Castellazzi, Pascal; Martel, Richard; Rivera, Alfonso; Huang, Jianliang; Calderhead, Angus I.; Chaussard, Estelle et Garfias, Jaime (2015). Remote sensing and hydrogeology: GRACE and InSAR to assess groundwater sustainability in Central Mexico. In: NGWA Groundwater Summit, 16-18 mars 2015, San Antonio, États-Unis.
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Groundwater is the main source of water supply in Central Mexico. In the last decades, overexploitation of the aquifer led to environmental and socioeconomic issues, impacting more than 25 million Mexicans. In a context of a lack of reliable data in assessing groundwater overexploitation, space borne sensors bring useful information for groundwater studies. While several sensors are now used to study groundwater, interoperability of these types of data is still poorly studied. Using a combination of techniques from recent advances in remote sensing, we study Mexico’s most important watershed, where official water data are sparse, to (1) assess groundwater sustainability at both regional and watershed scales, and (2) estimate the reliability of local water data. Additionally, we address the potential and challenges of using data from GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellite mission along with InSAR (Interferometry of Synthetic Aperture Radar) as combined tools for groundwater deficit assessment in areas with limited hydrogeological knowledge. Subsidence maps from InSAR and official water budgets agree well on local groundwater deficits in both cities and irrigated farming areas. GRACE estimates of groundwater storage changes at the watershed scale are significantly lower than local changes from water budget method. Mass losses related to agricultural extraction are well detected by GRACE while extraction in municipal settings is not: a high percentage of extracted groundwater returns as municipal wastewater to groundwater flow system. These returns of groundwater to the flow system helps keep the watershed-scale groundwater storage stable but suggests major impacts on groundwater quality .
Type de document: | Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier |
Mots-clés libres: | télédétection; hydrogéologie; eaux souterraines; Mexique |
Centre: | Centre Eau Terre Environnement |
Date de dépôt: | 18 nov. 2020 20:48 |
Dernière modification: | 02 déc. 2020 14:28 |
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