Nombre de documents archivés : 274.
Adlouni, Salaheddine El; Salaou, Garba et St-Hilaire, André
Regularized Bayesian quantile regression.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
, vol. 47
, nº 1.
pp. 277-293.
DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2017.1280830.
Ahad, Jason M. E.; Pakdel, Hooshang; Gammon, Paul; Siddique, Tariq; Kuznetsova, Alsu et Savard, Martine M.
Evaluating in situ biodegradation of 13C-labelled naphthenic acids in groundwater near oil sands tailings ponds.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 643
pp. 392-399.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.159.
Alobaidi, Mohammad H.; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID: et Meguid, Mohamed A.
Robust ensemble learning framework for day-ahead forecasting of household based energy consumption.
Applied Energy
, vol. 212
pp. 997-1012.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.12.054.
Alsaadi, Ftoon; Hodson, Peter V. et Langlois, Valérie S.
An Embryonic Field of Study: The Aquatic Fate and Toxicity of Diluted Bitumen.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
, vol. 100
, nº 1.
pp. 8-13.
DOI: 10.1007/s00128-017-2239-7.
Alsaadi, Ftoon; Madison, Barry N.; Brown, Stephen R.; Hodson, Peter V. et Langlois, Valérie S.
Morphological and molecular effects of two diluted bitumens on developing fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas).
Aquatic Toxicology
, vol. 204
pp. 107-116.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.09.003.
Alvarez, Cristian; Bégin, Christian; Savard, Martine M.; Dinis, Lauriane; Marion, Joëlle; Smirnoff, Anna et Bégin, Yves
Relevance of using whole-ring stable isotopes of black spruce trees in the perspective of climate reconstruction.
, vol. 50
pp. 64-69.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2018.05.004.
Ashoor, Bader Bin; Giwa, Adewale; Hasan, Shadi W.; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID: et Mhamdi, Adel
Multivariable statistical analysis for enhancing performance indicators in direct contact membrane distillation.
Desalination and Water Treatment
, vol. 113
pp. 45-56.
DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2018.22295.
Audet, Lise; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID: et Kokutse, Nomessi
A regionalized river water quality model calibration method based on watershed physical characteristics: application to the Cau River in Vietnam / Proposition d’une méthode de calage régionalisée pour les modèles de simulation de la qualité de l’eau en rivière : application à la rivière Cau au Vietnam.
Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science
, vol. 31
, nº 3.
pp. 251-269.
DOI: 10.7202/1054306ar.
Bahmani, Ramin
Simulation du niveau des eaux souterraines à l'aide de modèles hybrides produits par transformation par ondelettes et décomposition par mode empirique d’ensemble.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 108 p.
Ballard, Jean-Marc; Koubikana Pambou, Claude Hugo et Raymond, Jasmin
Évaluation de la performance d’un forage géothermique de conception améliorée.
Documents scientifiques et techniques
INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.
Barbosa, Paulo André Vasco; Blanco, Claudio José Cavalcante; Mesquita, André Luiz Amarante et Secretan, Yves
A simplified methodology for the analysis of the establishment of hydrokinetic parks downstream from hydroelectric plants.
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science
, vol. 13
, nº 3.
DOI: 10.4136/ambi-agua.2188.
Barst, Benjamin D.; Rosabal, Maikel; Drevnick, Paul E.; Campbell, Peter G. C. et Basu, Niladri
Subcellular distributions of trace elements (Cd, Pb, As, Hg, Se) in the livers of Alaskan yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus).
Environmental Pollution
, vol. 242
pp. 63-72.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.06.077.
Beauchamp, Anne-Marie
L’indice Mustang : géologie et altération d’une minéralisation aurifère mise en place dans les turbidites de la ceinture de la Basse-Eastmain, Eeyou Itschee Baie-James.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 360 p.
Beaudry, Châtelaine; Lefebvre, René
ORCID:; Rivard, Christine et Cloutier, Vincent
Conceptual model of regional groundwater flow based on hydrogeochemistry (Montérégie Est, Québec, Canada).
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
, vol. 43
, nº 2.
pp. 152-172.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2018.1461579.
Beaupré, Joannie
Inclusion de la thermie dans un modèle généraliste de l’habitat du saumon atlantique au stade tacon, par l’entremise de la logique floue.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 139 p.
Bédard, Karine; Comeau, Félix-Antoine; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID:; Comeau, Guillaume; Millet, Emmanuelle et Foy, Stéfan
Cartographie de la conductivité thermique des Basses-Terres du Saint-Laurent.
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.
Bédard, Karine; Comeau, Félix-Antoine; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; Malo, Michel et Nasr, Maher
Geothermal Characterization of the St. Lawrence Lowlands Sedimentary Basin, Québec, Canada.
Natural Resources Research
, vol. 27
, nº 4.
pp. 479-502.
DOI: 10.1007/s11053-017-9363-2.
Bélanger, Caroline et Ross, Pierre-Simon
Origin of nonbedded pyroclastic rocks in the Cathedral Cliff diatreme, Navajo volcanic field, New Mexico.
Bulletin of Volcanology
, vol. 80
, nº 7.
p. 61.
DOI: 10.1007/s00445-018-1234-0.
Ben Alaya, Mohamed Ali; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID: et Chebana, Fateh
Non-Gaussian spatiotemporal simulation of multisite daily precipitation: downscaling framework.
Climate Dynamics
, vol. 50
, nº 1-2.
pp. 1-15.
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3578-0.
Bendourou, Fatima Ezzahra
Évaluation de la faisabilité de l’utilisation de différents types de fibres cellulosiques traités enzymatiquement pour la valorisation de l’acide poly-lactique (PLA).
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 129 p.
Ben-Romdhane, Haïfa; Al-Musallami, Mohamed; Marpu, Prashanth R.; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID: et Ghedira, Hosni
Change detection using remote sensing in a reef environment of the UAE during the extreme event of El Niño 2015–2016.
International Journal of Remote Sensing
, vol. 39
, nº 19.
pp. 6358-6382.
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1460502.
Bilodeau, Karine; Pelletier, Geneviève et Duchesne, Sophie
Real-time control of stormwater detention basins as an adaptation measure in mid-size cities.
Urban Water Journal
, vol. 15
, nº 9.
pp. 858-867.
DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2019.1574844.
Bissegger, Sonja; Pineda Castro, Marco A.; Yargeau, Viviane et Langlois, Valérie S.
Phthalates modulate steroid 5-reductase transcripts in the Western clawed frog embryo.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
, vol. 213
pp. 39-46.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2018.07.005.
Blanchette, Marianne
Services hydrologiques rendus par les milieux humides dans un contexte dynamique d'occupation du territoire : étude de cas du bassin versant de la rivière Saint-Charles.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 130 p.
Blanchette, Marianne; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID: et Poulin, Monique
Mapping Wetlands and Land Cover Change with Landsat Archives: The Added Value of Geomorphologic Data / Cartographie de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des milieux humides à partir d’archives Landsat: la valeur ajoutée de données géomorphologiques.
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
, vol. 44
, nº 4.
pp. 337-356.
DOI: 10.1080/07038992.2018.1525531.
Blangy, Sylvie; Bernier, Monique; Bhiry, Najat; Jean-Pierre, Dedieu; Aenishaenslin, Cécile; Bastian, Suzanne; Chanteloup, Laine; Coxam, Véronique; Decaulne, Armelle; Gérin-Lajoie, José; Gibout, Stéphane; Haillot, Didier; Hébert-Houle, Emilie; Herrmann, Thora Martina; Joliet, Fabienne; Lamalice, Annie; Lévesque, Esther; Ravel, André et Rousse, Daniel
OHMi-Nunavik: a multi-thematic and cross-cultural research program studying the cumulative effects of climate and socio-economic changes on Inuit communities.
, vol. 25
, nº 4.
pp. 311-324.
DOI: 10.1080/11956860.2018.1542783.
Bordeleau, Geneviève
ORCID:; Rivard, Christine; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René
ORCID:; Ahad, Jason M. E.; Xu, Xiaomei et Mort, Andy
A multi-isotope approach to determine the origin of methane and higher alkanes in groundwater of the St. Lawrence Platform, Saint-Édouard area, eastern Canada.
Environmental Geosciences
, vol. 25
, nº 3.
pp. 75-100.
DOI: 10.1306/eg.04121817020.
Bordeleau, Geneviève
ORCID:; Rivard, Christine; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René
ORCID:; Malet, Xavier et Ladevèze, Pierre
Geochemistry of groundwater in the Saint-Édouard area, Quebec, Canada, and its influence on the distribution of methane in shallow aquifers.
Applied Geochemistry
, vol. 89
pp. 92-108.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.11.012.
Boudreault, Jérémie
La régression fonctionnelle pour modéliser
la température de l’eau et l’habitat du saumon atlantique juvénile.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 161 p.
Bouzaglou, Véronique; Crestani, Elena; Salandin, Paolo; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID: et Camporese, Matteo
Ensemble Kalman Filter Assimilation of ERT Data for Numerical Modeling of Seawater Intrusion in a Laboratory Experiment.
, vol. 10
, nº 4.
p. 397.
DOI: 10.3390/w10040397.
Boyer, Claudine et St-Hilaire, André
Approche viable de gestion des prélèvements d’eau: concilier les besoins des usagers et limiter les impacts sur les écosystèmes.
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.
Campbell, Diana E.K. et Langlois, Valérie S.
Expression of sf1 and dax-1 are regulated by thyroid hormones and androgens during Silurana tropicalis early development.
General and Comparative Endocrinology
, vol. 259
pp. 34-44.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2017.10.017.
Campbell, Diana E.K. et Langlois, Valérie S.
Thyroid hormones and androgens differentially regulate gene expression in testes and ovaries of sexually mature Silurana tropicalis.
General and Comparative Endocrinology
, vol. 267
pp. 172-182.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2018.07.001.
Campbell, Diana E.K.; Montgomerie, Robert D. et Langlois, Valérie S.
Lifecycle exposure to perchlorate differentially alters morphology, biochemistry, and transcription as well as sperm motility in Silurana tropicalis frogs.
Environmental Pollution
, vol. 237
pp. 196-204.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.02.038.
Cardon, Pierre-Yves; Caron, Antoine; Rosabal, Maikel; Fortin, Claude
ORCID: et Amyot, Marc
Enzymatic validation of species-specific protocols for metal subcellular fractionation in freshwater animals.
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods
, vol. 16
, nº 9.
pp. 537-555.
DOI: 10.1002/lom3.10265.
Caron, Antoine; Rosabal, Maikel; Drevet, Ophélie; Couture, Patrice
ORCID: et Campbell, Peter G. C.
Binding of trace elements (Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, and Tl) to cytosolic biomolecules in livers of juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens ) collected from lakes representing metal contamination gradients.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
, vol. 37
, nº 2.
pp. 576-586.
DOI: 10.1002/etc.3998.
Castellazzi, Pascal; Longuevergne, Laurent; Martel, Richard
ORCID:; Rivera, Alfonso; Brouard, Charles et Chaussard, Estelle
Quantitative mapping of groundwater depletion at the water management scale using a combined GRACE/InSAR approach.
Remote Sensing of Environment
, vol. 205
pp. 408-418.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.11.025.
Caté, Antoine; Schetselaar, Ernst; Mercier-Langevin, Patrick et Ross, Pierre-Simon
Classification of lithostratigraphic and alteration units from drillhole lithogeochemical data using machine learning: A case study from the Lalor volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
, vol. 188
pp. 216-228.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2018.01.019.
Centre géoscientifique de Québec
Rapport annuel 2017-2018.
Centre géoscientifique de Québec, Québec.
Chaabani, Chayma; Chini, Marco; Abdelfattah, Riadh; Hostache, Renaud et Chokmani, Karem
Flood Mapping in a Complex Environment Using Bistatic TanDEM-X/TerraSAR-X InSAR Coherence.
Remote Sensing
, vol. 10
, nº 12.
p. 1873.
DOI: 10.3390/rs10121873.
Chaali, Mona; Lecka, Joanna; Suresh, Gayatri; Salem, Mabrouka; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Hernandez-Galan, Leticia; Sévigny, Jean et Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio
Supplement comprising of laccase and citric acid as an alternative for antibiotics: In vitro triggers of melanin production.
Engineering in Life Sciences
, vol. 18
, nº 6.
pp. 359-367.
DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201700160.
Chaali, Mona; Naghdi, Mitra; Brar, Satinder Kaur et Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio
A review on the advances of nitrifying biofilm reactors and their removal rates in wastewater treatment.
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
, vol. 93
, nº 11.
pp. 3113-3124.
DOI: 10.1002/jctb.5692.
Chassiot, Léo; Miras, Yannick; Chapron, Emmanuel; Develle, Anne-Lise; Arnaud, Fabien; Motelica-Heino, Mikaël et Di Giovanni, Christian
A 7000-year environmental history and soil erosion record inferred from the deep sediments of Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France).
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
, vol. 497
pp. 218-233.
DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.02.024.
Chen, Jiaxin
Production de biodiesel à partir d'huiles microbiennes accumulées dans Trichosporon oleaginosus ATCC 20905 cultivées dans un mélange de glycérol brut et des boues d'épuration.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 382 p.
Chen, Jiaxin; Li, Ji; Dong, Wenyi; Zhang, Xiaolei; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Surampalli, Rao Y.
The potential of microalgae in biodiesel production.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
, vol. 90
pp. 336-346.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2018.03.073.
Chen, Jiaxin; Li, Ji; Zhang, Xiaolei; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Dong, Wenyi
Ultra-sonication application in biodiesel production from heterotrophic oleaginous microorganisms.
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology
, vol. 38
, nº 6.
pp. 902-917.
DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2017.1418733.
Chen, Jiaxin; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Li, Ji; Zhang, Xiaolei; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Sun, Feiyun
Economic assessment of biodiesel production from wastewater sludge.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 253
pp. 41-48.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.01.016.
Chen, Jiaxin; Yan, Song; Zhang, Xiaolei; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Surampalli, Rao Y. et Valéro, José R.
Chemical and biological conversion of crude glycerol derived from waste cooking oil to biodiesel.
Waste Management
, vol. 71
pp. 164-175.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2017.10.044.
Chen, Jiaxin; Zhang, Xiaolei; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
The pH-based fed-batch for lipid production from Trichosporon oleaginosus with crude glycerol.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 259
pp. 237-243.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.03.045.
Chen, Jiaxin; Zhang, Xiaolei; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Drogui, Patrick
Utilization of methanol in crude glycerol to assist lipid production in non-sterilized fermentation from Trichosporon oleaginosus.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 253
pp. 8-15.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.01.008.
Chiu, Yohann Moanahere; Chebana, Fateh; Abdous, Belkacem; Bélanger, Diane et Gosselin, Pierre
Mortality and morbidity peaks modeling: An extreme value theory approach.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
, vol. 27
, nº 5.
pp. 1498-1512.
DOI: 10.1177/0962280216662494.
Clayer, François; Moritz, Anja; Gélinas, Yves; Tessier, André et Gobeil, Charles
Modeling the carbon isotope signatures of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon to unravel mineralization pathways in boreal lake sediments.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
, vol. 229
pp. 36-52.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2018.02.012.
Comeau, Félix-Antoine et Raymond, Jasmin
Revue de la littérature sur les règlements et les normes relatifs aux systèmes de pompes à chaleur géothermique face à la protection des prélèvements d’eau.
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.
Comte, Jérôme
ORCID:; Culley, Alexander I.; Lovejoy, Connie et Vincent, Warwick
Microbial connectivity and sorting in a High Arctic watershed.
The ISME Journal
, vol. 12
pp. 2988-3000.
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-018-0236-4.
Coral Medina, Jesus David; Woiciechowski, Adenise Lorenci; Filho, Arion Zandona; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Magalhães Júnior, Antonio Irineudo et Soccol, Carlos Ricardo
Energetic and economic analysis of ethanol, xylitol and lignin production using oil palm empty fruit bunches from a Brazilian factory.
Journal of Cleaner Production
, vol. 195
pp. 44-55.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.05.189.
Cuprys, Agnieszka; Pulicharla, Rama; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Fluoroquinolones metal complexation and its environmental impacts.
Coordination Chemistry Reviews
, vol. 376
pp. 46-61.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2018.05.019.
Cuprys, Agnieszka; Pulicharla, Rama; Lecka, Joanna; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Ciprofloxacin-metal complexes –stability and toxicity tests in the presence of humic substances.
, vol. 202
pp. 549-559.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.03.117.
Das, Ratul Kumar et Brar, Satinder Kaur
Plant-Derived Metallic Nanoparticles: Environmental Safety and Colloidal Behaviour.
Current Science
, vol. 114
, nº 10.
pp. 2018-2019.
DOI: 10.18520/cs/v114/i10/2018-2019.
Debreil, Julie-Anaïs; Ross, Pierre-Simon
ORCID: et Mercier-Langevin, Patrick
The Matagami District, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada: Volcanic Controls on Archean Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits Associated with Voluminous Felsic Volcanism.
Economic Geology
, vol. 113
, nº 4.
pp. 891-910.
DOI: 10.5382/econgeo.2018.4575.
Defo, Michel Amery; Bernatchez, Louis; Campbell, Peter G. C. et Couture, Patrice
Temporal variations in kidney metal concentrations and their implications for retinoid metabolism and oxidative stress response in wild yellow perch (Perca flavescens).
Aquatic Toxicology
, vol. 202
pp. 26-35.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.06.007.
Delegan, Nazar; Pandiyan, Rajesh; Johnston, Steve; Dirany, Ahmad; Komtchou, Simon; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et El Khakani, My Ali
Lifetime Enhancement of Visible Light Induced Photocharges in Tungsten and Nitrogen in situ Codoped TiO2:WN Thin Films.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
, vol. 122
, nº 10.
pp. 5411-5419.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b11266.
Delegan, Nazar; Pandiyan, Rajesh; Komtchou, Simon; Dirany, Ahmad; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et El Khakani, My Ali
In-situ co-doping of sputter-deposited TiO₂:WN films for the development of photoanodes intended for visible-light electro-photocatalytic degradation of emerging pollutants.
Journal of Applied Physics
, vol. 123
, nº 20.
p. 205101.
DOI: 10.1063/1.5025830.
Dia, Oumar; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Buelna, Gerardo et Dubé, Rino
Hybrid process, electrocoagulation-biofiltration for landfill leachate treatment.
Waste Management
, vol. 75
pp. 391-399.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.02.016.
Diaconescu, Emilia Paula; Mailhot, Alain
ORCID:; Brown, Ross et Chaumont, Diane
Evaluation of CORDEX-Arctic daily precipitation and temperature-based climate indices over Canadian Arctic land areas.
Climate Dynamics
, vol. 50
, nº 5-6.
pp. 2061-2085.
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3736-4.
Diouf, Ibrahima; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Diop, El Hadji Moussa; Lo, Sidy Mambaye; Rumeau, Michel et Mar Dop, Codou Guèye
Dégradation du cristal violet par électro-oxydation sur électrodes de Ti/TiO₂ et Ti/TrO₂ -RuO₂ : étude de l’influence des paramètres opératoires sur l’efficacité du procédé / Degradation of the crystal violet by electro-oxidation on Ti/TiO₂ and Ti/IrO₂-RuO₂ electrodes: study of the effects of operating parameters on the process efficiency.
Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science
, vol. 31
, nº 4.
pp. 327-339.
DOI: 10.7202/1055592ar.
Dos Santos, Heldiane Souza; Ferrarini, Suzana Frighetto; Flores, Francine Q.; Pires, Marçal José Rodrigues; Azevedo, Carla Maria Nunes; Coudert, Lucie et Blais, Jean-François
Removal of toxic elements from wastewater generated in the decontamination of CCA-treated Eucalyptus sp. and Pinus canadense wood.
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
, vol. 20
, nº 2.
pp. 1299-1309.
DOI: 10.1007/s10163-017-0694-1.
Du Breuil, Clémence
Activation thermique de la serpentine pour la carbonatation minérale en voie aqueuse.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de la terre, 234 p.
Dubois, Nathalie; Saulnier-Talbot, Émilie; Mills, Keely; Gell, Peter; Battarbee, Rick; Bennion, Helen; Chawchai, Sakonvan; Dong, Xuhui; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; Flower, Roger; Gomes, Doriedson F; Gregory-Eaves, Irene; Humane, Sumedh; Kattel, Giri; Jenny, Jean-Philippe; Langdon, Peter; Massaferro, Julieta; McGowan, Suzanne; Mikomägi, Annika; Ngoc, Nguyen Thi Minh; Ratnayake, Amila Sandaruwan; Reid, Michael; Rose, Neil; Saros, Jasmine; Schillereff, Daniel; Tolotti, Monica et Valero-Garcés, Blas
First human impacts and responses of aquatic systems: A review of palaeolimnological records from around the world
Anthropocene Review
, vol. 5
, nº 1.
pp. 26-68.
DOI: 10.1177/2053019617740365.
Dugdale, Stephen J.; Curry, R. Allen; St-Hilaire, André et Andrews, Samuel N.
Impact of future climate change on water temperature and thermal habitat for keystone fishes in the lower Saint John River, Canada.
Water Resources Management
, vol. 32
, nº 15.
pp. 4853-4878.
DOI: 10.1007/s11269-018-2057-7.
El Alem, Anas; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID:; Agili, Hachem; Venkatesan, Aarthi; Poulin, Jimmy; Tanguy, Marion; Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID: et Dedieu, Jean-Pierre
Utilisation de l’imagerie hyperspectrale embarquée sur drone pour la calibration et la validation d’un algorithme basé sur l’imagerie Sentinel‐2 pour le suivi des fleurs d’eau d’algues et/ou de cyanobactéries dans les eaux douces du Québec méridional.
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.
El-Housni, Hind; Ouellet, Maxim et Duchesne, Sophie
Identification of most significant factors for modeling deterioration of sewer pipes.
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
, vol. 45
, nº 3.
pp. 215-226.
DOI: 10.1139/cjce-2015-0293.
Erni, Sandy; Arseneault, Dominique et Parisien, Marc-André
Stand Age Influence on Potential Wildfire Ignition and Spread in the Boreal Forest of Northeastern Canada.
, vol. 21
, nº 7.
pp. 1471-1486.
DOI: 10.1007/s10021-018-0235-3.
Fadhlaoui, Mariem; Pierron, Fabien et Couture, Patrice
Temperature and metal exposure affect membrane fatty acid composition and transcription of desaturases and elongases in fathead minnow muscle and brain.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
, vol. 148
pp. 632-643.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.10.040.
Foulon, Étienne
Prédiction de l’état futur de l’approvisionnement en eau potable de surface: Mise au point d’une méthode d’évaluation des débits d’étiage à partir de données climatiques.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 251 p.
Foulon, Étienne et Rousseau, Alain N.
Equifinality and automatic calibration: What is the impact of hypothesizing an optimal parameter set on modelled hydrological processes?
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
, vol. 43
, nº 1.
pp. 47-67.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2018.1430620.
Foulon, Étienne; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID: et Gagnon, Patrick
Development of a methodology to assess future trends in low flows at the watershed scale using solely climate data.
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 557
pp. 774-790.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.12.064.
Frechette, Danielle M.; Dugdale, Stephen J.; Dodson, Julian J. et Bergeron, Normand
Understanding summertime thermal refuge use by adult Atlantic salmon using remote sensing, river temperature monitoring, and acoustic telemetry.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences / Journal canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques
, vol. 74
, nº 11.
pp. 1999-2019.
DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0422.
Fri, Mohamed El Mehdi
Traitement des eaux de ballast par couplage de procédés d’électrocoagulation et d’oxydation électro-catalytique.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 56 p.
Galloway, Sarah; Ross, Pierre-Simon
ORCID:; Bandyayera, Daniel et Daoudene, Yannick
Chimico-stratigraphie volcanique et minéralisation volcanogène
de la Ceinture archéenne de Colomb-Chaboullié, Baie James.
Manuscrits bruts
(MB 2018-06).
Ministère de l'Énergie et Ressources naturelles du Québec, Québec.
Garfias, Jaime; Llanos, Hilario; Martel, Richard
ORCID:; Salas-García, Javier et Bibiano-Cruz, Luvina
Assessment of vulnerability and control measures to protect the Salbarua ecosystem from hypothetical spill sites.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
, vol. 25
, nº 26.
pp. 26228-26245.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-2672-0.
Gauthier, Yves; Dufour-Beauséjour, Sophie; Poulin, Jimmy et Bernier, Monique
Ice Monitoring in Deception Bay : Progress report 2016-2018
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.
Gignac, Charles
Développement d’outils d’aide à la décision pour l’étude de la variabilité spatiotemporelle locale et régionale du couvert de glace de la baie d’Hudson : apports de la statistique, de la géomatique et de la télédétection.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 259 p.
Gillis, Carole-Anne
Étude des facteurs contrôlant la présence de l’algue
Didymosphenia geminata et des impacts de sa présence
sur le saumon atlantique juvénile.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 199 p.
Gillis, Carole-Anne; Dugdale, Stephen J. et Bergeron, Normand
Effect of discharge and habitat type on the occurrence and severity of Didymosphenia geminata mats in the Restigouche River, eastern Canada.
, vol. 11
, nº 5.
DOI: 10.1002/eco.1959.
Godin, Laurent; Soucy La Roche, Renaud
ORCID:; Waffle, Lindsay et Harris, Lyal B.
Influence of inherited Indian basement faults on the evolution of the Himalayan Orogen.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications
, vol. 481
, nº 1.
pp. 251-276.
DOI: 10.1144/SP481.4.
Gratton, Yves et Bélanger, Claude
Alberta Lakes Thermodynamic Modelling.
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.
Guilleux, Camille; Campbell, Peter G. C. et Fortin, Claude
Interactions Between Silver Nanoparticles/Silver Ions and Liposomes: Evaluation of the Potential Passive Diffusion of Silver and Effects of Speciation.
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
, vol. 75
, nº 4.
pp. 634-646.
DOI: 10.1007/s00244-018-0562-6.
Ha, Pham Thi Thu; Villeneuve, Jean-Pierre; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID:; Hien, Ha Ngoc et Bach, Duong Ngoc
Verification of Cau River biochemical water quality forecasted from local governments’ socioeconomic projections in Bac Kan and Thai Nguyen provinces, Vietnam / Vérification des prédictions de la qualité biochimique de l’eau de la rivière Cau selon les projections socioéconomiques de développement des provinces de Bac Kan et Thai Nguyen au Vietnam.
Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science
, vol. 31
, nº 3.
pp. 315-325.
DOI: 10.7202/1054309ar.
Hoang, Kim Huong; Bernier, Monique; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID: et Tran, Minh Y.
Renforcement de la qualité d’information de l’occupation du sol par l’intégration de données satellitaires optiques et radar en support à la modélisation hydrologique / Land cover information quality enhancement by integrating optical and radar satellite data in support of hydrological modeling.
Revue des sciences de l’eau
, vol. 31
, nº 3.
pp. 177-199.
DOI: 10.7202/1054302ar.
Huchet, François
Caractérisation hydrogéologique et modélisation du
système d’écoulement au-dessus de champs gaziers,
sous-bassin de Moncton, sud du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 556 p.
Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Rapport annuel 2017-2018.
INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.
International sedimentological congress (ISC)
ISC2018 Book of Abstracts: 20th International Sedimentological Congress (13 - 17 August 2018, Quebec City, Canada). A Sedimentary Journey Through 3 Bilion Years in the New World.
Isabelle, Pierre-Erik; Nadeau, Daniel F.; Asselin, Marie-Hélène; Harvey, Richard; Musselman, Keith N.; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID: et Anctil, François
Solar radiation transmittance of a boreal balsam fir canopy: Spatiotemporal variability and impacts on growing season hydrology.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
, vol. 263
pp. 1-14.
DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.07.022.
Isabelle, Pierre-Erik; Nadeau, Daniel F.; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID: et Anctil, François
Water budget, performance of evapotranspiration formulations, and their impact on hydrological modeling of a small boreal peatland-dominated watershed.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
, vol. 55
, nº 2.
pp. 206-220.
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2017-0046.
Jabir, Ahlame Dalila
Étude d’un procédé hydrométallurgique de récupération du manganèse et du zinc présents dans les déchets de piles alcalines.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 118 p.
Janos, Debora; Molson, John W. et Lefebvre, René
Regional groundwater flow dynamics and residence times in Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec, Canada: Insights from numerical simulations.
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
, vol. 43
, nº 2.
pp. 214-239.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2018.1437370.
Jaramillo, Fernando; Brown, Ian; Castellazzi, Pascal; Espinosa, Luisa; Guittard, Alice; Hong, Sang-Hoon; Rivera-Monroy, Victor H. et Wdowinski, Shimon
Assessment of hydrologic connectivity in an ungauged wetland with InSAR observations.
Environmental Research Letters
, vol. 13
, nº 2.
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa9d23.
Jaziri, Nehed
Évaluation de la performance d’un champ de forages géothermiques.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 110 p.
Jean, Marie-Ève; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID:; Pelletier, Geneviève et Pleau, Martin
Selection of rainfall information as input data for the design of combined sewer overflow solutions.
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 565
pp. 559-569.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.08.064.
Kadri, Tayssir; Cuprys, Agnieszka; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Daghrir, Rimeh et Lauzon, Jean-Marc
Nanoencapsulation and release study of enzymes from Alkanivorax borkumensis in chitosan-tripolyphosphate formulation.
Biochemical Engineering Journal
, vol. 137
pp. 1-10.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bej.2018.05.013.
Kadri, Tayssir; Magdouli, Sara; Rouissi, Tarek et Brar, Satinder Kaur
Ex-situ biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons using Alcanivorax borkumensis enzymes.
Biochemical Engineering Journal
, vol. 132
pp. 279-287.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bej.2018.01.014.
Kadri, Tayssir; Magdouli, Sara; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Daghrir, Rimeh et Lauzon, Jean-Marc
Bench-scale production of enzymes from the hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria Alcanivorax borkumensis and biodegradation tests.
Journal of Biotechnology
, vol. 283
pp. 105-114.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2018.07.039.
Kadri, Tayssir; Rouissi, Tarek; Magdouli, Sara; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Khiari, Zied; Daghrir, Rimeh et Lauzon, Jean-Marc
Production and characterization of novel hydrocarbon degrading enzymes from Alcanivorax borkumensis.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
, vol. 112
pp. 230-240.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.01.177.
Kaufman, Darrell S.
Technical note: Open-paleo-data implementation pilot – the PAGES 2k special issue.
Climate of the Past
, vol. 14
, nº 5.
pp. 593-600.
DOI: 10.5194/cp-14-593-2018.
Khedhaouiria, Dikra
Post-traitement stochastique des précipitations
journalières issues de réanalyses: application à la
réanalyse CFSR au Canada.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 212 p.
Khedhaouiria, Dikra; Mailhot, Alain
ORCID: et Favre, Anne-Catherine
Daily Precipitation Fields Modeling across the Great Lakes Region (Canada) by Using the CFSR Reanalysis.
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
, vol. 57
, nº 10.
pp. 2419-2438.
DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0019.1.
Khedhaouiria, Dikra; Mailhot, Alain
ORCID: et Favre, Anne-Catherine
Stochastic Post-Processing of CFSR Daily Precipitation across Canada.
, vol. 56
, nº 2.
pp. 104-116.
DOI: 10.1080/07055900.2018.1434122.
Khosravanipour Mostafazadeh, Ali; Solomatnikova, Olga; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
A review of recent research and developments in fast pyrolysis and bio-oil upgrading.
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
, vol. 8
, nº 3.
pp. 739-773.
DOI: 10.1007/s13399-018-0320-z.
Kidd, Jessica; St-Hilaire, André; Caissie, Daniel; Monk, Wendy A. et Van Den Heuvel, Michael R.
NSERC CONNECT Workshop on environmental flows in Canada held in Montreal, Quebec, January 31 to February 1, 2018: Abstracts and proceedings.
Kim Tiam, Sandra; Lavoie, Isabelle
ORCID:; Doose, Caroline; Hamilton, Paul B. et Fortin, Claude
Morphological, physiological and molecular responses of Nitzschia palea under cadmium stress.
, vol. 27
, nº 6.
pp. 675-688.
DOI: 10.1007/s10646-018-1945-1.
Komtchou, Simon
Développement de procédés d’oxydation photo-électrocatalytiques pour le traitement des eaux
contaminées par des produits phytosanitaires.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 394 p.
Komtchou, Simon; Delegan, Nazar; Dirany, Ahmad; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Robert, Didier et El Khakani, My Ali
Removal of atrazine by photoelectrocatalytic process under sunlight using WN-codoped TiO2 photoanode.
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
, vol. 48
, nº 12.
pp. 1353-1361.
DOI: 10.1007/s10800-018-1253-8.
Krushnisky, Alexandre
Controls on gold enrichment at the Horne 5 Archean
VMS deposit, Abitibi greenstone belt, Québec.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 238 p.
Kumar, Pratik; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Cledon, Maximiliano et Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh
Physico-chemical treatment for the degradation of cyanotoxins with emphasis on drinking water treatment—How far have we come?
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
, vol. 6
, nº 4.
pp. 5369-5388.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2018.08.032.
Kumar, Pratik; Hegde, Krishnamoorthy; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Cledon, Maximiliano; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh; Roy-Lachapelle, Audrey et Galvez-Cloutier, Rosa
Biodegradation of microcystin-LR using acclimatized bacteria isolated from different units of the drinking water treatment plant.
Environmental Pollution
, vol. 242
pp. 407-416.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.07.008.
Kuttiraja, Mathiazhakan; Ayed, Dhouha et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Harnessing the Effect of pH on Lipid Production in Batch Cultures of Yarrowia lipolytica SKY7.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
, vol. 184
, nº 4.
pp. 1332-1346.
DOI: 10.1007/s12010-017-2617-y.
Ladevèze, Pierre; Séjourné, Stephan; Rivard, Christine; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René
ORCID: et Rouleau, Amélie
Defining the natural fracture network in a shale gas play and its cover succession: The case of the Utica Shale in eastern Canada.
Journal of Structural Geology
, vol. 108
pp. 157-170.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2017.12.007.
Lapointe, François
Les modes de variabilité climatique en Arctique à la lumière des sédiments annuellement laminés.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de la terre, 227 p.
Larabi, Samah; St-Hilaire, André et Chebana, Fateh
A New Concept to Calibrate and Evaluate a Hydrological Model Based on Functional Data Analysis.
Journal of Water Management Modeling
, vol. 26
DOI: 10.14796/JWMM.C442.
Larabi, Samah; St-Hilaire, André; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID: et Latraverse, Marco
Multi-Criteria Process-Based Calibration Using Functional Data Analysis to Improve Hydrological Model Realism.
Water Resources Management
, vol. 32
, nº 1.
pp. 195-211.
DOI: 10.1007/s11269-017-1803-6.
Larabi, Samah; St-Hilaire, André; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID: et Latraverse, Marco
Using Functional Data Analysis to Calibrate and Evaluate Hydrological Model Performance.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
, vol. 23
, nº 7.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001669.
Larios, Araceli Dalila
Étude sur la performance de l’échantillonnage à flux passif pour estimer les émissions d’oxyde nitreux dans les bâtiments d’élevage.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 157 p.
Larios, Araceli Dalila; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID:; Godbout, Stéphane; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Valera, Fabian; Palacios, Joahnn H.; Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio; Saldoval-Salas, Fabiola; Larouche, Jean-Pierre; Medina-Hernández, David et Potvin, Lise
Analysis of atmospheric ammonia concentration from four sites in Quebec City region over 2010–2013.
Atmospheric Pollution Research
, vol. 9
, nº 3.
pp. 476-482.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2017.11.001.
Larios, Araceli Dalila; Godbout, Stéphane; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Palacios, Joahnn H.; Zegan, Dan; Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio et Sandoval-Salas, Fabiola
Development of passive flux samplers based on adsorption to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural sources.
Biosystems Engineering
, vol. 169
pp. 165-174.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2018.02.010.
Latapie, Romain
Suivi en temps réel de l’aléa inondation par cameras de surveillance : estimation du niveau de l’eau.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 155 p.
Laurencelle, Marc
Propriétés hydrauliques et processus d’invasion par la mer de Champlain du système aquifère rocheux fracturé régional de la Montérégie est, Québec, Canada.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de la terre, 399 p.
Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID:; Rousseau, Alain N.
ORCID:; Blanchette, Marianne et Sadeghian, Amir
Évaluation de l’impact des usages et des aménagements projetés sur la qualité de l’eau des lacs Laberge.
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.
Lavoie, Isabelle
ORCID:; Morin, Soizic; Laderriere, Vincent et Fortin, Claude
Freshwater Diatoms as Indicators of Combined Long-Term Mining and Urban Stressors in Junction Creek (Ontario, Canada).
, vol. 5
, nº 2.
p. 30.
DOI: 10.3390/environments5020030.
Lee, Taesam et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
Conditional stochastic simulation model for spatial downscaling for assessing the effects of climate change on hydro-meteorological variables.
Climatic Change
, vol. 150
, nº 3-4.
pp. 163-180.
DOI: 10.1007/s10584-018-2276-1.
Légaré-Couture, Guillaume; Leblanc, Yves; Parent, Michel; Lacasse, Karine et Campeau, Stéphane
Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphical modelling of the regional aquifer system of the St. Maurice Delta Complex (St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canada).
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
, vol. 43
, nº 2.
pp. 92-112.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2017.1316215.
Lemay, Marc-André; Provencher-Nolet, Laurence; Bernier, Monique; Lévesque, Esther et Boudreau, Stéphane
Spatially explicit modelling and prediction of shrub cover increase near Umiujaq, Nunavik.
Ecological Monographs
, vol. 88
, nº 3.
pp. 385-407.
DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1296.
Lévesque, Alice V.; Vincent, Warwick; Comte, Jérôme
ORCID:; Lovejoy, Connie et Culley, Alexander I.
Chlorovirus and myovirus diversity in permafrost thaw ponds.
Aquatic Microbial Ecology
, vol. 82
, nº 2.
pp. 209-224.
DOI: 10.3354/ame01893.
Lhissou, Rachid; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID:; Gill-Fortin, Jasmin; Agili, Hachem; Poulin, Jimmy et Bergeron, Daniel
Dépistage automatique des doryphores dans la culture de pomme de terre à l’aide de l'imagerie par drone et de la vision artificielle : Étude de faisabilité.
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.
Linderholm, Hans W.; Nicolle, Marie; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; Gajewski, Konrad; Helama, Samuli; Korhola, Atte; Solomina, Olga; Yu, Zicheng; Zhang, Peng; D'Andrea, William J.; Debret, Maxime; Divine, Dmitry V.; Gunnarson, Björn E.; Loader, Neil J.; Massei, Nicolas; Seftigen, Kristina; Thomas, Elizabeth K.; Werner, Johannes P.; Andersson, Sofia; Berntsson, Annika; Luoto, Tomi P.; Nevalainen, Liisa; Saarni, Saija et Väliranta, Minna
Arctic hydroclimate variability during the last 2000 years: current understanding and research challenges.
Climate of the Past
, vol. 14
, nº 4.
pp. 473-514.
DOI: 10.5194/cp-14-473-2018.
Liosis, Nikolaos; Marpu, Prashanth R.; Pavlopoulos, Kosmas et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
Ground subsidence monitoring with SAR interferometry techniques in the rural area of Al Wagan, UAE.
Remote Sensing of Environment
, vol. 216
pp. 276-288.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.07.001.
Liu, Fengjie; Fortin, Claude
ORCID: et Campbell, Peter G. C.
Chemical Conditions in the Boundary Layer Surrounding Phytoplankton Cells Modify Cadmium Bioavailability.
Environmental Science & Technology
, vol. 52
, nº 14.
pp. 7988-7995.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b01408.
Liu, Hejuan; Giroux, Bernard
ORCID:; Harris, Lyal B.
ORCID:; Quenette, Steve M. et Mansour, John
Numerical analysis of the role of radiogenic basement on temperature distribution in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Québec.
Geothermal Energy
, vol. 6
, nº 1.
p. 30.
DOI: 10.1186/s40517-018-0115-2.
Liu, Yuxue; Lonappan, Linson; Brar, Satinder Kaur et Yang, Shengmao
Impact of biochar amendment in agricultural soils on the sorption, desorption, and degradation of pesticides: A review.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 645
pp. 60-70.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.099.
Liu, Yuxue; Wang, Yuying; Lu, Haohao; Lonappan, Linson; Brar, Satinder Kaur; He, Lili; Chen, Jinyuan et Yang, Shengmao
Biochar application as a soil amendment for decreasing cadmium availability in soil and accumulation in Brassica chinensis.
Journal of Soils and Sediments
, vol. 18
, nº 7.
pp. 2511-2519.
DOI: 10.1007/s11368-018-1927-1.
Lonappan, Linson
Développement de micro-système imprégné de biocharbon-enzyme (BEMS) pour la dégradation du contaminant émergent – diclofénac.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 418 p.
Lonappan, Linson; Liu, Yuxue; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Adsorptive immobilization of agro-industrially produced crude laccase on various micro-biochars and degradation of diclofenac.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 640-641
pp. 1251-1258.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.005.
Lonappan, Linson; Liu, Yuxue; Rouissi, Tarek; Pourcel, Florent; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Covalent immobilization of laccase on citric acid functionalized micro-biochars derived from different feedstock and removal of diclofenac.
Chemical Engineering Journal
, vol. 351
pp. 985-994.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2018.06.157.
Lonappan, Linson; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Adsorption of diclofenac onto different biochar microparticles: Dataset – Characterization and dosage of biochar.
Data in Brief
, vol. 16
pp. 460-465.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.10.041.
Magdouli, Sara; Brar, Satinder Kaur et Blais, Jean-François
Morphology and rheological behaviour of Yarrowia lipolytica : Impact of dissolved oxygen level on cell growth and lipid composition.
Process Biochemistry
, vol. 65
pp. 1-10.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2017.10.021.
Mahunon, Sènandémi Edwige Reine; Aina, Martin Pépin; Akowanou, Akuemaho Virgile Onésime; Kouassi, Edmond Konan; Yao, Benjamin Kouassi; Adouby, Kopoin et Drogui, Patrick
Optimization process of organic matter removal from wastewater by using Eichhornia crassipes.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
, vol. 25
, nº 29.
pp. 29219-29226.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-2771-y.
Mailhot, Alain
ORCID:; Talbot, Guillaume; Ricard, Simon; Turcotte, Richard et Guinard, Karine
Assessing the potential impacts of dam operation on daily flow at ungauged river reaches.
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
, vol. 18
pp. 156-167.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2018.06.006.
Maiti, Sampa; Gallastegui, Gorka; Suresh, Gayatri; Pachapur, Vinayak Laxman; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Le Bihan, Yann; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Buelna, Gerardo; Verma, Mausam P. et Galvez-Cloutier, Rosa
Microwave-assisted one-pot conversion of agro-industrial wastes into levulinic acid: An alternate approach.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 265
pp. 471-479.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.06.012.
Makungu, Landrie Anaelle Joana
Comparaison des coûts de diverses mesures d'adaptation
des réseaux de drainage urbain.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 86 p.
Malo, Michel
La diversité géologique du Québec.
, vol. 198
pp. 4-6.
Martel, Jean-Luc; Mailhot, Alain
ORCID:; Brissette, François et Caya, Daniel
Role of Natural Climate Variability in the Detection of Anthropogenic Climate Change Signal for Mean and Extreme Precipitation at Local and Regional Scales.
Journal of Climate
, vol. 31
, nº 11.
pp. 4241-4263.
DOI: 10.1175/jcli-d-17-0282.1.
Martel, Richard
ORCID:; Castellazzi, Pascal; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID:; Trépanier, Luc et Garfias, Jaime
ERT, GPR, InSAR, and tracer tests to characterize karst aquifer systems under urban areas: The case of Quebec City.
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pp. 45-56.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.03.003.
Martín-Domínguez, Alejandra; Rivera-Huerta, María de Lourdes; Pérez-Castrejón, Sara; Garrido-Hoyos, Sofía E.; Villegas-Mendoza, Iván Emmanuel; Gelover-Santiago, Silvia Lucila; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Buelna, Gerardo
Chromium removal from drinking water by redox-assisted coagulation: Chemical versus electrocoagulation.
Separation and Purification Technology
, vol. 200
pp. 266-272.
DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2018.02.014.
Masselot, Pierre; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID:; Bélanger, Diane; St-Hilaire, André; Abdous, Belkacem; Gosselin, Pierre et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
Aggregating the response in time series regression models, applied to weather-related cardiovascular mortality.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 628-62
pp. 217-225.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.014.
Masselot, Pierre; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID:; Bélanger, Diane; St-Hilaire, André; Abdous, Belkacem; Gosselin, Pierre et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
EMD-regression for modelling multi-scale relationships, and application to weather-related cardiovascular mortality.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 612
pp. 1018-1029.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.276.
Masselot, Pierre; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID:; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Bélanger, Diane; St-Hilaire, André et Gosselin, Pierre
A new look at weather-related health impacts through functional regression.
Scientific Reports
, vol. 8
, nº 1.
p. 15241.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33626-1.
Matte, Pascal; Secretan, Yves et Morin, Jean
Reconstruction of Tidal Discharges in the St. Lawrence Fluvial Estuary: The Method of Cubature Revisited.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
, vol. 123
, nº 8.
pp. 5500-5524.
DOI: 10.1029/2018JC013834.
Matveev, Alex; Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID: et Vincent, Warwick
Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from thermokarst lakes on mineral soils.
Arctic Science
, vol. 4
, nº 4.
pp. 584-604.
DOI: 10.1139/AS-2017-0047.
McLeod, Joe; Ferguson, Ian M.; Craven, Jim; Roberts, Brian et Giroux, Bernard
Pre-injection magnetotelluric surveys at the Aquistore CO₂ sequestration site, Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
, vol. 74
pp. 99-118.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.04.024.
Meftah, Marouane
Mise au point d’un procédé électrolytique pour le traitement des eaux usées de camping.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 75 p.
Mehdi, Youcef; Létourneau-Montminy, Marie P.; Gaucher, Marie L.; Chorfi, Younes; Gayatri, Suresh; Rouissi, Tarek; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Côté, Caroline; Ramirez, Antonio Avalos et Godbout, Stéphane
Use of antibiotics in broiler production: Global impacts and alternatives.
Animal Nutrition
, vol. 4
, nº 2.
pp. 170-178.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aninu.2018.03.002.
Miranda, Mafalda M.; Matos, Cataruba; Rodrigues, Nelson; Pereira, Alcides J.S.C. et Costa, José Joaquim
Effect of temperature on the thermal conductivity of a granite with high heat production from Central Portugal.
Journal of Iberian Geology
, vol. 45
, nº 1.
pp. 147-161.
DOI: 10.1007/s41513-018-0096-9.
Mocq, Julien et Hare, Landis
Influence of Acid Mine Drainage, and Its Remediation, on Lakewater Quality and Benthic Invertebrate Communities.
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
, vol. 229
, nº 2.
p. 28.
DOI: 10.1007/s11270-017-3671-3.
Moreno Correia, Maria José
Optimisation de la précipitation des carbonates de magnésium pour l’application dans un procédé de séquestration de co₂ par carbonatation minérale de la serpentine.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 125 p.
Moreno, David; López-Sánchez, Jacqueline; Blessent, Daniela et Raymond, Jasmin
Fault characterization and heat-transfer modeling to the Northwest of Nevado del Ruiz Volcano.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
, vol. 88
pp. 50-63.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2018.08.008.
Mouedhen, Ikbel
Optimisation des procédés minéralurgiques de traitement des sols contaminés par des cendres d’incinération et des résidus métallurgiques et établissement de modèles et d’outils de prédiction du rendement.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de la terre, 247 p.
Mouedhen, Ikbel; Coudert, Lucie; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID: et Mercier, Guy
Study of factors involved in the gravimetric separation process to treat soil contaminated by municipal solid waste.
Journal of Environmental Management
, vol. 209
pp. 23-36.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.12.020.
Mouedhen, Ikbel et Mercier, Guy
Revue de la documentation sur les technologies de gestion des sols contaminés dans le contexte québécois.
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.
Mucci, Alfonso; Levasseur, Maurice; Gratton, Yves; Martias, Chloé; Scarratt, Michael; Gilbert, Denis; Tremblay, Jean-Éric; Ferreyra, Gustavo et Lansard, Bruno
Tidally-induced variations of pH at the head of the Laurentian Channel.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
, vol. 75
, nº 7.
pp. 1128-1141.
DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0007.
Naghdi, Mitra
Enlèvement de Carbamazépine de l'eau et des eaux usées en utilisant des systèmes nano imprégnés de biochar-enzyme (BENS).
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 545 p.
Naghdi, Mitra; Cledon, Maximiliano; Brar, Satinder Kaur et Ramirez, Antonio Avalos
Nitrification of vegetable waste using nitrifying bacteria.
Ecological Engineering
, vol. 121
pp. 83-88.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.07.003.
Naghdi, Mitra; Taheran, Mehrdad; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Biotransformation of carbamazepine by laccase-mediator system: Kinetics, by-products and toxicity assessment.
Process Biochemistry
, vol. 67
pp. 147-154.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2018.02.009.
Naghdi, Mitra; Taheran, Mehrdad; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Pinewood nanobiochar: A unique carrier for the immobilization of crude laccase by covalent bonding.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
, vol. 115
pp. 563-571.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.04.105.
Naghdi, Mitra; Taheran, Mehrdad; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Kermanshahi-pour, Azadeh; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in water and wastewater using fungal oxidoreductase enzymes.
Environmental Pollution
, vol. 234
pp. 190-213.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.11.060.
Naji, Touriya; Dirany, Ahmad; Carabin, Anne et Drogui, Patrick
Large-scale disinfection of real swimming pool water by electro-oxidation.
Environmental Chemistry Letters
, vol. 16
, nº 2.
pp. 545-551.
DOI: 10.1007/s10311-017-0687-2.
Nasr, Maher; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; Malo, Michel et Gloaguen, Erwan
Geothermal potential of the St. Lawrence Lowlands sedimentary basin from well log analysis.
, vol. 75
pp. 68-80.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2018.04.004.
Ndao, Adama
Procédés de fortification, de floculation et de formulation dans la production de biopesticide à partir des eaux usées d'industrie d'amidon à base de Bacillus Thuringiensis var. kurstaki.
Québec, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, 253 p.
Nguyen, Hong-Trang; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID:; Villeneuve, Jean-Pierre; Toumbou, Babacar et Kokutse, Nomessi
Modélisation du régime hydrologique à l’échelle du bassin versant dans le cas de données restreintes : cas de la rivière Cau au Vietnam. / Modeling the hydrological regime modeling at the watershed scale in the case of restricted data: Case of the Cau River in Vietnam.
Revue des sciences de l’eau
, vol. 31
, nº 3.
pp. 201-215.
DOI: 10.7202/1054303ar.
Nguyen, Phu Duc; Toumbou, Babacar; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID:; Kokutse, Nomessi et Villeneuve, Jean-Pierre
Évaluation de l’impact de la pollution diffuse sur la qualité de l’eau en rivière avec données restreintes : cas d’application du bassin versant de la rivière Cau / Assessment of the impact of diffuse pollution on river water quality with limited data: application to the Cau River watershed.
Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science
, vol. 31
, nº 3.
pp. 293-312.
DOI: 10.7202/1054308ar.
Nguyen, Phu Duc; Villeneuve, Jean-Pierre; Toumbou, Babacar; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID: et Kokutse, Nomessi
Utilisation de la modélisation de la qualité de l’eau en rivière pour l’évaluation du respect des normes en contexte de données restreintes : cas d’application du bassin versant de la rivière Cau / Modeling river water quality to assess standard compliance with restricted data: Case study of the Cau River watershed.
Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science
, vol. 31
, nº 3.
pp. 271-290.
DOI: 10.7202/1054307ar.
Nguyen, Xuan Tuan; Kokutse, Nomessi; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID:; Toumbou, Babacar et Villeneuve, Jean-Pierre
Modélisation des rizières irriguées et intégration dans hydrotel : application au bassin versant de la rivière Cau au Vietnam.
Revue des sciences de l’eau
, vol. 31
, nº 3.
pp. 217-233.
DOI: 10.7202/1054304ar.
Nguyen, Xuan Tuan; Villeneuve, Jean-Pierre; Kokutse, Nomessi et Duchesne, Sophie
Modèle de gestion d’un réservoir pour l’alimentation en eau des rizières dans un contexte de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau : cas du lac-réservoir Nui Coc au Vietnam / Reservoir management model for water supply to rice fields in a context of integrated water resource management - case study: the Nui Coc lake-reservoir in Vietnam.
Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science
, vol. 31
, nº 3.
pp. 235-248.
DOI: 10.7202/1054305ar.
Nielsen, Guillaume
Enlèvement des métaux des effluents miniers en climat froid par des
processus biologiques et chimiques s’opérant dans des bioréacteurs
semi‐passifs sulfato‐réducteurs.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de la terre, 216 p.
Nielsen, Guillaume; Hatam, Ido; Abuan, Karl A.; Janin, Amélie; Coudert, Lucie; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID:; Mercier, Guy et Baldwin, Susan A.
Semi-passive in-situ pilot scale bioreactor successfully removed sulfate and metals from mine impacted water under subarctic climatic conditions.
Water Research
, vol. 140
pp. 268-279.
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2018.04.035.
Nielsen, Guillaume; Janin, Amélie; Coudert, Lucie; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID: et Mercier, Guy
Performance of Sulfate-reducing Passive Bioreactors for the Removal of Cd and Zn from Mine Drainage in a Cold Climate.
Mine Water and the Environment
, vol. 37
, nº 1.
pp. 42-55.
DOI: 10.1007/s10230-017-0465-1.
Nouha, Klai; Kumar, Ram Saurabh; Sellamuthu, Balasubramanian et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Critical review of EPS production, synthesis and composition for sludge flocculation.
Journal of Environmental Sciences
, vol. 66
pp. 225-245.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2017.05.020.
Novoa, Julio; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID: et Lhissou, Rachid
A novel index for assessment of riparian strip efficiency in agricultural landscapes using high spatial resolution satellite imagery.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 644
pp. 1439-1451.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.069.
Nussbaumer, Raphaël; Mariethoz, Grégoire; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID: et Holliger, Klaus
Which Path to Choose in Sequential Gaussian Simulation.
Mathematical Geosciences
, vol. 50
, nº 1.
pp. 98-120.
DOI: 10.1007/s11004-017-9699-5.
Nussbaumer, Raphaël; Mariethoz, Grégoire; Gravey, Mathieu; Gloaguen, Erwan
ORCID: et Holliger, Klaus
Accelerating Sequential Gaussian Simulation with a constant path.
Computers & Geosciences
, vol. 112
pp. 121-132.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2017.12.006.
Nzekwe, Obinna Peter; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; St-Onge, Guillaume; Lajeunesse, Patrick; Fortin, David; Poiré, Antoine G.; Philippe, Édouard G. H. et Normandeau, Alexandre
Recent sedimentation in three adjacent fjord-lakes on the Québec North Shore (Eastern Canada): facies analysis, laminae preservation and potential for varve formation.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
, vol. 55
, nº 2.
pp. 138-153.
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2017-0070.
Oswald, William
Geology of the banded iron formation-hosted Musselwhite gold deposit, Superior Province, Ontario, Canada /
Géologie du gisement aurifère encaissé dans des formations de fer Musselwhite, Province du Supérieur, Ontario, Canada.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de la terre, 511 p.
Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID: et Charron, Christian
Nonstationary Temperature-Duration-Frequency curves.
Scientific Reports
, vol. 8
, nº 1.
p. 15493.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33974-y.
Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID: et Charron, Christian
On the mixture of wind speed distribution in a Nordic region.
Energy Conversion and Management
, vol. 174
pp. 33-44.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2018.08.007.
Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID:; Charron, Christian; Hundecha, Yeshewatesfa; St-Hilaire, André et Chebana, Fateh
Introduction of the GAM model for regional low-flow frequency analysis at ungauged basins and comparison with commonly used approaches.
Environmental Modelling & Software
, vol. 109
pp. 256-271.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.08.031.
Ouarda, Yassine; Tiwari, Bhagyashree; Azaïs, Antonin; Vaudreuil, Marc-Antoine; Ndiaye, Sokhna Dieng; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Sauvé, Sébastien; Desrosiers, Mélanie; Buelna, Gerardo et Dubé, Rino
Synthetic hospital wastewater treatment by coupling submerged membrane bioreactor and electrochemical advanced oxidation process: Kinetic study and toxicity assessment.
, vol. 193
pp. 160-169.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.11.010.
Ouarda, Yassine; Zolfaghari, Mehdi; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Seyhi, Brahima; Buelna, Gerardo et Dubé, Rino
Performance of a membrane bioreactor in extreme concentrations of bisphenol A.
Water Science and Technology
, vol. 77
, nº 6.
pp. 1505-1513.
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2018.011.
Oubennaceur, Khalid; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID:; Nastev, Miroslav; Tanguy, Marion et Raymond, Sébastien
Uncertainty Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Model.
, vol. 10
, nº 3.
p. 272.
DOI: 10.3390/w10030272.
Ouellet, Maxim et Duchesne, Sophie
A method to consider replaced pipes in modeling of sewer pipe deterioration.
Urban Water Journal
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pp. 392-397.
DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2018.1455883.
Ouellet-Proulx, Sébastien
Prévision thermique d’ensemble en rivière avec assimilation de données.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 222 p.
Ouzemou, Jamal-eddine; El Harti, Abderrazak; Lhissou, Rachid; El Moujahid, Ali; Bouch, Naima; El Ouazzani, Rabii; Bachaoui, El Mostafa et El Ghmari, Abderrahmene
Crop type mapping from pansharpened Landsat 8 NDVI data: A case of a highly fragmented and intensive agricultural system.
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
, vol. 11
pp. 94-103.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rsase.2018.05.002.
Pachapur, Vinayak Laxman; Sarma, Saurabh Jyoti; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Le Bihan, Yann; Buelna, Gerardo et Verma, Mausam P.
Energy balance of hydrogen production from wastes of biodiesel production.
, vol. 9
, nº 2.
pp. 129-138.
DOI: 10.1080/17597269.2016.1153361.
Pandey, Lalit K.; Lavoie, Isabelle
ORCID:; Morin, Soizic; Park, Jihae; Lyu, Jie; Choi, Soyeon; Lee, Hojun et Han, Taejun
River water quality assessment based on a multi-descriptor approach including chemistry, diatom assemblage structure, and non-taxonomical diatom metrics.
Ecological Indicators
, vol. 84
pp. 140-151.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.07.043.
Pasquier, Louis-César
ORCID:; Kemache, Nassima; Mocellin, Julien; Blais, Jean-François
ORCID: et Mercier, Guy
Waste Concrete Valorization; Aggregates and Mineral Carbonation Feedstock Production.
, vol. 8
, nº 9.
p. 342.
DOI: 10.3390/geosciences8090342.
Patey, Géraldine; Couillard, Catherine M.; Drouineau, Hilaire; Verreault, Guy; Pierron, Fabien; Lambert, Patrick; Baudrimont, Magalie et Couture, Patrice
Early back-calculated size-at-age of Atlantic yellow eels sampled along ecological gradients in the Gironde and St. Lawrence hydrographical systems
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
, vol. 75
, nº 8.
pp. 1270-1279.
DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0025.
Pérez Bello, Alexis
Defining a reference climate for canada through the
combination of observational and reanalysis datasets.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 75 p.
Perra, Enrica
A comparative assessment of hydrologic models of varying
complexity applied to a semi-arid region (Sardinia, Italy).
for climate change studies
Italie - Québec, Università degli Studi di Cagliari - Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de la terre, 182 p.
Perra, Enrica; Piras, Monica; Deidda, Roberto; Paniconi, Claudio
ORCID:; Mascaro, Giuseppe; Vivoni, Enrique R.; Cau, Pierluigi; Marras, Pier Andrea; Ludwig, Ralf Peter et Meyer, Swen
Multimodel assessment of climate change-induced hydrologic impacts for a Mediterranean catchment.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
, vol. 22
, nº 7.
pp. 4125-4143.
DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-4125-2018.
Perron, Isabelle; Cambouris, Athyna N.; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID:; Vargas Gutierrez, Miguel Felipe; Zebarth, Bernie J.; Moreau, Gilles; Biswas, Asim et Adamchuk, Vlacheslav I.
Delineating soil management zones using a proximal soil sensing system in two commercial potato fields in New Brunswick, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science
, vol. 98
, nº 4.
pp. 724-737.
DOI: 10.1139/CJSS-2018-0063.
Plourde, Patrick; Bergeron, Martin; Giugni, Laurent et Bernier, Monique
Editorial note - Special issue on the “Earth Observation (EO) Summit 2017”
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
, vol. 44
, nº 3.
pp. 177-178.
DOI: 10.1080/07038992.2018.1522115.
Poiré, Antoine G.; Lajeunesse, Patrick; Normandeau, Alexandre; Francus, Pierre
ORCID:; St-Onge, Guillaume et Nzekwe, Obinna Peter
Late-Quaternary glacial to postglacial sedimentation in three adjacent fjord-lakes of the Québec North Shore (eastern Canadian Shield).
Quaternary Science Reviews
, vol. 186
pp. 91-110.
DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.02.013.
Pomerleau, Corinne; Matthews, Cory J. D.; Gobeil, Charles; Stern, Gary A.; Ferguson, Steven H. et Macdonald, Robie W.
Mercury and stable isotope cycles in baleen plates are consistent with year-round feeding in two bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) populations.
Polar Biology
, vol. 41
, nº 9.
pp. 1881-1893.
DOI: 10.1007/s00300-018-2329-y.
Ponton, Dominic; Fortin, Claude
ORCID: et Hare, Landis
Organic Selenium, Selenate and Selenite Accumulation by Lake Plankton and the Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii at Different pH and Sulfate Concentrations.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
, vol. 37
, nº 8.
pp. 2112-2122.
DOI: 10.1002/etc.4158.
Pulicharla, Rama; Das, Ratul Kumar; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Degradation kinetics of chlortetracycline in wastewater using ultrasonication assisted laccase.
Chemical Engineering Journal
, vol. 347
pp. 828-835.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2018.04.162.
Pulicharla, Rama; Drouinaud, Roggy; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Proulx, François; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Activation of persulfate by homogeneous and heterogeneous iron catalyst to degrade chlortetracycline in aqueous solution.
, vol. 207
pp. 543-551.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.05.134.
Pulicharla, Rama; Zolfaghari, Mehdi; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Auger, Serge; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Acute Impact of Chlortetracycline on Nitrifying and Denitrifying Processes.
Water Environment Research
, vol. 90
, nº 7.
pp. 604-614.
DOI: 10.2175/106143017X15131012153095.
Quebec Geoscience Centre
Annual Report 2017-2018.
Quebec Geoscience Centre, Québec.
Rahal, Rahma
Toxicité du lanthane chez l'algue verte Chlorella fusca en présence de matière organique naturelle.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 88 p.
Rahman, Ataur; Charron, Christian; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID: et Chebana, Fateh
Development of regional flood frequency analysis techniques using generalized additive models for Australia.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
, vol. 32
, nº 1.
pp. 123-139.
DOI: 10.1007/s00477-017-1384-1.
Ram, Saurabh Kumar; Kumar, Lalit; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Drogui, Patrick
Techno-economic evaluation of simultaneous production of extra-cellular polymeric substance (EPS) and lipids by Cloacibacterium normanense NK6 using crude glycerol and sludge as substrate.
Water Science and Technology
, vol. 77
, nº 9.
pp. 2228-2241.
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2018.140.
Ram, Saurabh Kumar; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Drogui, Patrick
Effect of Sludge Concentration and Crude Glycerol Matrix as a Substrate on the Production of Single-Cell Oil by Oleaginous Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica SKY7.
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p. 24.
DOI: 10.3390/fermentation4020024.
Rasooli, Azadeh; Ghafari, Elham; Saedi, Hamed et Miri, Saba
Expression changes of CD177 and MPO as novel biomarkers in lung tissue of CLP model rats.
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
, vol. 48
, nº 6.
pp. 1321-1327.
DOI: 10.3906/sag-1806-223.
Ratté-Fortin, Claudie; Chokmani, Karem
ORCID: et El-Alem, Anas
A novel algorithm of cloud detection for water quality studies using 250 m downscaled MODIS imagery.
International Journal of Remote Sensing
, vol. 39
, nº 19.
pp. 6429-6439.
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1460506.
Raymond, Jasmin
Colloquium 2016: Assessment of the subsurface thermal conductivity for geothermal applications.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal
, vol. 55
, nº 9.
pp. 1209-1229.
DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2017-0447.
Raynauld, Mélanie; Lefebvre, René
ORCID: et Gosselin, Jean-Sébastien
Estimation de la recharge avec le modèle
d’infiltration HELP pour les régions de Laval et
des Laurentides: Projet RADEAU 2: Rapport final
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.
Requena, Ana Isabel; Chebana, Fateh
ORCID: et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
A functional framework for flow-duration-curve and daily streamflow estimation at ungauged sites.
Advances in Water Resources
, vol. 113
pp. 328-340.
DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.01.019.
Requena, Ana Isabel; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
ORCID: et Chebana, Fateh
Low-flow frequency analysis at ungauged sites based on regionally estimated streamflows.
Journal of Hydrology
, vol. 563
pp. 523-532.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.06.016.
Rey, Nathalie; Rosa, Eric; Cloutier, Vincent et Lefebvre, René
Using water stable isotopes for tracing surface and groundwater flow systems in the Barlow-Ojibway Clay Belt, Quebec, Canada.
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
, vol. 43
, nº 2.
pp. 173-194.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2017.1403960.
Rioux, Geneviève
Spéciation du platine en présence de matière organique naturelle et biodisponibilité pour l’algue verte Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 187 p.
Rivard, Christine; Bordeleau, Geneviève
ORCID:; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René
ORCID: et Malet, Xavier
Can groundwater sampling techniques used in monitoring wells influence methane concentrations and isotopes?
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
, vol. 190
, nº 4.
p. 191.
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-6532-7.
Rivard, Christine; Bordeleau, Geneviève
ORCID:; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René
ORCID: et Malet, Xavier
Temporal variations of methane concentration and isotopic composition in groundwater of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, eastern Canada.
Hydrogeology Journal
, vol. 26
, nº 2.
pp. 533-551.
DOI: 10.1007/s10040-017-1677-y.
Romero-Soto, Itzel; Dia, Oumar; Leyva-Soto, Luis Alonso; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Buelna, Gerardo; Diaz-Tenorio, Lourdes Mariana; Ulloa-Mercado, Ruth Gabriela et Gortáres-Moroyoqui, Pablo
Degradation of Chloramphenicol in Synthetic and Aquaculture Wastewater Using Electrooxidation.
Journal of Environment Quality
, vol. 47
, nº 4.
pp. 805-811.
DOI: 10.2134/jeq2017.12.0475.
Roques, Clément; Aquilina, Luc; Boisson, Alexandre; Vergnaud-Ayraud, Virginie; Labasque, Thierry; Longuevergne, Laurent; Laurencelle, Marc; Dufresne, Alexis; de Dreuzy, Jean-Raynald; Pauwels, Hélène et Bour, Olivier
Autotrophic denitrification supported by biotite dissolution in crystalline aquifers: (2) transient mixing and denitrification dynamic during long-term pumping.
Science of The Total Environment
, vol. 619-20
pp. 491-503.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.104.
Roy, Dany; Azaïs, Antonin; Benkaraache, Sanae; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Composting leachate: characterization, treatment, and future perspectives.
Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology
, vol. 17
, nº 2.
pp. 323-349.
DOI: 10.1007/s11157-018-9462-5.
Samson-Dô, Myriam et St-Hilaire, André
Characterizing and modelling the trapping efficiency of sedimentation basins downstream of harvested peat bog.
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
, vol. 45
, nº 6.
pp. 478-788.
DOI: 10.1139/cjce-2017-0330.
Sánchez-Marin, Paula; Liu, Fengjie; Chen, Zhongzhi; Fortin, Claude
ORCID: et Campbell, Peter G. C.
Microalgal-driven pH changes in the boundary layer lead to apparent increases in Pb internalization by a unicellular alga in the presence of citrate.
Limnology and Oceanography
, vol. 63
, nº 3.
pp. 1328-1339.
DOI: 10.1002/lno.10774.
Sanni, Isbath Bona Ouré
Combinaison des procédés d’électrocoagulation et d’électro-oxydation pour le traitement des eaux usées résiduaires issues des opérations de nettoyage de cuves industrielles.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 114 p.
Sarma, Saurabh Jyoti; Ayadi, Mariem; Maiti, Sampa; Brar, Satinder Kaur et Berry, Richard
Magnetic Particles for Sugar Separation from Sulphuric Acid Solution Generated During Nano-Crystalline Cellulose Production.
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
, vol. 96
, nº 1.
pp. 4-10.
DOI: 10.1002/cjce.23062.
Saulnier-Talbot, Émilie et Lavoie, Isabelle
Uncharted waters: the rise of human-made aquatic environments in the age of the “Anthropocene”.
, vol. 23
pp. 29-42.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ancene.2018.07.003.
Shishegar, Shadab; Duchesne, Sophie
ORCID: et Pelletier, Geneviève
Optimization methods applied to stormwater management problems: a review.
Urban Water Journal
, vol. 15
, nº 3.
pp. 276-286.
DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2018.1439976.
Sierra, Carlos; Chouinard, Sébastien; Pasquier, Louis-César
ORCID:; Mercier, Guy et Blais, Jean-François
Feasibility Study on the Utilization of Serpentine Residues for Mg(OH)2 Production.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
, vol. 9
, nº 10.
pp. 1921-1933.
DOI: 10.1007/s12649-017-9926-9.
Sleimi, Talha
Étude du potentiel de l’imagerie historique Landsat
pour la délimitation des cotes des crues de référence :
cas de la rivière Petite Nation.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 77 p.
Sterckx, Sarane
Géochimie des roches volcaniques archéennes du Groupe de Blake River, ceinture de roches vertes de l’Abitibi, Québec.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 227 p.
Suresh, Gayatri; Das, Ratul Kumar; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Rouissi, Tarek; Avalos-Ramírez, Antonio; Chorfi, Younes et Godbout, Stéphane
Alternatives to antibiotics in poultry feed: molecular perspectives.
Critical Reviews in Microbiology
, vol. 44
, nº 3.
pp. 318-335.
DOI: 10.1080/1040841X.2017.1373062.
Szewczyk-Golec, Karolina; Czuczejko, Jolanta; Tylzanowski, Przemko et Lecka, Joanna
Strategies for Modulating Oxidative Stress under Diverse Physiological and Pathological Conditions.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
, vol. 2018
pp. 1-5.
DOI: 10.1155/2018/3987941.
Taheran, Mehrdad
Développement d'un module membranaire imprégné par des enzymes ligninolytiques et de biochar pour la dégradation de composés pharmaceutiques.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 336 p.
Taheran, Mehrdad; Naghdi, Mitra; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Knystautas, Emile J.; Verma, Mausam P.; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Biodegradation of chlortetracycline by Trametes versicolor – Produced laccase: By-product identification.
Journal of Environmental Engineering
, vol. 144
, nº 4.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001362.
Taheran, Mehrdad; Naghdi, Mitra; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y.
Emerging contaminants: Here today, there tomorrow!
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
, vol. 10
pp. 122-126.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enmm.2018.05.010.
Tanong, Kulchaya; Tran, Lan Huong; Coudert, Lucie; Mercier, Guy et Blais, Jean-François
Recovery of Zn from Unsorted Spent Batteries Using Solvent Extraction and Electrodeposition.
Journal of Environmental Engineering
, vol. 144
, nº 6.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001345.
Tazi, Oumaima
Optimisation des conditions opératoires pour la déshydratation des boues d’épuration par la technique de gel/dégel en régions nordiques (cas du village de Salluit).
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 105 p.
Thiombiano, Alida Nadège; St-Hilaire, André; El Adlouni, Salah-Eddine et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.
Nonlinear response of precipitation to climate indices using a non-stationary Poisson-generalized Pareto model: case study of southeastern Canada.
International Journal of Climatology
, vol. 38
, nº S1.
DOI: 10.1002/joc.5415.
Thomson, Paisley et Langlois, Valérie S.
Developmental profiles of progesterone receptor transcripts and molecular responses to gestagen exposure during Silurana tropicalis early development.
General and Comparative Endocrinology
, vol. 265
pp. 4-14.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2018.05.017.
Tremblay, Fannie
Étude des propriétés physico-chimiques dans le nord de
la baie de Baffin pour la période 1950-2014.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 246 p.
Urien, Nastassia; Cooper, Sophie; Caron, Antoine; Sonnenberg, Helga; Rozon-Ramilo, Lisa; Campbell, Peter G. C. et Couture, Patrice
Subcellular partitioning of metals and metalloids (As, Cd, Cu, Se and Zn) in liver and gonads of wild white suckers ( Catostomus commersonii ) collected downstream from a mining operation.
Aquatic Toxicology
, vol. 202
pp. 105-116.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.07.001.
Urien, Nastassia; Jacob, Sabrina; Couture, Patrice
ORCID: et Campbell, Peter G. C.
Cytosolic Distribution of Metals (Cd, Cu) and Metalloids (As, Se) in Livers and Gonads of Field-Collected Fish Exposed to an Environmental Contamination Gradient: An SEC-ICP-MS Analysis.
, vol. 5
, nº 9.
p. 102.
DOI: 10.3390/environments5090102.
Vaillancourt, Catherine
Impact hydrologique du pavage perméable en milieu urbain au Québec.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l'eau, 135 p.
Vanier, Marc-Antoine; Godet, Antoine; Guilmette, Carl; Harris, Lyal B.
ORCID:; Cleven, Nathan; Charette, Benoit et Lafrance, Isabelle
Extrusion latérale en croûte moyenne dans le sud-est de la Province de Churchill démontrée par les interprétations géophysiques, l’analyse structurale et les pétrofabriques du quartz.
Manuscrits bruts
(MB 2018-12).
Ministère de l'Énergie et Ressources naturelles du Québec, Québec.
Vélez Marquez, Maria Isabel
Tests de réponse thermique distribués avec câbles chauffants.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 107 p.
Vélez Marquez, Maria Isabel; Blessent, Daniela; Córdoba, Sebastián; López-Sánchez, Jacqueline; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID: et Parra-Palacio, Eduardo
Geothermal potential assessment of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano based on rock thermal conductivity measurements and numerical modeling of heat transfer.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
, vol. 81
pp. 153-164.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2017.11.011.
Vélez Marquez, Maria Isabel; Lavoie, Jean-François; Harrison, Jeff; Brousseau, Mathieu et Raymond, Jasmin
In situ evaluation of ground heat exchanger performances installed at Blake Group facility, East Windsor, Ct
Rapport de recherche
INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.
Vélez Marquez, Maria Isabel; Raymond, Jasmin
ORCID:; Blessent, Daniela; Philippe, Mikael; Simon, Nataline; Bour, Olivier et Lamarche, Louis
Distributed Thermal Response Tests Using a Heating Cable and Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing.
, vol. 11
, nº 11.
p. 3059.
DOI: 10.3390/en11113059.
Vuillemin, Aurèle; Ariztegui, Daniel; Horn, Fabian; Kallmeyer, Jens et Orsi, William D
Microbial community composition along a 50 000-year lacustrine sediment sequence.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology
, vol. 94
, nº 4.
DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy029.
Wallace, Sarah J.; De Solla, Shane R.; Thomas, Philippe J.; Harner, Tom; Eng, Anita et Langlois, Valérie S.
Airborne polycyclic aromatic compounds contribute to the induction of the tumour-suppressing P53 pathway in wild double-crested cormorants.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
, vol. 150
pp. 176-189.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.12.028.
Wang, Lingxiao; Jolivel, Maxime; Marzahn, Philip; Bernier, Monique et Ludwig, Ralf Peter
Thermokarst pond dynamics in subarctic environment monitoring with radar remote sensing.
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
, vol. 29
, nº 4.
pp. 231-245.
DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1986.
Wang, Lingxiao; Marzahn, Philip; Bernier, Monique et Ludwig, Ralf Peter
Mapping permafrost landscape features using object-based image classification of multi-temporal SAR images.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
, vol. 141
pp. 10-29.
DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.03.026.
Wauthy, Maxime; Rautio, Milla; Christoffersen, Kirsten S.; Forsström, Laura; Laurion, Isabelle
ORCID:; Mariash, Heather; Peura, Sari et Vincent, Warwick
Increasing dominance of terrigenous organic matter in circumpolar freshwaters due to permafrost thaw.
Limnology and Oceanography Letters
, vol. 3
, nº 3.
pp. 186-198.
DOI: 10.1002/lol2.10063.
Werner, Johannes P.; Divine, Dmitry V.; Charpentier Ljungqvist, Fredrik; Nilsen, Tine et Francus, Pierre
Spatio-temporal variability of Arctic summer temperatures over the past 2 millennia.
Climate of the Past
, vol. 14
, nº 4.
pp. 527-557.
DOI: 10.5194/cp-14-527-2018.
Yellapu, Sravan Kumar
Développement d'un procédé en aval pour la production de biodiesel en utilisant la biomasse de levure oléagineuse et la boue municipale.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 298 p.
Yellapu, Sravan Kumar; Bharti, Bhadana; Kaur, Rajwinder; Kumar, Lalit; Tiwari, Bhagyashree; Zhang, Xiaolei et Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal
Recent developments of downstream processing for microbial lipids and conversion to biodiesel.
Bioresource Technology
, vol. 256
pp. 515-528.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.01.129.
Zhang, Guan; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Chen, Jiaxin; Li, Ji; Zhang, Xiaolei; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Dong, Xiaoqing
Lipid Extraction From Oleaginous Microorganism with Electrochemical Method.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
, vol. 120
, nº 11.
p. 1800215.
DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201800215.
Zhang, Shunxin et Riva, John F. V.
The stratigraphic position and the age of the Ordovician organic-rich intervals in the northern Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait and Foxe basins – evidence from graptolites.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
, vol. 55
, nº 8.
pp. 897-904.
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2017-0266.
Zhang, Xiaolei; Chen, Jiaxin; Idossou, Vital; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Li, Ji et Wang, Hongjie
Lipid accumulation from Trichosporon oleaginosus with co-fermentation of washed wastewater sludge and crude glycerol.
, vol. 226
pp. 93-102.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.04.013.
Zhioua, Mohamed
Décontamination électrocinétique des sols principalement contaminés par du Zinc et du Chrome.
Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de la terre, 85 p.
Zhou, Linbin; Tan, Yehui; Huang, Liangmin; Fortin, Claude
ORCID: et Campbell, Peter G. C.
Aluminum effects on marine phytoplankton: implications for a revised Iron Hypothesis (Iron–Aluminum Hypothesis).
, vol. 139
, nº 2.
pp. 123-137.
DOI: 10.1007/s10533-018-0458-6.
Zolfaghari, Mehdi; Dia, Oumar; Klai, Nouha; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID:; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Buelna, Gerardo et Dubé, Rino
Removal of Pollutants in Different Landfill Leachate Treatment Processes on the Basis of Organic Matter Fractionation.
Journal of Environment Quality
, vol. 47
, nº 2.
pp. 297-305.
DOI: 10.2134/jeq2017.09.0360.
Zolfaghari, Mehdi; Drogui, Patrick
ORCID: et Blais, Jean-François
Removal of macro-pollutants in oily wastewater obtained from soil remediation plant using electro-oxidation process.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
, vol. 25
, nº 8.
pp. 7748-7757.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-1054-3.
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