Document quand l'auteur est "Modarres, Reza"Nombre de documents archivés : 15. Article
Lee, Taesam; Kwon, Hyunhan; Modarres, Reza; Kim, Sangdan et Chebana, Fateh Modarres, Reza et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2014). A generalized conditional heteroscedastic model for temperature downscaling. Climate Dynamics , vol. 43 , nº 9-10. pp. 2629-2649. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2076-x. Farsadnia, Farhad; Rostami Kamrood, Mohsen; Moghaddam Nia, Alireza; Modarres, Reza; Bray, Michaela T.; Han, Daoyuan et Sadatinejad, Javad (2014). Identification of homogeneous regions for regionalization of watersheds by two-level self-organizing feature maps. Journal of Hydrology , vol. 509 . pp. 387-397. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.11.050. Modarres, Reza; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.; Vanasse, Alain; Orzanco, Maria Gabriela et Gosselin, Pierre (2014). Modeling climate effects on hip fracture rate by the multivariate GARCH model in Montreal region, Canada. International Journal of Biometeorology , vol. 58 , nº 5. pp. 921-930. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-013-0675-6. Modarres, Reza et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2014). Modeling the relationship between climate oscillations and drought by a multivariate GARCH model. Water Resources Research , vol. 50 , nº 1. pp. 601-618. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR013810. Sarhadi, Ali H.; Kelly, Richard et Modarres, Reza (2014). Snow water equivalent time-series forecasting in Ontario, Canada, in link to large atmospheric circulations. Hydrological Processes , vol. 28 , nº 16. pp. 4640-4653. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10184. Raziei, Tayeb; Daryabari, Jamal; Bordi, Isabella; Modarres, Reza et Pereira, Luis S. (2014). Spatial patterns and temporal trends of daily precipitation indices in Iran. Climatic Change , vol. 124 , nº 1-2. pp. 239-253. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1096-1. Lee, Taesam; Modarres, Reza et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2013). Data-based analysis of bivariate copula tail dependence for drought duration and severity. Hydrological Processes , vol. 27 , nº 10. pp. 1454-1463. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9233. Modarres, Reza et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2013). Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelling of hydrologic time series. Hydrological Processes , vol. 27 , nº 22. pp. 3174-3191. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9452. Modarres, Reza et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2013). Modeling rainfall-runoff relationship using multivariate GARCH model. Journal of Hydrology , vol. 499 . pp. 1-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.06.044. Modarres, Reza et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2013). Modelling heteroscedasticty of streamflow times series. Hydrological Sciences Journal , vol. 58 , nº 1. pp. 54-64. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2012.743662. Modarres, Reza et Ouarda, Taha B. M. J. (2013). Testing and modelling the volatility change in ENSO. Atmosphere - Ocean , vol. 51 , nº 5. pp. 561-570. DOI: 10.1080/07055900.2013.843054. Shiau, Jenq-Tzong; Modarres, Reza et Nadarajah, Saralees (2012). Assessing Multi-site Drought Connections in Iran Using Empirical Copula. Environmental Modeling & Assessment , vol. 17 , nº 5. pp. 469-482. DOI: 10.1007/s10666-012-9318-2. Modarres, Reza; Ouarda, Taha B. M. J.; Vanasse, Alain; Orzanco, Maria Gabriela et Gosselin, Pierre (2012). Modeling seasonal variation of hip fracture in Montreal, Canada. Bone , vol. 50 , nº 4. pp. 909-916. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2012.01.004. ThèseModarres, Reza (2013). Modélisation GARCH multivariée pour les variables climatiques et hydrologiques. Thèse. Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en sciences de l'eau, 408 p. |