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Pathogenicite pour l'embryon de poulet et la souris , de quelques souches d'escherichia coli entero-pathogenes

Turgeon, François; Borduas, Adrien G. et Frappier, Armand (1960). Pathogenicite pour l'embryon de poulet et la souris , de quelques souches d'escherichia coli entero-pathogenes Revue canadienne de biologie , vol. 19 , nº 4. pp. 417-424.

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Article orginal en français

Te pathogenicity, expressed in LD50 doses of the following entero-pathogen strains of E. coli: 0127:B8, 0111:B4, 055:B5, 026:B6, has been determined in the chick embryo and in the mouse along with one strain of E. coli not classified as entero-pathogen.

In the chikc embryo, which is very susceptible to infections, a few germs (1 to 12) of the different strains of E. coli studied are sufficient to kill 50% of the embryos whatever the strain is.

In the mouse, by the intra-peritoneal route, the LD50 doses are of the order of 100 millions of living bacteria and there is no significant difference in the LD50 doses between the different strains studies whether they belong to the entero-pathogen group or not.

On the contrary, when the different strains of E. coli wee injected through intra-cerebral route, the LD50 doses measured were much smaller than those found by the intra-peritoneal route, and it was possible to differentiate each strain studied. Strain 026:B6, the most pathogen, had an LD50 dose of 1, 580 while the least pathogen strain 055:B5 had an LD50 dose of 621,00 bacteria. The strain of E. coli not classified as entero-pathogen for the human had, for the mouse, a pathogenicity falling between those extremes (26, 500 bacteria). If we compare our results with those found in litterature (9-10-11-15-16), we come to the conclusion that the patogenicity for the mouse of the different strains of E. coli studied is related to te strain used rather than to the serotype to which it belongs.

Type de document: Article
Informations complémentaires: Recueil de tiré-à-part de la bibliothèque: A0189
Mots-clés libres: coli; embryon; entero-pathogene; escherichia; pathogenicite; poulet; souris
Centre: Centre INRS-Institut Armand Frappier
Date de dépôt: 07 févr. 2020 15:09
Dernière modification: 07 févr. 2020 15:09
URI: https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/8299

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