Repérage par Type de documentNombre de documents archivés : 50. AAylett, Alexander (2015). Relational agency and the local governance of climate change : International trends and an American exemplar. In: The Urban climate challenge : Rethinking the role of cities in the global climate regime. Cities and global governance . Routledge, New York, pp. 156-177. BBreux, Sandra ORCID: et Jacquet, Vincent (2015). Local politics in Quebec and Wallonia : local political dynamics as seen through the mayoral career. In: Minority nations in multinational federations : a comparative study of Quebec and Wallonia. Routledge series in regional and federal studies (22). Routledge, London and New York, pp. 104-123. Balascio, Nicholas L.; Francus, Pierre; Bradley, Raymond S.; Schupack, Benjamin B.; Miller, Gifford; Kvisvik, Bjørn C.; Bakke, Jostein et Thordarson, Thorvaldur (2015). 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