Document quand l'auteur est "Jantchou, Prévost"Nombre de documents archivés : 8. ArticleFantodji, Canisius; Jantchou, Prévost; Benedetti, Andrea et Rousseau, Marie-Claude ORCID: (2024). Association between Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease: A two-stage sampling design within the Quebec Birth Cohort on Immunity and Health (CO·MMUNITY) Preventive Medicine , vol. ahead , nº 108071. pp. 1-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2024.108071. (Sous Presse) Rousseau, Marie-Claude ORCID:; Parent, Marie-Élise ORCID:; Corsenac, Philippe; Salmon, Charlotte; Mésidor, Miceline ORCID:; Fantodji, Canisius; Conus, Florence; Richard, Hugues; Jantchou, Prévost et Benedetti, Andrea (2024). Cohort Profile Update: The Québec Birth Cohort on Immunity and Health (CO·MMUNITY) International Journal of Epidemiology , vol. 53 , nº 2. pp. 1-9. DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyae014. Fantodji, Canisius; Jantchou, Prévost; Parent, Marie-Élise ORCID: et Rousseau, Marie-Claude ORCID: (2022). Appendectomy and risk for inflammatory bowel disease: effect of age and time post appendectomy - a cohort study BMJ Open Gastroenterol , vol. 9 , nº e000925. pp. 1-8. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgast-2022-000925. Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelierEsmingeaud, Léa; Jantchou, Prévost; Nicolau, Belinda; Madathil, Sreenath A. et Rousseau, Marie-Claude ORCID: (2023). Association between psychosocial factors experienced in childhood or adolescence and occurrence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in adulthood: a case-control study in Quebec, Canada In: 18th Congress of ECCO: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, March 1-4, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark. Esmingeaud, Léa; Jantchou, Prévost; Nicolau, Belinda; Madathil, Sreenath A. et Rousseau, Marie-Claude ORCID: (2023). Association between psychosocial factors experienced in childhood or adolescence and occurrence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in adulthood: a case-control study in Quebec, Canada In: 18th Congress of ECCO: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, March 1-4, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark. Fantodji, Canisius; Rousseau, Marie-Claude ORCID:; Nicolau, Belinda; Madathil, Sreenath A.; Benedetti, Andrea et Jantchou, Prévost (2023). Early life exposures and risk for inflammatory bowel disease: a nested case-control study in Quebec, Canada In: 18th Congress of ECCO: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, March, 1-4, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark. Jantchou, Prévost; Conus, Florence; Richard, Hugues et Rousseau, Marie-Claude ORCID: (2020). Ascertainment of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease cases from administrative health data in Quebec, Canada In: 15th Congress of ECCO, 2020, February 12–15, Vienna, Austria. Jantchou, Prévost; Conus, Florence; Richard, Hugues et Rousseau, Marie-Claude . Ascertainment of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease cases from administrative health data in Québec, Canada In: 15th Congress of ECCO, 12-15 February 2020, virtuel. |