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Document quand l'auteur est "Paniconi, Claudio"

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Centre Eau Terre Environnement

Gatto, Beatrice; Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841; Salandin, Paolo et Camporese, Matteo (2021). Numerical dispersion of solute transport in an integrated surface–subsurface hydrological model. Advances in Water Resources , vol. 158 . p. 104060. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2021.104060.

Perra, Enrica; Viola, Francesco; Deidda, Roberto; Caracciolo, Domenico; Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841 et Langousis, Andreas (2020). Hydrologic Impacts of Surface Elevation and Spatial Resolution in Statistical Correction Approaches: Case Study of Flumendosa Basin, Italy. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering , vol. 25 , nº 9. 05020032. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001969.

Gumière, Silvio José; Camporese, Matteo; Botto, Anna; Lafond, Jonathan A.; Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841; Gallichand, Jacques et Rousseau, Alain N. ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3439-2124 (2020). Machine Learning vs. Physics-Based Modeling for Real-Time Irrigation Management. Frontiers in Water , vol. 2 . DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2020.00008.

Camporese, Matteo; Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841; Putti, Mario et McDonnell, Jeffrey J. (2019). Fill and Spill Hillslope Runoff Representation With a Richards Equation‐Based Model. Water Resources Research , vol. 55 , nº 11. pp. 8445-8462. DOI: 10.1029/2019WR025726.

Gatel, Laura; Lauvernet, Claire; Carluer, Nadia; Weill, Sylvain; Tournebize, Julien et Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841 (2019). Global evaluation and sensitivity analysis of a physically based flow and reactive transport model on a laboratory experiment. Environmental Modelling & Software , vol. 113 . pp. 73-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.12.006.

Perra, Enrica; Piras, Monica; Deidda, Roberto; Mascaro, Giuseppe et Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841 (2019). Investigating Parameter Transferability across Models and Events for a Semiarid Mediterranean Catchment. Water , vol. 11 , nº 11. p. 2261. DOI: 10.3390/w11112261.

Gatel, Laura; Lauvernet, Claire; Carluer, Nadia; Weill, Sylvain et Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841 (2019). Sobol Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Coupled Surface/Subsurface Water Flow and Reactive Solute Transfer Model on a Real Hillslope. Water , vol. 12 , nº 1. p. 121. DOI: 10.3390/w12010121.

Perra, Enrica; Piras, Monica; Deidda, Roberto; Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841; Mascaro, Giuseppe; Vivoni, Enrique R.; Cau, Pierluigi; Marras, Pier Andrea; Ludwig, Ralf Peter et Meyer, Swen (2018). Multimodel assessment of climate change-induced hydrologic impacts for a Mediterranean catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , vol. 22 , nº 7. pp. 4125-4143. DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-4125-2018.

Scudeler, Carlotta; Paniconi, Claudio; Pasetto, Damiano et Putti, Mario (2017). Examination of the seepage face boundary condition in subsurface and coupled surface/subsurface hydrological models. Water Resources Research , vol. 53 , nº 3. pp. 1799-1819. DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019277.

Haaken, Klaus; Deidda, Gian Piero; Cassiani, Giorgio; Deiana, Rita; Putti, Mario; Paniconi, Claudio; Scudeler, Carlotta et Kemna, Andreas (2017). Flow dynamics in hyper-saline aquifers: hydro-geophysical monitoring and modeling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , vol. 21 , nº 3. pp. 1439-1454. DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-1439-2017.

Islam, Mohammad; Paniconi, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2017). Numerical Tests of the Lookup Table Method in Solving Richards’ Equation for Infiltration and Drainage in Heterogeneous Soils. Hydrology , vol. 4 , nº 3. p. 33. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology4030033.

Kollet, Stefan; Sulis, Mauro; Maxwell, Reed M.; Paniconi, Claudio; Putti, Mario; Bertoldi, Giacomo; Coon, Ethan T.; Cordano, Emanuele; Endrizzi, Stefano; Kikinzon, Evgeny; Mouche, Emmanuel; Mügler, Claude; Park, Young-Jin; Refsgaard, Jens C.; Stisen, Simon et Sudicky, Edward (2017). The integrated hydrologic model intercomparison project, IH-MIP2: A second set of benchmark results to diagnose integrated hydrology and feedbacks. Water Resources Research , vol. 53 , nº 1. pp. 867-890. DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019191.

Quillet, Anne; Larocque, Marie; Pellerin, Stéphanie; Cloutier, Vincent; Ferlatte, Miryane; Paniconi, Claudio et Bourgault, Marc-André (2017). The role of hydrogeological setting in two Canadian peatlands investigated through 2D steady-state groundwater flow modelling. Hydrological Sciences Journal , vol. 62 , nº 15. pp. 2541-2557. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2017.1391387.

Larocque, Marie; Ferlatte, Miryane; Pellerin, Stéphanie; Cloutier, Vincent; Munger, Julie; Paniconi, Claudio et Quillet, Anne (2016). Chemical and botanical indicators of groundwater inflow to Sphagnum-dominated peatlands. Ecological Indicators , vol. 64 . pp. 142-151. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.12.012.

Gatel, Laura; Lauvernet, Claire; Carluer, Nadia et Paniconi, Claudio (2016). Effect of surface and subsurface heterogeneity on the hydrological response of a grassed buffer zone. Journal of Hydrology , vol. 542 . pp. 637-647. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.09.038.

La Jeunesse, Isabelle; Cirelli, Claudia; Aubin, David; Larrue, Corinne; Sellami, Haykel; Afifi, Samir; Bellin, Alberto; Benabdallah, Sihem; Bird, David Neil; Deidda, Roberto; Dettori, Marco; Engin, Güleda; Herrmann, Frank; Ludwig, Ralf Peter; Mabrouk, Badr; Majone, Bruno; Paniconi, Claudio et Soddu, Antonino (2016). Is climate change a threat for water uses in the Mediterranean region? Results from a survey at local scale. Science of The Total Environment , vol. 543 , nº Part B. pp. 981-996. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.04.062.

Scudeler, Carlotta; Putti, Mario et Paniconi, Claudio (2016). Mass-conservative reconstruction of Galerkin velocity fields for transport simulations. Advances in Water Resources , vol. 94 . pp. 470-485. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.06.011.

Scudeler, Carlotta; Pangle, Luke; Pasetto, Damiano; Niu, Guo-Yue; Volkmann, Till; Paniconi, Claudio; Putti, Mario et Troch, Peter A. (2016). Multiresponse modeling of variably saturated flow and isotope tracer transport for a hillslope experiment at the Landscape Evolution Observatory. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , vol. 20 , nº 10. pp. 4061-4078. DOI: 10.5194/hess-20-4061-2016.

Filion, Rébecca; Bernier, Monique; Paniconi, Claudio; Chokmani, Karem ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0018-0761; Melis, Massimo; Soddu, Antonino; Talazac, Manon et Lafortune, François-Xavier (2016). Remote sensing for mapping soil moisture and drainage potential in semi-arid regions: Applications to the Campidano plain of Sardinia, Italy. Science of the Total Environment , vol. 543 , nº Pt B. pp. 862-876. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.07.068.

Racine, Cintia; Fortier-Fradette, Fanny; Martel, Richard; Paniconi, Claudio; Dumais, Daniel; Lessard, Daniel; Pelletier, Christian et Gagnon, Michel (2015). Guide d’opération de la prise d’eau sous-fluviale du poste de pompage de l’ouvrage A: Ville de Québec. Rapport de recherche (final). Rapport de recherche (R1565). INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.

Racine, Cintia; Fortier-Fradette, Fanny; Paniconi, Claudio; Martel, Richard et Caissy, René (2015). Rapport d'étude sur la conception, l'instrumentation et l'opération des prises d'eau horizontales sous-fluviales: Rapport de recherche (final) Rapport de recherche (R1566). INRS-Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.

Dentoni, Marta; Deidda, Roberto; Paniconi, Claudio; Qahman, Khalid et Lecca, Giuditta (2015). A simulation/optimization study to assess seawater intrusion management strategies for the Gaza Strip coastal aquifer (Palestine). Hydrogeology Journal , vol. 23 , nº 2. pp. 249-264. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-014-1214-1.

Paniconi, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2015). A survey of physically-based catchment-scale modeling over the last half century. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche.

Chemingui, Asma; Sulis, Mauro et Paniconi, Claudio (2015). An assessment of recharge estimates from stream and well data and from a coupled surface-water/groundwater model for the des Anglais catchment, Quebec (Canada). Hydrogeology Journal , vol. 23 , nº 8. pp. 1731-1743. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-015-1299-1.

Ferlatte, Miryane; Quillet, Anne; Larocque, Marie; Cloutier, Vincent; Pellerin, Stéphanie et Paniconi, Claudio (2015). Aquifer-peatland connectivity in southern Quebec (Canada). Hydrological Processes , vol. 29 , nº 11. pp. 2600-2612. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10390.

Camporese, Matteo; Daly, Edoardo et Paniconi, Claudio (2015). Catchment-scale Richards equation-based modeling of evapotranspiration via boundary condition switching and root water uptake schemes. Water Resources Research , vol. 51 , nº 7. pp. 5756-5771. DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017139.

Fiorentini, Marcello; Orlandini, Stefano et Paniconi, Claudio (2015). Control of coupling mass balance error in a process-based numerical model of surface-subsurface flow interaction. Water Resources Research , vol. 51 , nº 7. pp. 5698-5716. DOI: 10.1002/2014WR016816.

Pasetto, Damiano; Niu, Guo-Yue; Pangle, Luke; Paniconi, Claudio; Putti, Mario et Troch, Peter A. (2015). Impact of sensor failure on the observability of flow dynamics at the Biosphere 2 LEO hillslopes. Advances in Water Resources , vol. 86 . pp. 327-339. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.04.014.

Gatel, Laura; Lauvernet, Claire; Carluer, Nadia; Paniconi, Claudio et Leblois, Etienne (2015). Influence of soil spatial variability on surface and subsurface flow at a vegetative buffer strip scale. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche.

Kollet, Stefan; Maxwell, Reed M.; Dagès, Cécile; Mouche, Emmanuel; Mügler, Claude; Paniconi, Claudio; Park, Young-Jin; Putti, Mario; Shen, Chaopeng; Stisen, Simon; Sudicky, Edward; Sulis, Mauro et Ji, Xinye (2015). Introduction of the 2nd Phase of the Integrated Hydrologic Model Intercomparison Project. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche.

Navarro-Ortega, Alícia; Acuña, Vicenç; Bellin, Alberto; Burek, Peter; Cassiani, Giorgio; Choukr-Allah, Redouane; Dolédec, Sylvain; Elosegi, Arturo; Ferrari, Federico; Ginebreda, Antoni; Grathwohl, Peter; Jones, Colin; Rault, Philippe Ker; Kok, Kasper; Koundouri, Phoebe; Ludwig, Ralf Peter; Merz, Ralf; Milacic, Radmila; Muñoz, Isabel; Nikulin, Grigory; Paniconi, Claudio; Paunović, Momir; Petrovic, Mira; Sabater, Laia; Sabaterb, Sergi; Skoulikidis, Nikolaos Th; Slob, Adriaan; Teutsch, Georg; Voulvoulis, Nikolaos et Barceló, Damià (2015). Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity. The GLOBAQUA project. Science of The Total Environment , vol. 503-50 . pp. 3-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.06.081.

Larocque, Marie; Pellerin, Stéphanie; Cloutier, Vincent; Ferlatte, Miryane; Munger, Julie; Quillet, Anne et Paniconi, Claudio (2015). Multidisciplinary approach to identify aquifer-peatland connectivity. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2015 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12-17 avril 2015, Vienne, Autriche.

Paniconi, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2015). Physically based modeling in catchment hydrology at 50: Survey and outlook. Water Resources Research , vol. 51 , nº 9. pp. 7090-7129. DOI: 10.1002/2015wr017780.

Racine, Cintia; Fortier-Fradette, Fanny; Martel, Richard; Paniconi, Claudio; Dumais, Daniel; Lessard, Daniel; Pelletier, Christian et Gagnon, Michel (2014). Guide d’opération de la prise d’eau sous-fluviale du poste de pompage de l’ouvrage A: Ville de Québec. Rapport de recherche (préliminaire). Rapport de recherche (R1560). INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.

Racine, Cintia; Fortier-Fradette, Fanny; Martel, Richard; Paniconi, Claudio; Lefebvre, René; Lemieux, Roch; Gagnon, Johanne; Lampron, Richard; Maranda, Gaston et Larin, Jean-Michel (2014). Analyse de performance des opérations de la prise d’eau sous-fluviale de la ville de Beaupré :Final. Rapport de recherche (R1490). INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.

Camporese, Matteo; Penna, Daniele; Borga, Marco et Paniconi, Claudio (2014). A field and modeling study of nonlinear storage-discharge dynamics for an Alpine headwater catchment. Water Resources Research , vol. 50 , nº 2. pp. 806-822. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR013604.

Rivard, Christine; Paniconi, Claudio; Vigneault, Harold et Chaumont, Diane (2014). A watershed-scale study of climate change impacts on groundwater recharge (Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada) / Étude à l’échelle du bassin versant des impacts du changement climatique sur la recharge souterraine (vallée d’Annapolis, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada). Hydrological Sciences Journal , vol. 59 , nº 8. pp. 1437-1456. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2014.887203.

Noël, Philippe; Rousseau, Alain N.; Paniconi, Claudio et Nadeau, Daniel F. (2014). Algorithm for delineating and extracting hillslopes and hillslope width functions from gridded elevation data. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering , vol. 19 , nº 2. pp. 365-374. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000783.

Niu, Guo-Yue; Paniconi, Claudio; Troch, Peter A.; Scott, Russell L.; Durcik, Matej; Zeng, Xubin; Huxman, Travis E. et Goodrich, David C. (2014). An integrated modelling framework of catchment-scale ecohydrological processes: 1. Model description and tests over an energy-limited watershed. Ecohydrology , vol. 7 , nº 2. pp. 427-439. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1362.

Niu, Guo-Yue; Troch, Peter A.; Paniconi, Claudio; Scott, Russell L.; Durcik, Matej; Zeng, Xubin; Huxman, Travis E.; Goodrich, David C. et Pelletier, Jon D. (2014). An integrated modelling framework of catchment-scale ecohydrological processes: 2. The role of water subsidy by overland flow on vegetation dynamics in a semi-arid catchment. Ecohydrology , vol. 7 , nº 2. pp. 815-827. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1405.

Trudel, Mélanie; Leconte, Robert et Paniconi, Claudio (2014). Analysis of the hydrological response of a distributed physically-based model using post-assimilation (EnKF) diagnostics of streamflow and in situ soil moisture observations. Journal of Hydrology , vol. 514 . pp. 192-201. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.03.072.

Camporese, Matteo; Daly, Edoardo et Paniconi, Claudio (2014). Assessment of catchment-scale evapotranspiration via boundary condition switching versus root water uptake. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

Fiorentini, Marcello; Orlandini, Stefano; Paniconi, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2014). Control of mass balance error in a detailed model of surface-subsurface flow interaction. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

Paniconi, Claudio (2014). Coupled modeling of groundwater/surface water interactions: successes and challenges from recent applications. In: 1st European Fully Coupled Atmospheric - Hydrological Modeling and WRF-Hydro Users Workshop, 11-13 juin 2014, Consenza, Italie.

Gosselin, Jean-Sébastien; Rivard, Christine; Lefebvre, René et Paniconi, Claudio (2014). Exploitation des hydrogrammes de puits du projet PACES, Montérégie-Est In: 82e Congrès de l'Association canadienne française pour l'avancement des sciences - ACFAS, 12-16 mai 2014, Montréal, Canada.

Scudeler, Carlotta; Pangle, Luke; Pasetto, Damiano; Niu, Guo-Yue; Paniconi, Claudio; Putti, Mario et Troch, Peter A. (2014). Flow and transport modeling of a tracer isotope experiment at B2 LEO using integrated and distributed multisensor observation data. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - AGU 2014, 15-19 décembre 2014, San Francisco, États-Unis.

Troch, Peter A.; Niu, Guo-Yue; Gevaert, Anouk; Teuling, Adriaan; Uijlenhoet, Remko; Pasetto, Damiano; Paniconi, Claudio et Putti, Mario (2014). Four-dimensional soil moisture response during an extreme rainfall event at the Landscape Evolution Observatory. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

Niu, Guo-Yue; Pasetto, Damiano; Scudeler, Carlotta; Paniconi, Claudio; Putti, Mario; Troch, Peter A.; DeLong, Stephen Berend; Dontsova, Katerina; Pangle, Luke; Breshears, David D.; Chorover, Jon; Huxman, Travis E.; Pelletier, Jon D.; Saleska, Scott R. et Zeng, Xubin (2014). Incipient subsurface heterogeneity and its effect on overland flow generation - Insight from a modeling study of the first experiment at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , vol. 18 , nº 5. pp. 1873-1883. DOI: 10.5194/hess-18-1873-2014.

Dentoni, Marta; Deidda, Roberto; Paniconi, Claudio; Marrocu, Marino et Lecca, Giuditta (2014). Seawater intrusion risk analysis under climate change conditions for the Gaza Strip aquifer (Palestine). In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU General Assembly 2014 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 27 avril-2 mai 2014, Vienne, Austriche.

Broda, Stefan; Larocque, Marie et Paniconi, Claudio (2014). Simulation of distributed base flow contributions to streamflow using a hillslope-based catchment model coupled to a regional-scale groundwater model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering , vol. 19 , nº 5. pp. 907-917. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000877.

Maxwell, Reed M.; Putti, Mario; Meyerhoff, Steven B.; Delfs, Jens-Olaf; Ferguson, Ian M.; Ivanov, Valeriy; Kim, Jongho; Kolditz, Olaf; Kollet, Stefan; Kumar, Mukesh; Lopez, Sonya; Niu, Jie; Paniconi, Claudio; Park, Young-Jin; Phanikumar, Mantha S.; Shen, Chaopeng; Sudicky, Edward et Sulis, Mauro (2014). Surface-subsurface model intercomparison: A first set of benchmark results to diagnose integrated hydrology and feedbacks. Water Resources Research , vol. 50 , nº 2. pp. 1531-1549. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR013725.

Racine, Cintia; Fortier-Fradette, Fanny; Martel, Richard; Paniconi, Claudio; Lemieux, Roch et Gagnon, Johanne (2013). Analyse de performance des opérations de la prise d’eau sous-fluviale de la ville de Beaupré: Prélilminaire. Rapport de recherche (R1477). INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Québec.

Dentoni, Marta; Qahman, Khalid; Deidda, Roberto; Paniconi, Claudio et Lecca, Giuditta (2013). A Simulation/Optimization approach to manage groundwater resources in the Gaza aquifer (Palestinian Territories) under climate change conditions. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly - EGU 2013, 7-12 avril 2013, Vienne, Autriche.

Chemingui, Asma; Horriche, Faten Jarraya et Paniconi, Claudio (2013). Climate change impacts on groundwater recharge in the Chiba catchment, Cap-Bon peninsula (Tunisia). In: 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 11th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference - GéoMontréal 2013, 29 septembre-3 octobre 2013, Montréal, Canada.

Guay, Catherine; Nastev, Miroslav; Paniconi, Claudio et Sulis, Mauro (2013). Comparison of two modeling approaches for groundwater-surface water interactions. Hydrological Processes , vol. 27 , nº 16. pp. 2258-2270. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9323.

Filion, Rébecca; Bernier, Monique; Paniconi, Claudio; Chokmani, Karem; Talazac, Manon et Lafortune, François-Xavier (2013). Correlation between radar backscatter from SAR imagery and surface soilmoisture variations over Sardinia, Italy. In: 34th Canadian symposium on remote sensing / 34ème symposium canadien sur la télédétection - CSRS 2016 / SCT 2016, 27-29 août 2013, Victoria, Canada.

Chemingui, Asma; Horriche, Faten Jarraya et Paniconi, Claudio (2013). Implementation of a hydrological model of groundwater recharge for the Chiba catchment (Cap-Bon, Tunisia). In: 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization - ICMSAO 2013, 28-30 avril 2013, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Muma, Mushombe; Gumière, Silvio José; Rousseau, Alain N.; Scudeler, Carlotta et Paniconi, Claudio (2013). Implementation of a root water extraction module in CATHY: Comparison of four empirical root-density distribution models. Procedia Environmental Sciences , vol. 19 . pp. 57-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.proenv.2013.06.007.

Troch, Peter A.; Berne, Alexis; Bogaart, Patrick; Harman, Ciaran; Hilberts, Arno G. J.; Lyon, Steve W.; Paniconi, Claudio; Pauwels, Valentijin R. N.; Rupp, David E.; Selker, John S.; Teuling, Adriaan; Uijlenhoet, Remko et Verhoest, Niko E. C. (2013). The importance of hydraulic groundwater theory in catchment hydrology: The legacy of Wilfried Brutsaert and Jean-Yves Parlange. Water Resources Research , vol. 49 , nº 9. pp. 5099-5116. DOI: 10.1002/wrcr.20407.

Broda, Stefan; Larocque, Marie; Paniconi, Claudio et Haitjema, Henk M. (2012). A low‐dimensional hillslope‐based catchment model for layered groundwater flow. Hydrological Processes , vol. 26 , nº 18. pp. 2814-2826. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8319.

Dagès, Cécile; Paniconi, Claudio et Sulis, Mauro (2012). Analysis of coupling errors in a physically-based integrated surface water–groundwater model. Advances in Water Resources , vol. 49 . pp. 86-96. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.07.019.

Sulis, Mauro; Paniconi, Claudio; Marrocu, Michela; Huard, David et Chaumont, Diane (2012). Hydrologic response to multimodel climate output using a physically based model of groundwater/surface water interactions. Water Resources Research , vol. 48 , nº 12. W12510. DOI: 10.1029/2012WR012304.

Sulis, Mauro; Paniconi, Claudio; Rivard, Christine; Harvey, Richard et Chaumont, Diane (2011). Assessment of climate change impacts at the catchment scale with a detailed hydrological model of surface-subsurface interactions and comparison with a land surface model. Water Resources Research , vol. 47 , nº 1. W01513. DOI: 10.1029/2010WR009167.

Weill, Sylvain; Mazzia, Annamaria; Putti, Mario et Paniconi, Claudio (2011). Coupling water flow and solute transport into a physically-based surface–subsurface hydrological model. Advances in Water Resources , vol. 34 , nº 1. pp. 128-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2010.10.001.

Sulis, Mauro; Paniconi, Claudio et Camporese, Matteo (2011). Impact of grid resolution on the integrated and distributed response of a coupled surface-subsurface hydrological model for the des Anglais catchment, Quebec Hydrological Processes , vol. 25 , nº 12. pp. 1853-1865. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7941.

Broda, Stefan; Paniconi, Claudio et Larocque, Marie (2011). Numerical investigation of leakage in sloping aquifers. Journal of Hydrology , vol. 409 , nº 1-2. pp. 49-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.07.035.

Paniconi, Claudio; Sulis, Mauro; Camporese, Matteo; Putti, Mario et Orlandini, Stefano (2011). Testing a process-based model of groundwater/surface water interactions at the hillslope, subcatchment, and watershed scales. In: EGU General Assembly 2011, 3-8 avril 2011, Vienne, Autriche.

Dissanska, Maria; Paniconi, Claudio et Bernier, Monique (2010). Étude du potentiel des données polarimétriques RADARSAT-2 pour le suivi de l’humidité du sol en milieu agricole (campagne 2008 sur la plaine Campidano, Sardaigne, Italie). Rapport de recherche (R1194). INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.

Sulis, Mauro; Meyerhoff, Steven B.; Paniconi, Claudio; Maxwell, Reed M.; Putti, Mario et Kollet, Stefan (2010). A comparison of two physics-based numerical models for simulating surface water–groundwater interactions. Advances in Water Resources , vol. 33 , nº 4. pp. 456-467. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2010.01.010.

Camporese, Matteo; Paniconi, Claudio; Putti, Mario et Orlandini, Stefano (2010). Surface-subsurface flow modeling with path-based runoff routing, boundary condition-based coupling, and assimilation of multisource observation data. Water Resources Research , vol. 46 , nº 2. W02512. DOI: 10.1029/2008WR007536.

Leclerc, Michel; Bérubé, Francis et Paniconi, Claudio (2009). Mise aux normes de l’eau potable : Conditions de glace de la rivière Montmorency: Secteur des Îlets: Mise à jour à l’hiver 2008-2009. Rapport de recherche (R1073). INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.

Racine, Cintia; Lefebvre, René; Martel, Richard; Paniconi, Claudio; Trépanier, Luc et Côté, Judith (2009). Programme de recherche en lien avec la mise en place d’une prise d’eau horizontale sous-fluviale implantée dans les sédiments de la rivière Montmorency, secteur des Îlets : Modèles physiques – Essais en colonnes et en bac de sable. Rapport de recherche (R1081). INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.

Gauthier, Marie-Josée; Camporese, Matteo; Rivard, Christine; Paniconi, Claudio et Larocque, Marie (2009). A modeling study of heterogeneity and surface water-groundwater interactions in the Thomas Brook catchment, Annapolis Valley (Nova Scotia, Canada). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , vol. 13 , nº 9. pp. 1583-1596. DOI: 10.5194/hess-13-1583-2009.

Camporese, Matteo; Paniconi, Claudio ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-2841; Putti, Mario et Salandin, Paolo (2009). Comparison of Data Assimilation Techniques for a Coupled Model of Surface and Subsurface Flow. Vadose Zone Journal , vol. 8 , nº 4. pp. 837-845. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2009.0018.

Sulis, Mauro; Marrocu, Marino et Paniconi, Claudio (2009). Conjunctive Use of a Hydrological Model and a Multicriteria Decision Support System for a Case Study on the Caia Catchment, Portugal. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering , vol. 14 , nº 2. pp. 141-152. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0699(2009)14:2(141).

Camporese, Matteo; Paniconi, Claudio; Putti, Mario et Salandin, Paolo (2009). Ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation for a process-based catchment scale model of surface and subsurface flow. Water Resources Research , vol. 45 , nº 10. W10421. DOI: 10.1029/2008WR007031.

Leclerc, Michel; Bérubé, Francis et Paniconi, Claudio (2008). Mise aux normes de l'eau potable : Évolution topographique et conditions de glace de la rivière Montmorency : Secteur des Îlets. Rapport de recherche (R1072). INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.

Paul, Ludovic; Rousseau, Alain N. et Paniconi, Claudio (2007). Construction of curvature and width function calculation algorithms using a digital elevation model Rapport de recherche (R949). INRS-Eau, Terre et Environnement , Québec.

D'Haese, Christophe M. F.; Putti, Mario; Paniconi, Claudio et Verhoest, Niko E. C. (2007). Assessment of adaptive and heuristic time stepping for variably saturated flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , vol. 53 , nº 7. pp. 1173-1193. DOI: 10.1002/fld.1369.

Cau, Pierluigi et Paniconi, Claudio (2007). Assessment of alternative land management practices using hydrological simulation and a decision support tool: Arborea agricultural region, Sardinia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , vol. 11 , nº 6. pp. 1811-1823. DOI: 10.5194/hess-11-1811-2007.

Hilberts, Arno G. J.; Troch, Peter A.; Paniconi, Claudio et Boll, Jan (2007). Low-dimensional modeling of hillslope subsurface flow: Relationship between rainfall, recharge, and unsaturated storage dynamics. Water Resources Research , vol. 43 , nº 3. W03445. DOI: 10.1029/2006WR004964.

Hurkmans, Ruud; Paniconi, Claudio et Troch, Peter A. (2006). Numerical assessment of a dynamical relaxation data assimilation scheme for a catchment hydrological model. Hydrological Processes , vol. 20 , nº 3. pp. 549-563. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.5921.

Paniconi, Claudio; Racine, Cintia; Lefebvre, René et Leclerc, Michel (2005). Mise aux normes de l'eau potable : secteur est. Analyse numérique d'un concept de prise d'eau linéaire sous-fluviale dans le secteur des îlets de la rivière Montmorency. Rapport de recherche (R765). INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Québec.

Hilberts, Arno G. J.; Troch, Peter A. et Paniconi, Claudio (2005). Storage-dependent drainable porosity for complex hillslopes. Water Resources Research , vol. 41 , nº 6. W06001. DOI: 10.1029/2004WR003725.

Hilberts, Arno G. J.; van Loon, E. Emiel; Troch, Peter A. et Paniconi, Claudio (2004). The hillslope-storage Boussinesq model for non-constant bedrock slope. Journal of Hydrology , vol. 291 , nº 3-4. pp. 160-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.12.043.

Troch, Peter A.; Paniconi, Claudio et van Loon, E. Emiel (2003). Hillslope-storage Boussinesq model for subsurface flow and variable source areas along complex hillslopes: 1. Formulation and characteristic response. Water Resources Research , vol. 39 , nº 11. 3-1-3-10. DOI: 10.1029/2002WR001728.

Paniconi, Claudio; Troch, Peter A.; van Loon, E. Emiel et Hilberts, Arno G. J. (2003). Hillslope-storage Boussinesq model for subsurface flow and variable source areas along complex hillslopes: 2. Intercomparison with a three-dimensional Richards equation model. Water Resources Research , vol. 39 , nº 11. pp. 4-1. DOI: 10.1029/2002WR001730.

Paniconi, Claudio; Marrocu, Marino; Putti, Mario et Verbunt, Mark (2003). Newtonian nudging for a Richards equation-based distributed hydrological model. Advances in Water Resources , vol. 26 , nº 2. pp. 161-178. DOI: 10.1016/S0309-1708(02)00099-4.

Gatel, Laura; Lauvernet, Claire; Carluer, Nadia et Paniconi, Claudio . Application of a reactive transport processes module for a coupled (groundwater/surface water) physically based model on a vineyard hillslope (Beaujolais, France). In: 7th International Conference on Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air, 30 août-1er septembre 2017, York, Angleterre.

Lauvernet, Claire; Gatel, Laura; Pasetto, Damiano; Vidard, Arthur; Nodet, Maëlle et Paniconi, Claudio . Data assimilation of image data into a spatialized water and pesticide fluxes model. In: Workshop on Data Assimilation in Terrestrial Systems, 19-21 septembre 2016, Bonn, Allemagne.

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