-33.
Wu, Yanfeng; Zhang, Guangxin; Qi, Peng; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Hu, Baojun; Yan, Song et Gang, Yu Cheng
Integration of wetland modules into the watershed hydrological model assessment of simulation accuracy.
Shuikexue Jinzhan / Advances in Water Science
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pp. 326-336.
DOI: 10.14042/j.cnki.32.1309.2019.03.003.
Hosseini, Mehdi; McNairn, Heather; Mitchell, Scott; Dingle Robertson, Laura; Davidson, Andrew et Homayouni, Saeid
Synthetic aperture radar and optical satellite data for estimating the biomass of corn.
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p. 101933.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.101933.
Hadavand, Ahmad; Saadat Seresht, Mohammad et Homayouni, Saeid
A novel density-based super-pixel aggregation for automatic segmentation of remote sensing images in urban areas.
Earth Observation and Geomatics Engineering
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pp. 84-91.
DOI: 10.22059/EOGE.2019.282354.1048.
Guemiza, Karima; Coudert, Lucie; Mercier, Gabrielle; Tran, Lan Huong; Metahni, Sabrine; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID:; Besner, Simon et Mercier, Guy
Removal of Potential Toxic Inorganic and Organic Compounds from Contaminated Soils by Alkaline Leaching with Surfactant.
Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal
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pp. 513-527.
DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2019.1635080.
Chassiot, Léo; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; De Coninck, Arnaud; Lajeunesse, Patrick; Cloutier, Danielle et Labarre, Thibault
Spatial and temporal patterns of metallic pollution in Québec City, Canada: Sources and hazard assessment from reservoir sediment records.
Science of The Total Environment
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pp. 136-147.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.021.
Paquet, Nathalie; Indiketi, Nishodi; Dalencourt, Claire; Larivière, Dominic; Roberge, Steeve; Gruyer, Nicolas; Triffault-Bouchet, Gaëlle et Fortin, Claude
Toxicity of tailing leachates from a niobium mine toward three aquatic organisms.
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pp. 355-363.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.03.065.
Tiwari, Bhagyashree; Sellamuthu, Balasubramanian; Piché-Choquette, Sarah; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Vaudreuil, Marc-Antoine; Sauvé, Sébastien; Buelna, Gerardo et Dubé, Rino
The bacterial community structure of submerged membrane bioreactor treating synthetic hospital wastewater.
Bioresource Technology
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p. 121362.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.121362.
Davoodi, Seyyed Mohammadreza; Taheran, Mehrdad; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Galvez-Cloutier, Rosa et Martel, Richard
Hydrophobic dolomite sorbent for oil spill clean-ups: Kinetic modeling and isotherm study.
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pp. 57-72.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.04.033.
Ano, Judicaël; Assémian, Alain Stéphane; Yobouet, Yao Augustin; Adouby, Kopoin et Drogui, Patrick
Electrochemical removal of phosphate from synthetic effluent: A comparative study between iron and aluminum by using experimental design methodology.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
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pp. 184-195.
DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2019.07.003.
Centre INRS-Institut Armand Frappier
Massicotte, Marie-Ange; Vincent, Antony T.; Schneider, Anna; Paquet, Valérie; Frenette, Michel et Charette, Steve J.
One Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida isolate with a pAsa5 variant bearing antibiotic resistance and a pRAS3 variant making a link with a swine pathogen
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pp. 313-320.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.456.
Lamine, Asma; Poujol de Molliens, Mathilde; Létourneau, Myriam; Hébert, Terence E; Vaudry, David; Fournier, Alain et Chatenet, David
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Poujol de Molliens, Mathilde; Jamadagni, Priyanka; Létourneau, Myriam; Devost, Dominic; Hébert, Terence E; Patten, Shunmoogum A.; Fournier, Alain et Chatenet, David
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Peters, Cheryl E.; Bogaert, Laura; Latifovic, Lidija; Kachuri, Linda; Harris, Shelley A; Parent, Marie-Élise
ORCID: et Villeneuve, Paul J.
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Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2019-105870.
Vincent, Antony T.; Le Breton, Alain; Bernatchez, Alex; Gagné-Thivierge, Cynthia; Paquet, Valérie; Thibault, Eric; Charette, Steve J. et Gantelet, Hubert
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DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.04.003.
William, Mirtha; Leroux, Louis-Phillipe; Chaparro, Visnu; Graber, Tyson; Alain, Tommy et Jaramillo, Maritza
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Maisuria, Vimal B; Okshevsky, Mira; Déziel, Éric
ORCID: et Tufenkji, Nathalie
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pp. 1-12.
DOI: 10.1002/advs.201802333.
Bafna, Khushboo; Narayanan, Chitra; Chennubhotla, Chakra; Doucet, Nicolas
ORCID: et Agarwal, Pratul K
Nucleotide substrate binding characterization in human pancreatic-type ribonucleases
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Arango Duque, Guillermo; Jardim, Armando; Gagnon, Étienne; Fukuda, Mitsunori et Descoteaux, Albert
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da Silva Vieira, Tamara; Rugani, Jeronimo N.; Nogueira, Paula M.; Torrecilhas, Ana Claudia; Gontijo, Célia Maria Ferreira; Descoteaux, Albert
ORCID: et Soares, Rodrigo P.
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El Bakkouri, Majida; Kouidmi, Imène; Wernimont, Amy K.; Amani, Mehrnaz; Hutchinson, Ashley; Loppnau, Peter; Kim, Jeong Joo; Flueck, Christian; Walker, John R.; Seitova, Alma; Senisterra, Guillermo; Kakihara, Yoshito; Kim, Chloe; Blackman, Michael J.; Calmettes, Charles; Baker, David A. et Hui, Raymond
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Barul, Christine; Richard, Hugues et Parent, Marie-Élise
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Giard-Laliberté, Charlotte; Azarbad, Hamed; Tremblay, Julien; Bainard, Luke D. et Yergeau, Étienne
A water stress-adapted inoculum affects rhizosphere fungi, but not bacteria nor wheat
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Yuki, Kyoko E.; Marei, Hadir; Fiskin, Evgenij; Eva, Megan M.; Gopal, Angelica A.; Schwartzentruber, Jeremy; Majewski, Jacek; Cellier, Mathieu
ORCID:; Mandl, Judith N.; Vidal, Silvia M.; Malo, Danielle et Dikic, Ivan
CYRI/FAM49B negatively regulates RAC1-driven cytoskeletal remodelling and protects against bacterial infection
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pp. 1516-1531.
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Hong, Quan Nha; Pluye, Pierre; Fabregues, Sergi; Bartlett, Gillian; Boardman, Felicity; Cargo, Margaret; Dagenais, Pierre; Gagnon, Marie-Pierre; Griffiths, Frances; Nicolau, Belinda; O'Cathain, Alicia; Rousseau, Marie-Claude
ORCID: et Vedel, Isabelle
Improving the content validity of the mixed methods appraisal tool: a modified e-Delphi study
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pp. 49-59.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2019.03.008.
Celebanska, Anna; Chiniforooshan, Yasser; Janik, Monika; Mikulic, Predrag; Sellamuthu, Balasubramanian; Walsh, Ryan; Perreault, Jonathan
ORCID: et Bock, Wojtek J.
Label-free cocaine aptasensor based on a long-period fiber grating
Optics Letters
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pp. 2482-2485.
DOI: 10.1364/OL.44.002482.
Haddad, Mohamed; Perrotte, Morgane; Landri, Sarra; Lepage, Aurélie; Fulop, Tamas et Ramassamy, Charles
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Journal of Alzheimers Disease
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pp. 751-762.
DOI: 10.3233/jad-181272.
Naud, Jean-François
ORCID:; Giraud, Sylvain; Robinson, Neil; Desharnais, Philippe; Ericsson, Magnus; Saugy, Martial; Kuuranne, Tiia; Ayotte, Christiane; Boghosian, Thierry et Sottas, Pierre-Edouard
Standardization of reticulocyte counts in the athlete biological passport
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Côté, Francine et Vaillancourt, Cathy
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Crobeddu, Bélinda; Ferraris, Emanuelle; Kolasa, Elise et Plante, Isabelle
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Environmental Research
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pp. 165-173.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.03.037.
Hudon-Thibeault, Andrée-Anne; Sanderson, J. Thomas
ORCID: et Vaillancourt, Cathy
Serotonin-estrogen interactions: What can we learn from pregnancy?
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pp. 88-108.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2019.03.023.
Thibeault, Andrée-Anne; Sanderson, J. Thomas
ORCID: et Vaillancourt, Cathy
Serotonin-estrogen interactions: What can we learn from pregnancy?
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pp. 88-108.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2019.03.023.
Hossain, Farah; Follett, Peter; Salmieri, Stéphane; Vu, Khanh Dang; Harich, Mehdi et Lacroix, Monique
Synergistic Effects of Nanocomposite Films Containing Essential Oil Nanoemulsions in Combination with Ionizing Radiation for Control of Rice Weevil Sitophilus oryzae in Stored Grains
Journal of Food Science
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pp. 1439-1446.
DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.14603.
Cortese, Mirko; Kumar, Anil; Matula, Petr; Kaderali, Lars; Scaturro, Pietro; Erfle, Holger; Acosta, Eliana Gisela; Buehler, Sandra; Ruggieri, Alessia; Chatel-Chaix, Laurent
ORCID:; Rohr, Karl et Bartenschlager, Ralf
Reciprocal Effects of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Signaling on Dengue Virus Replication and Virion Production
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pp. 2579-2592.
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ORCID:; Brenner-Weiss, Gérard; Feuilloley, Marc G. J.; Orange, Nicole; Lesouhaitier, Olivier; Cornelis, Pierre et Chevalier, Sylvie
Extracellular DNA release, quorum sensing, and PrrF1/F2 small RNAs are key players in Pseudomonas aeruginosa tobramycin-enhanced biofilm formation
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pp. 1-11.
DOI: 10.1038/s41522-019-0088-3.
Vincent, Antony T.; Schiettekatte, Olivier; Goarant, Cyrille; Neela, Vasantha Kumari; Bernet, Eve; Thibeaux, Roman; Ismail, Nabilah; Mohd Khalid, Mohd Khairul Nizam; Amran, Fairuz; Masuzawa, Toshiyuki; Nakao, Ryo; Amara Korba, Anissa; Bourhy, Pascale; Veyrier, Frédéric
ORCID: et Picardeau, Mathieu
Revisiting the taxonomy and evolution of pathogenicity of the genus Leptospira through the prism of genomics
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pp. 1-25.
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Dlim, Marwa; Shahout, Fatma; Khabir, Marwa; Labonté, Patrick
ORCID: et Laplante, Steven
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Coulon, Pauline; Groleau, Marie-Christine et Déziel, Éric
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Adejumo, Adeyinka Charles; Li, Jingjing; Akanbi, Olalekan; Adejumo, Kelechi Lauretta et Bukong, Terence Ndonyi
Reduced Prevalence of Alcoholic Gastritis in Hospitalized Individuals Who Consume Cannabis
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Cota-Ruiz, Keni; Lopez de los Santos, Yossef; Hernandez-Viezcas, José A.; Delgado-Rios, Marcos; Peralta-Videa, Jose R. et Gardea-Torresdey, Jorge L.
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Golbaghi, Golara; Haghdoost, Mohammad Mehdi; Yancu, Debbie; Lopez de los Santos, Yossef; Doucet, Nicolas
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Cyoia, Paula Signolfi; Koga, Vanessa Lumi; Nishio, Erick Kenji; Houle, Sébastien; Dozois, Charles M.
ORCID:; Tagliari de Brito, Kelly Cristina; Guimares de Brito, Benito; Nakazato, Gerson et Kobayashi, Renata Katsuko Takayama
Distribution of ExPEC Virulence Factors, bla(CTX-M), fosA3, and mcr-1 in Escherichia coli Isolated From Commercialized Chicken Carcasses
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A special issue on the effects of toxicants on cellular junctions in development and reproduction
Reproductive Toxicology
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Florath, Ines; Glass, Deborah C.; Rhazia, Mounia S.; Parent, Marie-Élise
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Inter-rater Agreement Between Exposure Assessment Using Automatic Algorithms and Using Experts
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
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Gonzalez-Sicilia, Daniela; Derevensky, Jeffrey L et Pagani, Linda S.
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Mésidor, Miceline; Benedetti, Andrea; El-Zein, Mariam; Menzies, Dick I.; Parent, Marie-Élise
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Asthma phenotypes based on health services use for allergic diseases in a province-wide birth cohort.
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L’éthique derrière la modification génomique humaine
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Maherani, Behnoush; Khlifi, Mohamed Ali; Salmieri, Stéphane et Lacroix, Monique
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Dulcey Jordan, Carlos Eduardo; Lopez de los Santos, Yossef; Létourneau, Myriam; Déziel, Éric
ORCID: et Doucet, Nicolas
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Gouesse, Rita; Lavoie, Mélanie; Dianati, Elham; Wade, Mike; Hales, Barbara; Robaire, Bernard et Plante, Isabelle
Gestational and Lactational Exposure to an Environmentally-relevant Mixture of Brominated Flame Retardants Down-regulates Junctional Proteins, Thyroid Hormone Receptor alpha1 Expression and the Proliferation-Apoptosis Balance in Mammary Glands Post Puberty
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Kempinas, Wilma De Grava; Borges, Cibele dos Santos; Leite, Gabriel Adan Araújo; Figueiredo, Thamiris Moreira; Gregory, Mary et Cyr, Daniel G.
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Liao, Chenyi; Poujol de Molliens, Mathilde; Schneebeli, Severin T.; Brewer, Matthias; Song, Gaojie; Chatenet, David; Braas, Karen M.; May, Victor et Li, Jianing
Targeting the PAC1 Receptor for Neurological and Metabolic Disorders
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Schmidt, Ruth; Ulanova, Danas; Wick, Lukas; Bode, Helge B. et Garbeva, Paolina
Microbe-driven chemical ecology: past, present and future
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ORCID:; Duprex, W. Paul; Garcia-Blanco, Mariano M. et von Messling, Véronika
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Melioidosis patient serum-reactive synthetic tetrasaccharides bearing the predominant epitopes of Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei O-antigens
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Abcha, Imen; Criado, Paula; Salmieri, Stéphane; Najjaa, Hanen; Isoda, Hiroko; Neffatil, Mohamed et Lacroix, Monique
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Alonso Martinez, Luis Michel; Harel, François; Létourneau, Myriam; Finnerty, Vincent; Fournier, Alain; Dupuis, Jocelyn et DaSilva, Jean N.
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Ayotte, Yann; Marando, Victoria; Vaillancourt, Louis; Bouchard, Patricia; Heffron, Gregory; Coote, Paul W.; Larda, Sacha et Laplante, Steven
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Beaud, Hermance; Albert, Oceane; Robaire, Bernard; Rousseau, Marie-Claude
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Ben Fadhel, Yosra; Maherani, Behnoush; Aragones, Melinda et Lacroix, Monique
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Bernard-Patrzynski, Florian; Lecuyer, Marc-André; Puscas, Ina; Boukhatem, Imane; Charabati, Marc; Bourbonnière, Luc; Ramassamy, Charles
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Isolation of endothelial cells, pericytes and astrocytes from mouse brain
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Brown, Peter; RELISH, Consortium; Villemur, Richard
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Caza, France; Joly de Boissel, Philippine Granger; Villemur, Richard
ORCID:; Betoulle, Stéphane et St-Pierre, Yves
Liquid biopsies for omics-based analysis in sentinel mussels
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Dagenais-Lussier, Xavier; Loucif, Hamza; Cadorel, Hugo; Blumberger, Juliette; Isnard, Stéphane; Bego, Mariana; Cohen, Eric A; Routy, Jean-Pierre et van Grevenynghe, Julien
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Lopez de los Santos, Yossef; Chew Fajardo, Ying Lian; Brault, Guillaume et Doucet, Nicolas
Dissecting the evolvability landscape of the CalB active site toward aromatic substrates
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Haddad, Mohamed; Perrotte, Morgane; ben Khedher, Mohamed Raâfet; Demongin, Clément; Lepage, Aurélie; Fulop, Tamas et Ramassamy, Charles
Methylglyoxal and Glyoxal as Potential Peripheral Markers for MCI Diagnosis and Their Effects on the Expression of Neurotrophic, Inflammatory and Neurodegenerative Factors in Neurons and in Neuronal Derived-Extracellular Vesicles
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Han, Jaejoon; Chang, Yoonjee; Britten, Michel; St-Gelais, Daniel; Champagne, Claude P.; Fustier, Patrick et Lacroix, Monique
Interactions of phenolic compounds with milk proteins
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ORCID:; Jafarnejad, Seyed Mehdi et Alain, Tommy
Induction of an Alternative mRNA 5' Leader Enhances Translation of the Ciliopathy Gene Inpp5e and Resistance to Oncolytic Virus Infection
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Hudon-Thibeault, Andrée-Anne; Lopez de los Santos, Yossef; Doucet, Nicolas
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Serotonin and serotonin reuptake inhibitors alter placental aromatase
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Lambert de Malezieu, Morgane; Courtel, Patricia; Sleno, Lekha; Abasq, Marie-Laurence et Ramassamy, Charles
Synergistic properties of bioavailable phenolic compounds from olive oil: electron transfer and neuroprotective properties
Nutritional Neuroscience
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DOI: 0.1080/1028415X.2019.1666480.
Lambert de Malezieu, Morgane; Ferron, Solenn; Sauvager, Aurélie; Courtel, Patricia; Ramassamy, Charles
ORCID:; Tomasi, Sophie et Abasq, Marie-Laurence
UV-Vis Spectroelectrochemistry of Oleuropein, Tyrosol, and p-Coumaric Acid Individually and in an Equimolar Combination. Differences in LC-ESI-MS(2) Profiles of Oxidation Products and their Neuroprotective Properties
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Li, Zhijie; Tomlinson, Aidan C.A.; Wong, Alan H.M.; Zhou, Dongxia; Desforges, Marc; Talbot, Pierre J.
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Phytoseiid predatory mites can disperse entomopathogenic fungi to prey patches
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Ma, Zhenwei Parameshwar; Sagrillo-Fagundes, Lucas; Tran, Raymond; Parameshwar, Prabu Karthick; Kalashnikov, Nikita; Vaillancourt, Cathy
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Sinclair, Isabelle; St-Pierre, Myriane; Elgbeili, Guillaume; Bernard, Paquito; Vaillancourt, Cathy
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Chitosan Films for Microfluidic Studies of Single Bacteria and Perspectives for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
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DOI: 10.1128/mBio.01375-19.
Tremblay, Julien et Yergeau, Étienne
Systematic processing of ribosomal RNA gene amplicon sequencing data
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pp. 1-14.
DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giz146.
Tremblay, Nicolas; Freppel, Wesley; Sow, Aïssatou Aïcha et Chatel-Chaix, Laurent
The interplay between dengue virus and the human innate immune system: A game of hide and seek
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pp. 1-21.
DOI: 10.3390/vaccines7040145.
Van Hulst, Andraea; Ybarra, Marina; Mathieu, Marie-Ève; Benedetti, Andrea; Paradis, Gilles et Henderson, Melanie
Determinants of new onset cardiometabolic risk among normal weight children
International journal of obesity
, vol. 44
, nº 4.
pp. 781-789.
DOI: 10.1038/s41366-019-0483-0.
Villemur, Richard
ORCID:; Payette, Geneviève; Geoffroy, Valérie; Mauffrey, Florian et Martineau, Christine
Dynamics of a methanol-fed marine denitrifying biofilm: 2-impact of environmental changes on the microbial community
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pp. 1-32.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.7467.
Vincent, Antony T.; Bernatchez, Alex; Frey, Joachim et Charette, Steve J.
A Mesophilic Aeromonas salmonicida Strain Isolated from an Unsuspected Host, the Migratory Bird Pied Avocet
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pp. 1-13.
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms7120592.
Vukovic, Rade; Dos Santos, Tiago Jeronimo; Ybarra, Marina et Atar, Muge
Children With Metabolically Healthy Obesity: A Review
Frontiers in Endocrinology
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, nº 865.
pp. 1-11.
DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2019.00865.
Walsh, Ryan
Response to the Article "Enzyme-Inhibitor Interactions and a Simple, Rapid Method for Determining Inhibition Modality"
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p. 7.
DOI: 10.1177/2472555219872211.
Walsh, Ryan
A reanalysis of protein tyrosine phosphatases inhibitory studies using the unnatural substrate analogue p-nitrophenyl phosphate
Analytical Biochemistry
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pp. 58-62.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2019.02.025.
Yancu, Debbie et Sanderson, J. Thomas
Essential oils disrupt steroidogenesis in a feto-placental co-culture model
Reproductive Toxicology
, vol. 90
pp. 33-43.
DOI: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2019.08.010.
Yancu, Debbie; Vaillancourt, Cathy
ORCID: et Sanderson, J. Thomas
Evaluating the effects on steroidogenesis of estragole and trans-anethole in a feto-placental co-culture model
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
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pp. 1-12.
DOI: 10.1016/j.mce.2019.110583.
Ybarra, Marina; Hafiz, Rawan; Robinson, Marie-Ève; von Oettingen, Julia; Bui, Helen et Saint-Martin, Christine
A new imaging entity consistent with partial ectopic posterior pituitary gland: report of six cases
Pediatric Radiology
, vol. 50
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pp. 107-115.
DOI: 10.1007/s00247-019-04502-5.
Yergeau, Étienne
ORCID:; Quiza, Liliana et Tremblay, Julien
Microbial indicators are better predictors of wheat yield and quality than N fertilization
FEMS Microbiology Ecology
, vol. 96
, nº 2: fiz20.
pp. 1-13.
DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiz205.
Sallam, Lamyaa M; Shiao, Tze Chieh; Sehad, Celia; Azzouz, Abdelkrim et Roy, René
Accelerated synthesis of surface functionalized mannosylated dendrimers built on cyclotriphosphazene core
MRS Advances
, vol. 4
, nº 59-60.
pp. 3187-3198.
DOI: 10.1557/adv.2019.375.
Centre Urbanisation Culture Société
Cloutier, Marie-Soleil
ORCID:; Lachapelle, Ugo et Howard, Andrew
Are more interactions at intersections related to more collisions for pedestrians? An empirical example in Quebec, Canada
Transport Findings
DOI: 10.32866/7345.
Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID:; Gelb, Jérémy
ORCID: et Mathieu, Marie-Ève
Un atlas-web pour comparer l’exposition individuelle aux pollutions atmosphérique et sonore selon le mode de transport
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography
, nº 903.
DOI: 10.4000/cybergeo.32391.
Rothman, Linda; Cloutier, Marie-Soleil
ORCID:; Macpherson, Alison K.; Richmond, Sarah A. et Howard, Andrew
Spatial distribution of pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions before and after pedestrian countdown signal installation in Toronto, Canada
Injury Prevention
, vol. 25
, nº 2.
DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2017-042378.
Vézina, Samuel; Bélanger, Alain; Sabourin, Patrick et Marois, Guillaume
Literacy Skills of the Future Canadian Working-Age Population: Assessing the Skill Gap Between the Foreign- and Canadian-Born
Canadian Studies in Population
, vol. 46
, nº 1.
pp. 5-25.
DOI: 10.1007/s42650-019-00002-x.
Breux, Sandra
ORCID:; Couture, Jérôme et Koop, Royce
Influences on the Number and Gender of Candidates in Canadian Local Elections
Canadian Journal of Political Science
, vol. 52
, nº 1.
pp. 163-181.
DOI: 10.1017/s0008423918000483.
Boudreau, Julie-Anne
State Theory from the Street Altar: The Muscles, the Saint and the Amparo
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
, vol. 43
, nº 3.
pp. 405-422.
DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12694.
Laplante, Benoît
From France to the Church: The Generalization of Parish Registers in the Catholic Countries
Journal of Family History
, vol. 44
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pp. 24-51.
DOI: 10.1177/0363199018806501.
Gelb, Jérémy
ORCID: et Apparicio, Philippe
Noise exposure of cyclists in Ho Chi Minh City: A spatio-temporal analysis using non-linear models
Applied Acoustics
, vol. 148
pp. 332-343.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2018.12.031.
Delaunay, Déborah; Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID:; Séguin, Anne-Marie
ORCID:; Gelb, Jérémy
ORCID: et Carrier, Mathieu
L'identification des zones calmes et un diagnostic d’équité environnementale à Montréal
The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien
, vol. 63
, nº 2.
pp. 184-197.
DOI: 10.1111/cag.12511.
Hoang, Anh Tu; Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID: et Pham, Thi-Thanh-Hien
The Provision and Accessibility to Parks in Ho Chi Minh City: Disparities along the Urban Core—Periphery Axis
Urban Science
, vol. 3
, nº 1.
p. 37.
DOI: 10.3390/urbansci3010037.
Allili, Mohand Said; Casemajor, Nathalie
ORCID: et Talbi, Aymen
Multiple image copy detection and evolution visualisation using tree graphs.
Multimedia Tools and Applications
, vol. 78
pp. 6253-6275.
DOI: 10.1007/s11042-018-6350-5.
Quintal-Marineau, Magalie
‘Feeding our families; that’s what we have been doing for centuries’
Hunter Gatherer Research
, vol. 3
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pp. 583-599.
DOI: 10.3828/hgr.2017.30.
Longo, María Eugenia
ORCID:; Bourdon, Sylvain et Dionne, Patricia
Les rapports à la vie professionnelle et l’intervention
en orientation : une clé de compréhension des
parcours des jeunes
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy / Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie
, vol. 53
, nº 2.
Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID: et Lesage-Mann, Élaine
La densité des seringues à la traîne à Montréal : l’influence des caractéristiques de l’environnement urbain
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pp. 247-276.
DOI: 10.7202/1059548ar.
Potvin, Stéphanie; Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID: et Séguin, Anne-Marie
The spatial distribution of noise barriers in Montreal: A barrier to achieve environmental equity
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
, vol. 72
pp. 83-97.
DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2019.04.011.
Bélanger, Alain; Van Hook, Jennifer; Sabourin, Patrick; Marois, Guillaume et Vézina, Samuel
A framework for the prospective analysis of ethno-cultural super-diversity
Vézina, Samuel
Demographic Research
, vol. 41
pp. 293-330.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.11.
Marois, Guillaume; Sabourin, Patrick et Bélanger, Alain
Forecasting Human Capital of EU Member Countries Accounting for Sociocultural Determinants
Journal of Demographic Economics
, vol. 85
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pp. 231-269.
DOI: 10.1017/dem.2019.4.
Marois, Guillaume; Sabourin, Patrick et Bélanger, Alain
How reducing differentials in education and labor force participation could lessen workforce decline in the EU-28
Demographic Research
, vol. 41
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pp. 125-160.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.6.
Vézina, Samuel et Bélanger, Alain
Impacts of education and immigration on the size and skills of the future workforce
Demographic Research
, vol. 41
pp. 331-366.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.12.
Casemajor, Nathalie
ORCID:; Coocoo, Christian et Gentelet, Karine
Openness, inclusion and self-affirmation: Indigenous knowledge in open knowledge projects
Journal of Peer Production
, nº 13.
Hagel, Brent E.; Macpherson, Alison K.; Howard, Andrew; Fuselli, Pamela; Cloutier, Marie-Soleil
ORCID:; Winters, Meghan; Richmond, Sarah A.; Rothman, Linda; Belton, Kathy; Buliung, Ron; Emery, Carolyn A.; Faulkner, Guy; Kennedy, Jacqueline; Ma, Tracey; Macarthur, Colin; McCormack, Gavin R.; Morrow, Greg; Nettel-Aguirre, Alberto; Owens, Liz; Pike, Ian; Russell, Kelly; Torres, Juan; Voaklander, Donald; Embree, Tania et HubkaRao, Tate
The built environment and active transportation safety in children and youth: a study protocol
BMC Public Health
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DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-7024-6.
Gaglio, Gerald; Godin, Benoît et Pfotenhauer, Sebastian
X-Innovation: Re-Inventing Innovation Again and Again
Novation: Critical Studies of Innovation
, nº 1.
pp. 1-16.
Derbas Thibodeau, François R. et Poirier, Christian
Bibliothèques publiques et virage citoyen : enjeux institutionnels et communicationnels
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pp. 47-66.
DOI: 10.4000/communiquer.4385.
Hourcade, Renaud et Van Neste, Sophie L.
Introduction : Où mènent les transitions ? Action publique et engagements face à la crise climatique
Lien Social et Politiques
, nº 82.
pp. 4-26.
DOI: 10.7202/1061874ar.
Rose, Damaris et Stier, Haya
The skill divide in post-unemployment job quality
Social Science Research
, vol. 82
pp. 105-112.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.04.003.
Nadeau, Alexandra; Cloutier, Geneviève; Poitras, Claire et Aylett, Alexander
Racines citoyennes : la communauté locale au coeur de la transition écologique
Canadian Journal of Urban Research/Revue canadienne de recherche urbaine
, vol. 28
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pp. 16-31.
Gallant, Nicole
Prolégomènes pour l’étude de l’engagement des jeunes dans diverses sphères de vie : réflexions conceptuelles et esquisse d’opérationnalisation
Revue Jeunes et Société
, vol. 4
, nº 1.
pp. 91-112.
Piazzesi, Chiara; Blais, Martin et Belleau, Hélène
Frontières de l’intimité conjugale et familiale : de la théorie aux approches empiriques
Enfances, Familles, Générations
, nº 34.
Carrier, Mathieu; Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID:; Séguin, Anne-Marie
ORCID: et Crouse, Dan
School locations and road transportation nuisances in Montreal: An environmental equity diagnosis
Transport Policy
, vol. 81
pp. 302-310.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2017.09.010.
Giard, Maële et Breux, Sandra
Travailler au café ? La vocation socioterritoriale de certains cafés contemporains
Cahiers de géographie du Québec
, vol. 63
, nº 179-180.
pp. 123-137.
DOI: 10.7202/1084227ar.
Gaboriault-Boudreau, Maxime; Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID: et Brunelle, Cédric
Modélisation de la pauvreté urbaine dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal entre 1986 et 2016
Cahiers de géographie du Québec
, vol. 63
, nº 179-180.
pp. 165-182.
DOI: 10.7202/1084230ar.
Jarry, Vincent et Apparicio, Philippe
Exposition des cyclistes au bruit en fonction du type de voie cyclable empruntée à Montréal, Laval et Longueuil
Cahiers de géographie du Québec
, vol. 63
, nº 179-180.
pp. 183-199.
DOI: 10.7202/1084231ar.
Boudreau, Julie-Anne
Informalization of the State: Reflections from an Urban World of Translations
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
, vol. 43
, nº 3.
pp. 597-604.
DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12701.
Marois, Alexandre; Cloutier, Marie-Soleil
ORCID:; Saunier, Nicolas; Godillon, Sylvanie; Lafond, Daniel et Vachon, François
Safety, stress and work zone complexity: A field study on police officers performing on-foot traffic control
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
, vol. 1
DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2019.100018.
Hoang, Anh Tu; Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID: et Pham, Thi-Thanh-Hien
Équité environnementale et accessibilité aux parcs à Ho Chi Minh Ville (Vietnam)
Revue internationale de géomatique
, vol. 29
, nº 2.
pp. 135-158.
DOI: 10.3166/rig.2019.00071.
Wiebe, Isabel et Séguin, Anne-Marie
Enjeux et tactiques de mobilité quotidienne de personnes aînées résidant dans un quartier montréalais
Cahiers de géographie du Québec
, vol. 63
, nº 178-180.
pp. 231-242.
DOI: 10.7202/1084234ar.
Wiebe, Isabel et Séguin, Anne-Marie
La mobilité d’aînés d’un arrondissement montréalais: frictions et ancrages
Gérontologie et société
, vol. 41
, nº 160.
pp. 17-31.
DOI: 10.3917/gs1.160.0015.
Brunelle, Cédric
ORCID: et Burnett, James
The uneven economic diversification of small and mid-sized canadian cities, 1971 - 2016
Canadian Journal of Regional Science / Revue canadienne des sciences régionales
, vol. 42
, nº 2.
Mathon, Dominique; Apparicio, Philippe
ORCID: et Lachapelle, Ugo
Mobilité transfrontalière et itinéraire thérapeutique des Haïtiennes et des Haïtiens de la région de Ouanaminthe
Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires
DOI: 10.4000/rfst.355.
Brunelle, Cédric
ORCID: et Burnett, James
The uneven economic diversification of small and mid-sized canadian cities, 1971 - 2016
Canadian Journal of Regional Science / Revue canadienne des sciences régionales
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pp. 113-122.
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Palat Narayanan, Nipesh
The production of informality and everyday politics: Drinking water and solid waste management in Jagdamba Camp, Delhi
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pp. 83-96.
DOI: 10.1080/13604813.2019.1575118.
Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
Berchtikou, Aziz; Greschner, Andrea; Tijssen, Peter; Gauthier, Marc A. et Ozaki, Tsuneyuki
Accelerated inactivation of M13 bacteriophage using millijoule Femtosecond Lasers
Journal of Biophotonics
, vol. 13
, nº 2.
pp. 1-11.
DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201900001.
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