Dépôt numérique

Multiscale spatial variability of CO₂ emissions and correlations with physico-chemical soil properties.

Allaire, Suzanne; Lange, Sébastien F.; Lafond, Jonathan A.; Pelletier, Bernard; Cambouris, Athyna N. et Dutilleul, Pierre (2012). Multiscale spatial variability of CO₂ emissions and correlations with physico-chemical soil properties. Geoderma , vol. 170 . pp. 251-260. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2011.11.019.

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Spatial variability of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural lands is not well known although it has a great impact on the accuracy of GHG budget.

The objectives of this study were to assess the spatial variability of CO2emission fluxes (CO2-flux) and correlate these emissions with soil physico-chemical properties at two spatial scales and at different depths using a new geostatistical approach (coregionalization analysis with a drift, CRAD) that performs multiscale spatial analysis.

Two agricultural sites with sandy and loamy soils were instrumented at 108 geo-referred sampling points and at two depths during spring 2007 where soil surface CO2-flux and soil physico-chemical parameters were measured. The CO2-flux presented spatial patterns characterized by different scales (i.e., non-spatial, small spatial and large spatial scale components), each describing a different fraction of its variability. About a quarter of CO2-flux variability at the first site and one fifth at the other site was attributed to the non-spatial component. Strongest correlations were obtained between CO2-flux and soil temperature, water saturation (Sw), elevation, electrical conductivity, soil bulk density, and the C/N ratio, but with differences between sites. Correlations were much stronger at large scale. Analyzing correlations between CO2-flux and soil properties without discriminating for scales can miss important scale-dependent processes controlling soil gas emissions. Scales at which these processes vary should therefore be taken into account.

Type de document: Article
Informations complémentaires: Résumé avec symboles
Mots-clés libres: soil respiration; geostatistics; linear model of regionalization; greenhouse gas emissions; soil gas concentration; spatial variability
Centre: Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Date de dépôt: 19 oct. 2018 13:57
Dernière modification: 24 nov. 2020 18:16
URI: https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/7230

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