Dépôt numérique

Metal (Ag, Cd, Cu, Ni, Tl, and Zn) Binding to Cytosolic Biomolecules in Field-Collected Larvae of the Insect Chaoborus.

Rosabal, Maikel; Mounicou, Sandra; Hare, Landis et Campbell, Peter G. C. (2016). Metal (Ag, Cd, Cu, Ni, Tl, and Zn) Binding to Cytosolic Biomolecules in Field-Collected Larvae of the Insect Chaoborus. Environmental Science & Technology , vol. 50 , nº 6. pp. 3247-3255. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b05961.

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We characterized the biomolecules involved in handling cytosolic metals in larvae of the phantom midge (Chaoborus) collected from five mining-impacted lakes by determining the distribution of Ag, Cd, Cu, Ni, Tl, and Zn among pools of various molecular weights (HMW: high molecular weight, >670?40 kDa; MMW: medium molecular weight, 40? <1.3 kDa; LMW: low molecular weight, <1.3 kDa). Appreciable concentrations of nonessential metals were found in the potentially metal-sensitive HMW (Ag and Ni) and LMW (Tl) pools, whereas the MMW pool, which includes metallothioneins (MTs) and metallothionein-like proteins and peptides (MTLPs), appears to be involved in Ag and Cd detoxification. Higher-resolution fractionation of the heat-stable protein (HSP) fraction revealed further differences in the partitioning of nonessential metals (i.e., Ag = Cd ? Ni ? Tl). These results provide unprecedented details about the metal-handling strategies employed by a metal-tolerant, freshwater animal in a field situation.

Type de document: Article
Mots-clés libres: Metals; biomolecules; freshwater larvae; chaoborus; biomonitoring;
Centre: Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Date de dépôt: 20 déc. 2016 16:42
Dernière modification: 12 nov. 2018 16:44
URI: https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/4139

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