Document quand l'auteur est "Seyhi, Brahima"Aller à Centre Eau Terre Environnement Nombre de documents archivés : 19. Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Ouarda, Yassine; Zolfaghari, Mehdi; Drogui, Patrick
García-Gómez, Celestino; Drogui, Patrick
Senghor, Fatou; Drogui, Patrick
Zolfaghari, Mehdi; Drogui, Patrick Seyhi, Brahima; Drogui, Patrick; Gortáres-Moroyoqui, Pablo; Estrada-Alvarado, María I. et Alvarez, Luis H. (2014). Adsorption of an organochlorine pesticide using activated carbon produced from an agro-waste material. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology , vol. 89 , nº 12. pp. 1811-1816. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4256. García-Gómez, Celestino; Drogui, Patrick; Zaviska, François; Seyhi, Brahima; Gortáres-Moroyoqui, Pablo; Buelna, Gerardo; Neira-Sáenz, C.; Estrada-Alvarado, María I. et Ulloa-Mercado, Ruth Gabriela (2014). Experimental design methodology applied to electrochemical oxidation of carbamazepine using Ti/PbO2 and Ti/BDD electrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry , vol. 732 . pp. 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2014.08.032. Zolfaghari, Mehdi; Drogui, Patrick; Seyhi, Brahima; Brar, Satinder Kaur; Buelna, Gerardo et Dubé, Rino (2014). Occurrence, fate and effects of Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in wastewater treatment plants: A review. Environmental Pollution , vol. 194 . pp. 281-293. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.07.014. Daghrir, Rimeh; Dimboukou-Mpira, A.; Seyhi, Brahima et Drogui, Patrick (2014). Photosonochemical degradation of butyl-paraben: Optimization, toxicity and kinetic studies. Science of The Total Environment , vol. 490 . pp. 223-234. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.05.006.
Beauchesne, Isabel; Drogui, Patrick; Seyhi, Brahima; Mercier, Guy et Blais, Jean-François
Seyhi, Brahima; Drogui, Patrick; Buelna, Gerardo et Blais, Jean-François García-Gómez, Celestino; Drogui, Patrick; Gortáres-Moroyoqui, Pablo; Seyhi, Brahima; Buelna, Gerardo; Estrada-Alvarado, María I. et Alvarez, Luis H. (2013). Combined MBRelectrochemical process for the removal of carbamazepine. In: IWA-Mexico 2013 Young Water Professionals, 24-26 avril 2013, San Luis Potosi, Mexique. Seyhi, Brahima; Drogui, Patrick; Buelna, Gerardo; Azaïs, Antonin et Héran, Marc (2013). Contribution of a submerged membrane bioreactor in the treatment of synthetic effluent contaminated by Bisphenol-A: Mechanism of BPA removal and membrane fouling. Environmental Pollution , vol. 180 . pp. 229-235. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.05.028. Atheba, Grah Patrick; Drogui, Patrick; Seyhi, Brahima et Robert, Didier (2013). Photo-degradation of butyl parahydroxybenzoate by using TiO2-supported catalyst. Water Science and Technology , vol. 67 , nº 10. pp. 2141-2147. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.117. García-Gómez, Celestino; Drogui, Patrick; Gortáres-Moroyoqui, Pablo; Seyhi, Brahima; Buelna, Gerardo; Estrada-Alvarado, María I.; Alvarez, Luis H.; Romero, I. et Burboa, V. (2013). Removal of Carbamazepine from synthetic wastewaters using an electrochemical reactor combined with MBR. In: IX simposio internacional de Investigación Química en la Frontera, 20-23 novembre 2013, Tijuana, Mexique.
Drogui, Patrick Seyhi, Brahima (2012). Contribution à l'étude de l'applicabilité des bio-traitements à membrane dans le traitement des eaux usées contaminées par le bisphénol-A et autres polluants organiques et inorganiques. Thèse. Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 322 p.
Seyhi, Brahima; Drogui, Patrick; Buelna, Gerardo et Blais, Jean-François
Seyhi, Brahima; Drogui, Patrick; Buelna, Gerardo; Blais, Jean-François
Seyhi, Brahima; Drogui, Patrick; Buelna, Gerardo et Blais, Jean-François |