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Nombre de documents archivés : 7.

Centre INRS-Institut Armand Frappier

Gupta, Krishana-Chandara; Panisset, Maurice; Benoit, Jean-Claude et Frappier, Armand (1959). Un caractere differentiel des sous-souches du bcg Annales de l'institut pasteur , vol. 97 , nº 3. pp. 340-345.

Frappier-Davignon, Lise; Frappier, Armand et St-Pierre, Jacques (1959). Staphylococcal infection in hospital nurseries : influence of three different nursing techniques The Canadian Medical Association Journal , vol. 81 , nº 7. pp. 531-537.

Gupta, Krishana-Chandara; Panisset, Maurice; Benoit, Jean-Claude et Frappier, Armand (1959). A differential character of the sub-strains of BCG Annales de l'Institut Pasteur , vol. 97 . pp. 340-345.

Cantin, Marcel et Frappier, Armand (1959). Coup d'oeil sur la vaccination par le bcg des etudiants en medecine et des infirmieres CAMSI journal , vol. 18 , nº 2. p. 25.

Frappier, Armand; Portelance, Vincent et St-Pierre, Jacques (1959). Some biologic properties following the extraction of lipids : the power to initiate acquired resistance American review of tuberculosis , vol. 79 , nº 3. pp. 296-306. DOI: 10.1164/artpd.1959.79.3.296.

Frappier, Armand (1959). Mise au point L'action médicale , vol. 35 , nº 2. pp. 17-18.

Frappier, Armand; Portelance, Vincent et St-Pierre, Jacques (1959). Some biologic properties of myobacteria following the extraction of lipids; the power to initiate acquired resistance The American Review of Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Disease , vol. 79 , nº 3. pp. 296-306. DOI: 10.1164/artpd.1959.79.3.296.

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