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Interactions between microplastics and benthic biofilms in fluvial ecosystems: Knowledge gaps and future trends.


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Guasch, Helena; Bernal, Susana; Bruno, Daniel; Almroth, Bethanie Carney; Cochero, Joaquin; Corcoll, Natàlia; Cornejo, Delfina; Gacia, Esperança; Kroll, Alexandra; Lavoie, Isabelle ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2918-6297; Ledesma, José L. J.; Lupon, Anna; Margenat, Henar; Morin, Soizic; Navarro, Enrique; Ribot, Miquel; Riis, Tenna; Schmitt-Jansen, Mechthild; Tlili, Ahmed et Martí, Eugènia (2022). Interactions between microplastics and benthic biofilms in fluvial ecosystems: Knowledge gaps and future trends. Freshwater Science , vol. 41 , nº 3. pp. 442-458. DOI: 10.1086/721472.

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Plastics, especially microplastics (<5 mm in length), are anthropogenic polymer particles that have beendetected in almost all environments. Microplastics are extremely persistent pollutants and act as long-lasting reactivesurfaces for additives, organic matter, and toxic substances. Biofilms are microbial assemblages that act as a sink forparticulate matter, including microplastics. They are ubiquitous in freshwater ecosystems and provide key servicesthat promote biodiversity and help sustain ecosystem function. Here, we provide a conceptual framework to describethe transient storage of microplastics influvial biofilm and develop hypotheses to help explain how microplastics andbiofilms interact influvial ecosystems. We identify lines of future research that need to be addressed to better managemicroplastics and biofilms, including how the sorption and desorption of environmental contaminants in micro-plastics affect biofilms and how microbial exchange between microplastics and the biofilm matrix affects biofilmcharacteristics like antibiotic resistance, speciation, biodiversity, species composition, and function. We also addressthe uptake mechanisms of microplastics by consumers and their propagation through the food web.

Type de document: Article
Mots-clés libres: biofilm;fluvial ecosystem; microplastic; microbial assemblage; transient storage; trophic transfer
Centre: Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Date de dépôt: 07 déc. 2022 21:07
Dernière modification: 22 juill. 2023 04:00
URI: https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/13088

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