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Document quand l'auteur est "Varin, Thibaut"

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Nombre de documents archivés : 4.

Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier

Henderson, Melanie; Nicolau, Belinda; Van Hulst, Andraea; Simoneau, Gabrielle; Barnett, Tracie A; Drapeau, Vicky; Tremblay, Angelo; Mathieu, Marie-Ève; Paradis, Gilles; Zappitelli, Michael; Varin, Thibaut et Marette, André (2019). Put your money where your mouth is: preliminary evidence that oral microbiota diversity may shape later cardiometabolic health in children In: 58th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), 19-21 September 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Henderson, Melanie; Nicolau, Belinda; Van Hulst, Andraea; Simoneau, Gabrielle; Barnett, Tracie A; Drapeau, Vicky; Tremblay, Angelo; Mathieu, Marie-Ève; Paradis, Gilles; Zappitelli, Michael; Varin, Thibaut et Marette, André (2019). You are what you eat: preliminary evidence of associations between dietary habits and oral microbiota composition in early childhood In: 58th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), 19-21 September 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Henderson, Melanie; Van Hulst, Andraea; Simoneau, Gabrielle; Barnett, Tracie A; Drapeau, Vicky; Mathieu, Marie-Ève; Nicolau, Belinda; Varin, Thibaut et Marette, André . Correlations between Measures of Adiposity Across Childhood and Adolescence and the Intestinal Microbiota in 15-17 Year-Old Children with a Family History of Obesity: Preliminary Findings from the QUALITY Cohort In: 57th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), 27-29 September 2018, Athens, Greece.

Henderson, Melanie; Van Hulst, Andraea; Simoneau, Gabrielle; Barnett, Tracie A; Drapeau, Vicky; Mathieu, Marie-Ève; Nicolau, Belinda; Varin, Thibaut et Marette, André . More Than a Gut Feeling: Preliminary Evidence Supporting a Role for Lifestyle Habits in Shaping the Intestinal Microbiota in Childhood and Adolescence In: The 57th Annual ESPE Meeting, 27-29 September 2018, Athens, Greece.

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