Repérage par Type de documentAller à 2015 Nombre de documents archivés : 82. 2015Paradis, Daniel; Lefebvre, René; Gloaguen, Erwan et Giroux, Bernard (2015). Assessment of test initiation method on hydraulic tomography resolution. In: NovCare 2015: Novel Methods for Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring: From Theory to Practice, 19-21 mai 2015, Lawrence, États-Unis. Xhardé, Régis; Frandsen, Jannette et Gauvin-Tremblay, Olivier (2015). Scour of Sand-Gravel Beaches in Front of Seawalls. In: 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 22-24 novembre 2015, Boston, États-Unis. Lapointe, François; Francus, Pierre; Jenny, Jean-Philippe et St-Onge, Guillaume (2015). Le potentiel des sédiments varvés de l’Arctique pour la détection de signaux climatiques. In: 83e Congrès annuel de l'Association francophone pour le savoir - ACFAS 2015, 25-29 mai 2015, Rimouski, Canada. Naulier, Maud; Savard, Martine M.; Bégin, Christian; Gennaretti, Fabio; Arseneault, Dominique; Marion, Joëlle; Nicault, Antoine et Bégin, Yves (2015). Reconstitution de la température estivale du dernier millénaire pour le Nord-Est québécois à partir des isotopes d’oxygène contenus dans les tiges subfossiles In: 83e Congrès annuel de l'Association francophone pour le savoir - ACFAS 2015, 25-29 mai 2015, Rimouski, Canada. Castonguay, Sébastien; Janvier, Vivien; Oswald, William; Dubé, Benoît; Mercier-Langevin, Patrick; McNicoll, Vicki et Malo, Michel (2015). Geological Controls of BIF-hosted Gold Mineralization: Insights from the World-class Musselwhite (Ontario) and Meadowbank (Nunavut) Deposits, Canada. In: 13th SGA Biennial Meeting on Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World - SGA 2015, 24-27 août 2015, Nancy, France. Bouchedda, Abderrezak et Giroux, Bernard (2015). Numerical Study of CO2 monitoring using Time-lapse Down-hole Magnetometric Resistivity at Field Research Station, Alberta, Canada. In: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting - SEG 2015, 18-21 octobre 2015, Nouvelle Orléans, États-Unis.
Chiu, Yohann Moanahere; Chebana, Fateh Clayer, François; Moritz, Anja; Gélinas, Yves; Tessier, André et Gobeil, Charles (2015). Carbon isotope signature of CH4 and CO2 as a tool to unravel diagenetic pathways in lake sediments. In: GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, 3-7 mai 2015, Montréal, Canada. Córdoba, Sebastián; Blessent, Daniela; López, Idalia Jacqueline et Raymond, Jasmin (2015). Numerical Modelling of the Nevado del Ruiz Geothermal Reservoir (Colombia). In: Conférence internationale sur les Procédés avancés pour l'environnement, l'énergie et la santé - PAEES 2015, 14-16 octobre 2015, Québec, Canada. De Coninck, Arnaud et Francus, Pierre (2015). L’ITRAX Core Scanner : un outil non destructif pour l’analyse chimiostratigraphique des déblais de forage et carottes par micro-fluorescence X (XRF). In: Québec Mines 2015, 23-26 novembre 2015, Québec, Canada.
Dia, Oumar; Drogui, Patrick
Fadhlaoui, Mariem; Pierron, Fabien et Couture, Patrice
Fadhlaoui, Mariem; Vidal, Alice et Couture, Patrice
Fournier, Isabelle et Couture, Patrice
Frechette, Danielle M.; Bergeron, Normand
Gauthier, Charles; Lacaze, Emilie; André, Chantale; Desrosiers, Mélanie; Gagné, François; Cabana, Gilbert; Fournier, Michel et Couture, Patrice
Ghorbel, Leila; Blais, Jean-François
Goubet, Sarah; Laurion, Isabelle et Chokmani, Karem Harris, Lyal B. et Bédard, Jean H. (2015). A non-plate tectonic model for the yilgarn craton, western Australia - exploration implications and comparisons with the superior craton, Canada. In: Québec mines 2015, 23-26 novembre 2015, Québec, Canada.
Ikani, Vahid; Chokmani, Karem Innocenti, Silvia; Mailhot, Alain et Frigon, Anne (2015). Scaling laws for extreme precipitations IDF and IDAF curves. In: Colloque de La recherche hydrologique au Québe - RHQ 2015, 9-10 juin 2015, Montréal, Canada. Janvier, Vivien; Castonguay, Sébastien; Mercier-Langevin, Patrick; Dubé, Benoît; Malo, Michel; McNicoll, Vicki; Creaser, Robert A.; De Chavigny, Benoit; Côté-Mantha, Olivier et Pehrsson, Sally (2015). Geology of the banded iron formation-hosted Meadowbank gold deposit, Churchill Province, Nunavut. In: GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, 3-7 mai 2015, Montréal, Canada. Kim Tiam, Sandra; Lavoie, Isabelle et Fortin, Claude (2015). Differential genetic expression : diatoms and river biofilm as diagnostic tools for metal contamination. In: Congrès Étudiant INRS-ETE, 4-6 novembre 2015, Québec, Canada. Laanaya, Fatima; St-Hilaire, André et Gloaguen, Erwan (2015). Modélisation de la température de l’eau : comparaison des modèles GAM, Sigmoïde et Autorégressif. In: Colloque de l'Association des statisticiennes et staitsiticiens du Québec - ASSQ 2015, 22 mai 2015, Québec, Canada. Laberge, Antony; Gobeil, Charles et Tessier, André (2015). Environmental geochemistry of gallium. In: 15e Congrès annuel du GEOTOP, 13-15 février 2015, Jouvence, Canada. Ladevèze, Pierre; Rivard, Christine; Séjourné, Stephan; Lefebvre, René; Crow, Heather; Lavoie, Denis et Malet, Xavier (2015). Intégrité des roches couverture d'une unité de gaz de shale : l'apport des données structurales et hydrauliques. In: 28e entretien Jacques-Cartier, 2-3 décembre 2015, Savoie-Mont-Blanc, France. Lonappan, Linson; Pulicharla, Rama; Auger, Serge; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Verma, Mausam P. et Surampalli, Rao Y. (2015). Fate of anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac in municipal wastewater treatment plant: quantification using LDTD coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. In: 63rd annual American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference - ASMS 2015, 31 mai-4 juin 2015, Saint-Louis, États-Unis.
Masselot, Pierre; Chebana, Fateh
Naji, Touriya; Carabin, Anne et Drogui, Patrick
Nasri, Bouchra; St-Hilaire, André; Bouezmarni, Taoufik et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. Nzekwe, Obinna Peter; Francus, Pierre; St-Onge, Guillaume et Lajeunesse, Patrick (2015). Évaluer le potentiel des sédiments annuellement laminés (varves) pour la reconstruction paléoclimatique de l’Holocène dans la region de la Côte-Nord, Québec. In: 15e Congrès annuel du GEOTOP, 13-15 février 2015, Jouvence, Canada. Nzekwe, Obinna Peter; Francus, Pierre; St-Onge, Guillaume; Lajeunesse, Patrick; Jenny, Jean-Philippe et Lapointe, François (2015). Recours à l’analyse haute-résolution des sédiment lacustres pour reconstituer la dynamique hydroclimatique passée de la Côte-Nord du Québec. In: 83e Congrès annuel de l'Association francophone pour le savoir - ACFAS 2015, 25-29 mai 2015, Rimouski, Canada. Périard, Yann; Gumière, Silvio José; Rousseau, Alain N. et Caron, Jean (2015). Multi-Local and Multi-Global Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Hydraulic Properties: Case of Study of Hydraulically Restrictive Layer. In: ASA International Annual Meetings - CSSA International Annual Meetings - SSSA International Annual Meetings, 15-18 novembre 2015, Minneapolis, États-Unis.
Roberge, Sophie; Chokmani, Karem Samson-Dô, Myriam et St-Hilaire, André (2015). Reducing the environmental impact : characterizing the efficiency of sedimentation basins downstream of harvested peat bogs. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU 2015, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. St-Hilaire, André; Tardif, Simon; Proulx-McInnis, Sandra et Rousseau, Alain N. (2015). Hydrological budget in aqualized peatlands of the James Bay region (Canada). In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU 2015, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. Taheran, Mehrdad; Pulicharla, Rama; Brar, Satinder Kaur et Knystautas, Emile J. (2015). Investigation on the complexation properties of chlortetracycline with Iron and Aluminium. In: Conférence internationale sur les Procédés avancés pour l'environnement, l'énergie et la santé - PAEES 2015, 14-16 octobre 2015, Québec, Canada. Touati, Chaima; Bernier, Monique et Ludwig, Ralf Peter (2015). Impact des conditions environnementales sur la répartition du pergélisol dans les bassins de Sheldrake et Nastapoka. In: Colloque annuel du Centre d'études nordiques, 11 février 2016, Québec, Canada. Tovar, Diego; Malo, Michel; Duchesne, Mathieu J. et Pinet, Nicolas (2015). Geometric and Kinematic Reconstruction of the Chaleurs Bay Synclinorium (Gaspé Belt) through the Integration of Geological and Geophysical Data. In: GeoConvention 2015, 4-8 mai 2015, Calgary, Canada. Tremblay, Fannie; Gratton, Yves et Tremblay, Jean-Éric (2015). Variations interannuelles des températures, salinités et nitrates le long du 76ème parallèle dans la baie de Baffin. In: Congrès Étudiant INRS-ETE, 4-6 novembre 2015, Québec, Canada. Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal (2015). Bioconversion of wastes (wastewater sludge, glycerol) to biodiesel. In: American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists Awards Luncheon and Technical Conference - AAEES 2015, 23 avril 2015, Annaolis, États-Unis. Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal et Surampalli, Rao Y. (2015). Bioconversion of Wastewater Sludge and Glycerol to Biodiesel. In: American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists Awards Luncheon and Technical Conference - AAEES 2015, 23 avril 2015, Annaolis, États-Unis. Vélez Marquez, Maria Isabel; Blessent, Daniela; López, Idalia Jacqueline et Raymond, Jasmin (2015). Preliminary assessment of Nevado del Ruiz geothermal potential from laboratory measurements of thermal properties. In: GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, 3-7 mai 2015, Montréal, Canada. Aschenbroich, Adélaïde; Michaud, Emma; Fromard, François; Daigle, Louis-Frédéric; Long, Bernard et Thouzeau, Gérard (2015). CT-Scan analysis of bioturbation structures: from intertidal mudflat to young mangrove forest in French Guiana (South America). In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Bélanger, Sébastien; Bauce, Éric; Hébert, Christian; Long, Bernard; Berthiaume, Richard; Labrie, Jacques et Daigle, Louis-Frédéric (2015). Effect temperature and tree species on the damage progression of whitespotted sawyer, Monochamus scutellatus scutellatus (Say), larvae in recently burned logs, by X Ray CT measurement. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada.
Ben Ghacham, Alia; Pasquier, Louis-César; Cecchi, Emmanuelle; Blais, Jean-François Bleau, Daniel Alexandre; Lacey, Jay R. W.; Leconte, Robert et Bergeron, Normand (2015). Sediment Transport Caused by Ice Processes: A Quantitative Approach. In: 18th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers, 18-20 août 2015, Québec, Canada.
Bordeleau, Geneviève Bouchard, Frédéric; Fortier, Daniel; Paquette, Michel; Bégin, Paschale-Noël; Vincent, Warwick et Laurion, Isabelle (2015). Lake bottom imagery: a simple, fast and inexpensive method for surveying shallow freshwater ecosystems of permafrost regions. In: GEOQuébec 2015 - 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference / 7e Conférence Canadienne sur le Pergélisol - 68e Conférence Canadienne de Géotechnique / 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 20-23 septembre 2015, Québec, Canada. Brunelle, Corinne; Long, Bernard; Francus, Pierre; Daigle, Louis-Frédéric; Desroches, Mathieu et Takayama, Hayato (2015). Wave-sediment interaction imaging with X-ray tomography: A small-scale experiment to characterize the artefacts. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Castellazzi, Pascal; Martel, Richard; Rivera, Alfonso; Huang, Jianliang; Calderhead, Angus I.; Chaussard, Estelle et Garfias, Jaime (2015). Remote sensing and hydrogeology: GRACE and InSAR to assess groundwater sustainability in Central Mexico. In: NGWA Groundwater Summit, 16-18 mars 2015, San Antonio, États-Unis. Caté, Antoine; Mercier-Langevin, Patrick; Ross, Pierre-Simon et Gagné, Simon (2015). Hydrothermal history and gold mineralization at the Lalor volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Snow Lake camp, Manitoba, Canada. In: 13th SGA Biennial Meeting on Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World - SGA 2015, 24-27 août 2015, Nancy, France.
Chokmani, Karem Dinis, Lauriane; Gammon, Paul; Savard, Martine M.; Bégin, Christian; Girard, Isabelle et Vaive, Judy (2015). Treatment Protocol for Using Tree-ring Zn Isotopes for Environmental Studies. In: 11th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Conference - AIG-11, 21-25 septembre 2015, Orléans, France. Francus, Pierre; Lapointe, François; Massa, Charly; Fortin, David; Kanamaru, Kinuyo et St-Onge, Guillaume (2015). Computerized coaxial tomography (CT-Scanning) in paleoclimatic studies. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Gatel, Laura; Lauvernet, Claire; Carluer, Nadia; Paniconi, Claudio et Leblois, Etienne (2015). Influence of soil spatial variability on surface and subsurface flow at a vegetative buffer strip scale. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. Gauthier, Yves; Hardy, Stéphane; Gutiérrez, Catalina; Padel, Antoine; Gaudreau, Jonathan; Poulin, Jimmy; Jasek, Martin; Bernier, Monique; Gomez, Hellen et Roth, Achim (2015). IceFRONT: Integration of radar and optical images for operational river freeze-up monitoring. In: 18th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers - CRIPE 2015, 18-20 août 2015, Québec, Canada.
Gignac, Charles; Bernier, Monique; Chokmani, Karem Joshani, Azadeh; Lalonde, Karine; Barber, Andrew; Gobeil, Charles et Gélinas, Yves (2015). Investigating organic matter preservation through complexation with iron oxides in Lake Tantaré. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. Kollet, Stefan; Maxwell, Reed M.; Dagès, Cécile; Mouche, Emmanuel; Mügler, Claude; Paniconi, Claudio; Park, Young-Jin; Putti, Mario; Shen, Chaopeng; Stisen, Simon; Sudicky, Edward; Sulis, Mauro et Ji, Xinye (2015). Introduction of the 2nd Phase of the Integrated Hydrologic Model Intercomparison Project. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. Larocque, Marie; Pellerin, Stéphanie; Cloutier, Vincent; Ferlatte, Miryane; Munger, Julie; Quillet, Anne et Paniconi, Claudio (2015). Multidisciplinary approach to identify aquifer-peatland connectivity. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. Long, Bernard; Takayama, Hayato; Mukunoki, Toshifumi; Montreuil, Stéphane; Brunelle, Corinne; Desroches, Mathieu et Daigle, Louis-Frédéric (2015). Evolution of the ripple field under a wave regime on the offshore of the breaker bar, along the beach profile: Experiment using CT-Scan imaging. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Montreuil, Stéphane et Long, Bernard (2015). X-ray measurement of sand ripples bedload transport. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Nzekwe, Obinna Peter; Francus, Pierre; St-Onge, Guillaume et Lajeunesse, Patrick (2015). The potential of CT-scan as a high-resolution tool to identify laminated sediments from deep lakes in the Côte-Nord region, Quebec. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Oswald, William; Castonguay, Sébastien; Dubé, Benoît; McNicoll, Vicki; Biczok, John et Malo, Michel (2015). Geological Setting of the World-Class Musselwhite BIF- Hosted Gold Deposit, Ontario, Canada. In: 13th SGA Biennial Meeting on Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World - SGA 2015, 24-27 août 2015, Nancy, France. Paniconi, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2015). A survey of physically-based catchment-scale modeling over the last half century. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. Paradis, Daniel; Tremblay, Laurie; Ruggeri, Paolo; Brunet, Patrick; Fabien-Ouellet, Gabriel; Gloaguen, Erwan; Holliger, Klaus; Irving, James; Molson, John W. et Lefebvre, René (2015). Changing the scale of hydrogeophysical aquifer heterogeneity characterization. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. Périard, Yann; Gumière, Silvio José; Long, Bernard; Rousseau, Alain N. et Caron, Jean (2015). Evolution of soil hydraulic properties under saturated conditions. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Périard, Yann; Gumière, Silvio José; Rousseau, Alain N.; Caron, Jean et Hallema, Dennis W. (2015). Predicting soil hydraulic properties from tomodensitometric analysis and particle size distribution. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Philippe, Édouard G. H.; St-Onge, Guillaume; Valet, Jean-Pierre et Francus, Pierre (2015). Acquisition of the natural remanent magnetization in varved sediments: Laboratory redeposition experiments, CT-Scan imaging and modeling. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Rousseau, Alain N. et Gagnon, Patrick (2015). Assessment of the added value of using statiscally downscaled precipitation fields for hydrological forecasting. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche. Soto Neira, Jaime; Michaud, Emma; Long, Bernard et Aller, Robert C. (2015). Ferrous iron in bioturbated sedimentary deposits: a three-dimensional exploratory analysis using planar optodes coupled to tomographic reconstructions. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada.
St-Hilaire, André; Boucher, Marie-Amélie; Chebana, Fateh Lapointe, François; Francus, Pierre et St-Onge, Guillaume (2015). Strong climate signals revealed by high-resolution analysis of varves from South Sawtooth Lake. In: 15e Congrès annuel du GEOTOP, 13-15 février 2015, Jouvence, Canada. Raynauld, Mélanie; Peel, Morgan; Lefebvre, René; Molson, John W.; Crow, Heather; Ahad, Jason M. E.; Ouellet, Michel; Gloaguen, Erwan et Aquilina, Luc (2015). Understanding shallow and deep flow to assess the risk of hydrocarbon development on groundwater quality. In: First EAGE / TNO Workshop: Basin Hydrodynamic Systems in Relations to their Contained Resources, 6-8 mai 2015, Utrecht, Pays-Bas. Calderhead, Angus I.; Castellazzi, Pascal et Martel, Richard (2015). Le PS-InSAR utilisé pour détecter l'influence des grottes dans une zone urbaine. In: 16e Congrès de l’Association québécoise de télédétection (AQT), 28-30 octobre 2015, Québec, Canada. Raymond, Jasmin (2015). La géothermie au Canada : problématiques et opportunités de recherche. In: Journée des sciences de la terre et de l'environnement - JSTE 2015, 20 mars 2015, Québec, Canada.
Mocellin, Julien; Simonnot, Marie-Odile; Mercier, Guy; Blais, Jean-François Raymond, Jasmin (2015). Optimizing ground heat exchanger length with GeoperformX pipe. In: IGSHPA Product Showcase, 7-8 octobre 2015, Kansas, États-Unis. Treyvaud, Geneviève (2015). The use of metals and metal products on urban and rural archaeological sites: reconstructing technologies employed by native American and European artisans in New France during the 17th and 18th centuries. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures - ICTMS 2015, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015, Québec, Canada. Treyvaud, Geneviève et Francus, Pierre (2015). X-ray microfluorescence, microradiography and tomodensitometry provide a broader view of the archaeological space. In: Annual Meeting and American Geophysical Union - GAC/MAC 2015 - CGU/AGU 2015, 3-7 mai 2015, Montréal, Canada. Isabelle, Pierre-Erik; Nadeau, Daniel F.; Rousseau, Alain N.; Coursolle, Carole et Margolis, Hank A. (2015). Impacts of evapotranspiration estimation on the hydrological modeling of a subarctic bog in northern Quebec, Canada. In: Annual Meeting and American Geophysical Union - GAC/MAC 2015 - CGU/AGU 2015, 3-7 mai 2015, Montréal, Canada. |