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Blouin, Martin et Gloaguen, Erwan (2014). Continuous Data Processing for Comprehensive and Effective Reflection Seismic Survey. In: Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems - SAGEEP 2014, 16-20 mars 2014, Boston, États-Unis.

Bouchard, Frédéric; Préskienis, Vilmantas; Laurion, Isabelle et Fortier, Daniel (2014). Carbon Cycling in Permafrost Aquatic Systems of Bylot Island, Eastern Canadian Arctic. In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, 15-19 décembre 2014, San Francisco, États-Unis.

Bouchedda, Abderrezak et Giroux, Bernard (2014). Numerical Feasibility Study for Borehole Magnetometric Resistivity Monitoring of CO₂ Storage in Deep Saline Reservoirs. In: 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014 - 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2014: Experience the Energy - SPE EUROPEC 2014, 16-19 juin 2014, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.

Bartosiewicz, Maciej; Laurion, Isabelle; Maranger, Roxane et MacIntyre, Sally (2014). Effects of summer heat wave on mixing, oxygen dynamics, nutrients and GHG emissions in a small lake. In: Advancing the science of gas exchange between fresh waters and the atmosphere, 16 septembre 2014, Hyytiälä, Finlande.

Beaubien, Cédrick; Leguay, Sébastien; Campbell, Peter G. C. et Fortin, Claude (2014). Évaluation de la toxicité de trois lanthanides sur l’algue verte Chlorella fusca. In: 18e Colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent - SRA/SETAC 2014, 5-6 juin 2014, Québec, Canada.

Beauchamp, Anne-Marie; Dubé, Benoît; Malo, Michel; Archer, Paul; Lavoie, Jérôme et Chartrand, Francis (2014). Géologie, styles de minéralisation et d’altération de l’indice aurifère Mustang, Ceinture de roches vertes de la Basse-Eastmain, Province du Supérieur, Québec. In: Québec mines, 17-20 novembre 2014, Québec, Canada.

Ben Alaya, Mohamed Ali; Chebana, Fateh et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2014). Downscaling using Probabilistic Gaussian Copula Regression model. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - AGU 2014, 15-19 décembre 2014, San Francisco, États-Unis.

Brunelle, Corinne; Sévigny, Carole; Xhardé, Régis; Gauvin, Olivier et Frandsen, Jannette (2014). La recharge de plage : une méthode de protection contre les événements océaniques extrêmes. In: Ouranos, 3-5 décembre 2014, Québec, Canada.

Beaudoin, Anne; Pienitz, Reinhard; Francus, Pierre; Zdanowicz, Christian et St-Onge, Guillaume (2014). Paleoenvironmental reconstructions of Nettilling Lake area (Baffin Island, Nunavut): A multi-proxy analysis. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Bobée, Bernard et El Adlouni, Salah-Eddine (2014). Decision Support System for hydrological extremes. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly- EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

Ballard, Jean-Marc; Carrier, Marc-André; Berthot, Laureline et Lefebvre, René (2014). Projet d’acquisition de connaissances sur les eaux souterraines (PACES) en Chaudière-Appalaches: Contexte d’écoulement et géochimie. In: 82e Congrès de l'Association canadienne française pour l'avancement des sciences (ACFAS), 12-16 mai 2014, Montréal, Canada.


Calderhead, Angus I.; Hinton, Marc; Logan, Charles E.; Sharpe, David; Russell, Hazen A. J.; Castellazzi, Pascal; Pugin, André J.-M.; Martel, Richard et Rivera, Alfonso (2014). Remote sensing techniques for understanding the groundwater flow dynamics of a burried valley aquifer. In: 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.

Castellazzi, Pascal; Martel, Richard; Garfias, Jaime; Calderhead, Angus I.; Rivera, Alfonso et Chaussard, Estelle (2014). Groundwater Deficit and Land Subsidence in the Lerma-Santiago-Pacifico Watershed, Mexico. In: NGWA Groundwater Summit, 4-7 mai 2014, Denver, États-Unis.

Cecchi, Emmanuelle; Pasquier, Louis-César; Blais, Jean-François; Kentish, Sandra; Ben Ghacham, Alia; Mouedhen, Ikbel; Kemache, Nassima et Mercier, Guy (2014). Suitable materials for mineral carbonation; composition and localization. In: Carbon Management Canada Annual Conference, 27-29 mai 2014, Banff, Canada.

Camporese, Matteo; Daly, Edoardo et Paniconi, Claudio (2014). Assessment of catchment-scale evapotranspiration via boundary condition switching versus root water uptake. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

Cassiani, Giorgio; Rossi, Matteo; Manoli, Gabriele; Pasetto, Damiano; Deiana, Rita; Ferraris, Stefano; Strobbia, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2014). Quantitative hydro-geophysical monitoring and coupled modeling of a controlled irrigation experiment. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

Cloutier, Vincent; Buffin-Bélanger, Thomas; Campeau, Stéphane; Chaillou, Gwenaëlle; Daigneault, Réal; Dorner, Sarah; Larocque, Marie; Lefebvre, René; Lemieux, Jean-Michel; Molson, John W.; Rouleau, Alain et Therrien, René (2014). Impact du PACES sur la connaissance des ressources en eau souterraine au Québec. In: 82e Congrès de l'Association canadienne française pour l'avancement des sciences (ACFAS), 12-16 mai 2014, Montréal, Canada.


Doyon, Bernard et Giroux, Bernard (2014). Practical Aspects of 2.5D Frequency-Domain Finite-Difference Modelling of Viscoelastic Waves. In: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 26-31 octobre 2014, Denver, États-Unis.

Durocher, Martin; Chebana, Fateh et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2014). Improving prediction at ungauged basins with spatial copula framework. In: CRM-CANSSI Workshop on New Horizons in Copula Modeling, 15-18 décembre 2014, Montréal, Canada.

Durocher, Martin; Chebana, Fateh et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2014). Adopting spatial copula framework in regional frequency analysis. In: 5th STAHY international workshop, 10-11 novembre 2014, Abu Dhabi, Émirats Arabes Unis.

Dentoni, Marta; Deidda, Roberto; Paniconi, Claudio; Marrocu, Marino et Lecca, Giuditta (2014). Seawater intrusion risk analysis under climate change conditions for the Gaza Strip aquifer (Palestine). In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

Duguay, Yannick; Bernier, Monique; Lévesque, Esther et Tremblay, Benoît (2014). Monitoring of subarctic shrub vegetation characteristics using terraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 data. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.


El Alem, Anas; Chokmani, Karem et Laurion, Isabelle (2014). Des fleurs d’eau d’algues bleu-vert surveillées du ciel. In: Forum national sur les lacs, 11-13 juin 2014, Mont-Tremblant, Canada.

El Alem, Anas; Chokmani, Karem; Laurion, Isabelle et El Adlouni, Salah-Eddine (2014). A Novel approach for monitoring cyanobacterial blooms using an ensemble based system from MODIS imagery downscaled to 250 metres spatial resolution. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - AGU 2014, 15-19 décembre 2014, San Francisco, États-Unis.

El Adlouni, Salah-Eddine et Bobée, Bernard (2014). Delta diagram based test for the Halphen (A and B) and the Gamma distributions. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

El Alem, Anas; Chokmani, Karem; Laurion, Isabelle et El Adlouni, Salah-Eddine (2014). An ensemble based system for chlorophyll-a estimation using MODIS imagery over Southern Quebec inland waters. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.


Fabien-Ouellet, Gabriel et Gloaguen, Erwan (2014). Geostatistical Integration of Geophysical Measurements for Hydrogeological Investigations. In: Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems - SAGEEP 2014.

Frandsen, Jannette; Sévigny, Caroline et Xhardé, Régis (2014). Pressure Predictions and Run-Up on a Vertical Wall and Sloping Beach. In: 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 23-25 novembre 2014, San Francisco, États-Unis.

Fadhlaoui, Mariem et Couture, Patrice (2014). Effets combinés de la température et de la contamination métallique sur la composition des phospholipides membranaires. In: 18e Colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent - SRA/SETAC 2014, 5-6 juin 2014, Québec, Canada.

Fournier, Isabelle et Couture, Patrice (2014). Fish are running out of energy in the race against global warming and metal contamination / Les poissons s'épuisent dans leur course contre les métaux lourds et le réchauffement planétaire . In: First Joint Conference SCEE-SCZ-SCL, 25-29 mai 2014, Montréal, Canada.

Frandsen, Jannette; Xhardé, Régis; Brunelle, Corinne; Tremblay, Fannie; Tremblay, Olivier G.; Sévigny, Carole; Gratton, Yves et Long, Bernard (2014). Le laboratoire hydraulique environnemental de Québec (LHE) de la Chaire de recherche en ingénierie côtière et fluviale de l'INRS. In: Transportation 2014: Past, Present, Future / 2014 Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada, 28 septembre-1er octobre 2014, Montréal, Canada.

Fiorentini, Marcello; Orlandini, Stefano; Paniconi, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2014). Control of mass balance error in a detailed model of surface-subsurface flow interaction. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

Frechette, Danielle M.; Bergeron, Normand ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2413-6810 et Dionne, Mélanie (2014). Post-Transport Migration and Habitat Use by Atlantic Salmon. In: Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en limnologie et environnement aquatique annual symposium - GRIL 2016, 10-12 mars 2016, Mont-Orford, Canada.

Frandsen, Jannette (2014). Tsunami wave impact on walls & beaches. In: Workshop PREDICT: a TSUNAMI DETECTION initiative for british columbia, 27-28 mars 2014, Sidney, Australie.

Foulon, Étienne; Gagnon, Patrick; Rousseau, Alain N. et Rodriguez, Manuel J. (2014). Détection de situations hydrologiques extrêmes à partir de variables météorologiques. In: Congrès INFRA 2014, 1er-3 décembre 2014, Montréal, Canada.

Foulon, Étienne; Rousseau, Alain N. et Rodriguez, Manuel J. (2014). Détermination des conditions à risque pour le développement des coliformes fécaux à l'eau brute des prises d'eau potable. In: Congrès INFRA 2014, 1er-3 décembre 2014, Montréal, Canada.


Giroux, Bernard et Liu, Lijun (2014). Comparison of Grid-Based Methods for Raytracing on Unstructured Meshes. In: SEG Annual Meeting - SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 26-31 octobre 2014, Denver, États-Unis.

Gloaguen, Erwan et Blouin, Martin (2014). An optimized workflow for regional aquifer characterization in Montérégie, Québec, Canada. In: Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2014 (SAGEEP 2014)., 16-20 mars 2014, Boston, États-Unis.

Gardet, Caroline; Le Ravalec, Mickaele et Gloaguen, Erwan (2014). A texture synthesis based algorithm for simulating reservoir models. In: 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2014: Experience the Energy Incorporating - SPE EUROPEC 2014, 16-19 juin 2014, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.

Gauthier, Yves; Jasek, Martin; Poulin, Jimmy et Bernier, Monique (2014). Understanding ice processes in a dynamic river section using multipolarization RADARSAT-2 data. In: 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.

Gignac, Charles; Bernier, Monique et Chokmani, Karem (2014). ICEPAC: ICE Probability Along the Coast Understanding Sea Ice Spatiotemporal Variability. In: Coastal Zone Conference - CZC 2014, 15-16 juin 2014, Halifax, Canada.

Godin, Laurent; Harris, Lyal B. et Waffle, Lindsay (2014). Linking inherited Indian basement cross-strike structures under the Himalayan system with upper crustal faults in the over-riding Asian plate. In: 2014 GSA Annual Meeting, 19-22 octobre 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Gosselin, Jean-Sébastien; Rivard, Christine; Lefebvre, René et Paniconi, Claudio (2014). Exploitation des hydrogrammes de puits du projet PACES, Montérégie-Est In: 82e Congrès de l'Association canadienne française pour l'avancement des sciences - ACFAS, 12-16 mai 2014, Montréal, Canada.

Gonzalez-Sirois, Simon; Giroux, Bernard; Schmitt, Douglas R. et White, Don (2014). A system for measuring electric properties of CO2/brine saturated samples. In: Carbon Management Canada Annual Conference, 27-29 mai 2014, Banff, Canada.

Guilleux, Camille; Campbell, Peter G. C. et Fortin, Claude (2014). Accumulation de l’argent dissous et de nanoparticules d’argent dans des liposomes utilisés comme modèle de membrane biologique. In: 18e Colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent - SRA/SETAC 2014, 5-6 juin 2014, Québec, Canada.

Ghadouani, Anas; Reichwaldt, Elke S.; Coggins, Liah X.; Ivey, Gregory N.; Ghisalberti, Marco; Zhou, Wenxu; Laurion, Isabelle et Chua, Andrew (2014). Ecosystem function in waste stabilisation ponds: Improving water quality through a better understanding of biophysical coupling. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Giraud, Jérémie; Chouteau, Michel et Bouchedda, Abderrezak (2014). Time Domain EM Soundings for the Delineation of the Fresh Water - Salt Water Interface in Eastern Canada Islands. In: 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2014: Experience the Energy - SPE EUROPEC 2014, 16-19 juin 2014, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.

Gagnon, Patrick; Sheedy, Claudia; Rousseau, Alain N.; Bourgeois, Gaétan; Chouinard, Gérald et Lafrance, Pierre (2014). Impact des changements climatiques sur la contamination de l’eau de ruissellement par les pesticides. In: 6e Symposium Ouranos, 4-5 décembre 2014, Québec, Canada.


Hoang, Kim Huong; Bernier, Monique; Duchesne, Sophie et Tran, Minh Y. (2014). Classification of rice fields in a complex land-use watershed in Northern Vietnam using RADARSAT-2 data. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.

Harris, Lyal B. (2014). Interactions Between Regional Transcurrent Shearing, Rifting, and Mantle Flow on Venus - Radar and Gravity Interpretations and Earth Analogues. In: 3rd biennial Structural Geology and tectonics Forum, 16-18 juin 2014, Golden, États-Unis.

Harris, Lyal B. (2014). Interactions Between Regional Transcurrent Shearing, Rifting, and Mantle Flow on Venus - Radar and Gravity Interpretations and Earth Analogues. In: Biennial conference of Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, Geological Society of Australia, Thredbo, Australie.

Harris, Lyal B. et Bédard, Jean H. (2014). SCLM Rifting and Regional Shearing in the Superior Craton - déformation & mineralization in a non-plate tectonic Archean Earth; implications for tectonic reconstructions. In: 3rd biennial Structural Geology and tectonics Forum, 16-18 juin 2014, Golden, États-Unis.

Harris, Lyal B. et Bédard, Jean H. (2014). Assembly of the Superior Craton – Constraints from geophysical data and exploration implications. In: Québec mines, 17-20 novembre 2014, Québec, Canada.


Jacome, Andrés; Bernier, Monique; Chokmani, Karem; Nolin, Michel C.; Perreault, Simon et Niang, Mohamed A. Z. (2014). Monitoring volumetric surface soil moisture content from c-band sar polarimetric parameters at the field plot level. In: 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing - IGRASS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.

Jenny, Jean-Philippe; Francus, Pierre; Normandeau, Alexandre et Perga, Marie-Elodie (2014). Identifying GLEON’s sites recording annually-resolved sediments over the last centuries (or millennia). In: 16th meeting of Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network - GLEON 2016, 27-31 octobre 2014, Oxford, Canada.


Khedhaouiria, Dikra; Mailhot, Alain; Talbot, Guillaume; Favre, Anne-Catherine et Guinard, Karine (2014). Comparaison des séries de précipitations observées et simulées par la Climate Forescast Reanalysis au Canada sur la période 1979-2009. In: 6e Symposium Ouranos, 4-5 décembre 2014, Québec, Canada.

Kalantari, Parvin; Bernier, Monique; McDonald, Kyle et Poulin, Jimmy (2014). Using available time series of passive and active microwave to develop smap freeze/thaw algorithms adapted for the Canadian Subarctic. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - GARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.


Matte, Pascal; Secretan, Yves et Morin, Jean (2014). Two-Dimensional hydrodynamic model of the St. Lawrence fluvial estuary. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics - 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics - RIVER FLOW 2014, 3-5 septembre 2014, Lausanne; Suisse.

Moffett, Audrey; Baudrimont, Magalie; Dufour, Sylvie M. et Couture, Patrice (2014). Anguilles américaines et européennes en voie de maturation sexuelle : Les contaminants perturbent-ils le potentiel de reproduction des anguilles en déclin? In: Colloque GaGiLau, 14-16 mai 2014, Toulouse, France.

Mouedhen, Ikbel; Pasquier, Louis-César; Kemache, Nassima; Cecchi, Emmanuelle; Blais, Jean-François ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3087-4318 et Mercier, Guy (2014). Feasibility study of pilot scale mineral carbonation in real industrial conditions: Parameters and results. In: Carbon Management Canada Annual Conference, 27-29 mai 2014, Banff, Canada.

Matte, Pascal; Jay, David A. et Secretan, Yves (2014). Nonstationary Tidal Harmonic Analysis Using NS_TIDE: Application to the Columbia and St. Lawrence Rivers. In: Proceedings of the 17th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas - PECS 2014, 19–24 octobre 2014, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil.


Ouali, Dhouha; Chebana, Fateh et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2014). Non-linearity in regional frequency analysis. In: 5th STAHY international workshop - STAHY 2014, 10-11 novembre 2014, Abu Dhabi, Émirats arabes unis.


Patey, Géraldine; Couillard, Catherine M.; Verreault, Guy; Budzinski, Hélène; Pierron, Fabien; Baudrimont, Magalie et Couture, Patrice (2014). Multivariate Analysis of Biomarker Responses in European and American Yellow Eels in the Gironde and St. Lawrence Estuaries. In: 144ième Réunion annuelle / 144th Annual Meeting, 17-21 août 2014, Québec, Canada.

Perozzi, Lorenzo; Giroux, Bernard; Kofman, Randy S. et Schmitt, Douglas R. (2014). Preparatory Work for the Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Storage at a Prospective Site in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canada. In: 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014 / 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2014: Experience the Energy - SPE EUROPEC 2014, 16-19 juin 2014, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.

Pachapur, Vinayak Laxman; Sarma, Saurabh Jyoti; Das, Ratul Kumar; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Le Bihan, Yann; Buelna, Gerardo et Verma, Mausam P. (2014). Energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions evaluation on biohydrogen production from crude glycerol by dark fermentation. In: ASABE and CSBE/SCGAB Annual International Meeting, 13-16 juillet 2014, Montréal, Canada.

Périard, Yann; Gumière, Silvio José; Rousseau, Alain N.; Hallema, Dennis W. et Caron, Jean (2014). Characterization of the Temporal Evolution of Soil Hydraulic Properties Under Anthropomorphic Conditions By X-Ray Tomography. In: ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2-5 novembre 2014, Long Beach, États-Unis.

Ponton, Dominic; Caron, Antoine; Hare, Landis et Campbell, Peter G. C. (2014). Wild yellow perch (Perca flavescens) oxidative stress induced by cadmium and low selenium exposures. In: 35th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - SETAC North America, 9-13 novembre 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Préskienis, Vilmantas; Bouchard, Frédéric; Laurion, Isabelle et Fortier, Daniel (2014). Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Arctic Lakes And Ponds As Influenced By Carbon Lability. In: Artic Change 2014, 8-12 décembre 2014, Ottawa, Canada.

Pulicharla, Rama; Auger, Serge; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Drogui, Patrick et Surampalli, Rao Y. (2014). A Rapid and Selective MS/MS Method for quantification of light sensitive chlortetracycline drug in wastewater and wastewater sludge samples using Laser Diode Thermal Desorption (LDTD) technique. In: 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, 15-19 juin 2014, Baltimore, États-Unis.

Périard, Yann; Gumière, Silvio José; Rousseau, Alain N.; Caron, Jean et Hallema, Dennis W. (2014). Impact of anthropomorphic soil genesis on hydraulic properties: the case of cranberry production. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7-12 avril 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Périard, Yann; Gumière, Silvio José; Rousseau, Alain N.; Caron, Jean et Hallema, Dennis W. (2014). Sensitivity of drainage efficiency of cranberry fields to edaphic conditions. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7-12 avril 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Pulicharla, Rama (2014). Veterinary antibiotic chlortetracycline distribution and mass balance in conventional municipal wastewater treatment plant. In: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society - 248th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society -ACS 2014, 10-14 août 2014, San Francisco, États-Unis.

Paniconi, Claudio (2014). Coupled modeling of groundwater/surface water interactions: successes and challenges from recent applications. In: 1st European Fully Coupled Atmospheric - Hydrological Modeling and WRF-Hydro Users Workshop, 11-13 juin 2014, Consenza, Italie.

Provencher-Nolet, Laurence; Bernier, Monique et Lévesque, Esther (2014). Short term change detection in tundra vegetation near Umiujaq, Subarctic Quebec, Canada. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.


Rivard, Christine; Bordeleau, Geneviève; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René; Aznar, Jean-Christophe; Mort, Andy; Lamontagne, Charles et Ahad, Jason M. E. (2014). Presence and Origin of Dissolved Gas in Groundwater in the St-Edouard Area (Quebec, Canada). In: NGWA Workshop - Groundwater Quality and Unconventional Gas Development: Is There a Connection?, 13-14 novembre 2014, Pittsburg, États-Unis.

Rosabal-Rodriguez, Maikel; Mounicou, Sandra; Hare, Landis et Campbell, Peter G. C. (2014). How are trace elements managed in the cells of Chaoborus larvae to avoid ill-effects? In: 35th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - SETAC North America 2014, 9-13 novembre 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Ross, Pierre-Simon et White, James D. L. (2014). Ten diatremes in three days in the Navajo volcanic field, Navajo Nation, Arizona and New Mexico, USA. In: 5th international maar conference, 17-22 novembre 2014, Querétaro, Mexique.

Raynauld, Mélanie; Peel, Morgan; Lefebvre, René; Crow, Heather; Gloaguen, Erwan; Molson, John W.; Ahad, Jason M. E. et Aquilina, Luc (2014). Local assessment of the risk on groundwater resources related to unconventional hydrocarbon development. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Requena, Ana Isabel; Chebana, Fateh; Mediero, Luis et Garrote, Luis (2014). Implementation of a multivariate regional index-flood model. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Rousseau, Alain N.; Hallema, Dennis W.; Gumière, Silvio José; Savary, Stéphane et Hould-Gosselin, Gabriel (2014). Water quality impact assessment of agricultural Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) simulated for a regional catchment in Quebec, Eastern Canada. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7-12 avril 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Rousseau, Alain N.; Martinez, Macarena Nazareth Martin; Gumière, Silvio José; Hould-Gosselin, Gabriel; Nigel, Rody; Chokmani, Karem et Lafrance, Pierre (2014). Fonctionnement de la bande riveraine en milieu agricole - de la théorie à la pratique. In: Colloque sur la restauration des bandes riveraines et la protection de la qualité de l’eau en milieu agricole, 1er mai 2014, Québec, Canada.

Rousseau, Alain N.; Savary, Stéphane et Deschênes, Jacques (2014). Outil de détermination des temps de parcours dans un contexte de proctection des prises d'eau potable. Implantation sur le bassin versant de la rivière Saint-Charles, Ville de Québec. In: Congrès INFRA 2014, 1er-3 décembre 2014, Montréal, Canada.

Roberge, Sophie; Chokmani, Karem et De Sève, Danielle (2014). Application of ensemble-based systems for snow-mapping using NOAA-AVHRR data over Eastern Canada. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.

Ratsimbazafy, Tahiana et Bernier, Monique (2014). Wind direction ambiguity removal by using RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR images. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.


Scudeler, Carlotta; Pangle, Luke; Pasetto, Damiano; Niu, Guo-Yue; Paniconi, Claudio; Putti, Mario et Troch, Peter A. (2014). Flow and transport modeling of a tracer isotope experiment at B2 LEO using integrated and distributed multisensor observation data. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - AGU 2014, 15-19 décembre 2014, San Francisco, États-Unis.

Santolaria, Pablo; Harris, Lyal B.; Casas, Antonio et Soto, Ruth (2014). Fold-and-thrust belt evolution influenced by along and across strike thickness variations: new insights from brittle-ductile centrifuge analogue models. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Singh, Shailesh Kumar; McMillan, Hilary; Bárdossy, András et Chebana, Fateh (2014). Tool for defining catchment similarity matrix. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.


Tanguy, Marion; Bernier, Monique; Chokmani, Karem; Gauthier, Yves et Poulin, Jimmy (2014). Development of a methodology for flood hazard detection in urban areas from RADARSAT-2 imagery. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2014, 13-18 juillet 2014, Québec, Canada.

Troch, Peter A.; Niu, Guo-Yue; Gevaert, Anouk; Teuling, Adriaan; Uijlenhoet, Remko; Pasetto, Damiano; Paniconi, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2014). Four-dimensional soil moisture response during an extreme rainfall event at the Landscape Evolution Observatory. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.


Waffle, Lindsay; Godin, Laurent et Harris, Lyal B. (2014). Role of reactivated basement faults in localizing deformation in the upper crust: insights from centrifuge analogue modelling. In: GSA Annual Meeting 2014, 19-22 octobre 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

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