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A process framework for integrating stressor-response functions into cumulative effects models.


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Jarvis, Lauren; Rosenfeld, Jordan S.; Gonzalez-Espinosa, Pedro C. et Enders, Eva C. (2024). A process framework for integrating stressor-response functions into cumulative effects models. Science of The Total Environment , vol. 906 . p. 167456. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167456.

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Stressor-response (SR) functions quantify ecological responses to natural environmental variation or anthropogenic stressors. They are also core drivers of cumulative effects (CE) models, which are increasingly recognized as essential management tools to grapple with the diffuse footprint of human impacts. Here, we provide a process framework for the identification, development, and integration of SR functions into CE models, and highlight their consequential properties, behaviour, criteria for selecting appropriate stressors and responses, and general approaches for deriving them. Management objectives (and causal effect pathways) will determine the ultimate stressor and target response variables of interest (i.e., individual growth/survival, population size, community structure, ecosystem processes), but data availability will constrain whether proxies need to be used for the target stressor or response variables. Available data and confidence in underlying mechanisms will determine whether empirical or mechanistic (theoretical) SR functions are optimal. Uncertainty in underlying SR functions is often the primary source of error in CE modelling, and monitoring outcomes through adaptive management to iteratively refine parameterization of SR functions is a key element of model application. Dealing with stressor interactions is an additional challenge, and in the absence of known or suspected interaction mechanisms, controlling main effects should remain the primary focus. Indicators of suspected interaction presence (i.e., much larger or smaller responses to stressor reduction than expected during monitoring) should be confirmed through adaptive management cycles or targeted stressor manipulations. Where possible, management decisions should selectively take advantage of interactions to strategically mitigate stressor impacts (i.e., by using antagonisms to suppress stressor impacts, and by using synergisms to efficiently reduce them).

Type de document: Article
Mots-clés libres: stressor-response functions; adaptive management; multiple stressors; cumulative effects; process framework; decision-making
Centre: Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Date de dépôt: 07 déc. 2023 20:47
Dernière modification: 07 déc. 2023 20:47
URI: https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/13754

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