Dépôt numérique

Modeling the sediment yield and the impact of vegetated filters using an event-based soil erosion model-a case study of a small Canadian watershed.

Hould-Gosselin, Gabriel; Rousseau, Alain N.; Gumière, Silvio José; Hallema, Dennis W.; Ratté-Fortin, Claudie; Thériault, Georges et Van Bochove, Eric (2016). Modeling the sediment yield and the impact of vegetated filters using an event-based soil erosion model-a case study of a small Canadian watershed. Hydrological Processes , vol. 30 , nº 16. pp. 2835-2850. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10817.

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This paper presents the first application of the event-based MHYDAS-Erosion model to a small agricultural watershed under temperate climate conditions (Quebec, Canada). Simulation results based on observed and synthetic rainfall events revealed a bimodal behavior of sediment yield. During high-intensity rainfall events, most of the sediments reaching the watershed outlet originate from cropland. Meanwhile, during low-intensity events, most of the sediments come from the drainage network. Furthermore, simulation results show that implementation of 5-m and 20-m wide vegetated filters throughout the watershed or at the edge of the most problematic fields (4% of the total fields) could reduce soil loss by 52% and 31%, respectively. The modeling framework could be used for the design and location of beneficial management practices such as grass strips and riparian zones.

Type de document: Article
Mots-clés libres: hydrologic models; agriculture; soil erosion; case studies
Centre: Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Date de dépôt: 20 déc. 2016 16:58
Dernière modification: 29 juin 2017 15:28
URI: https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/4428

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