Nombre de documents archivés : 8.
Centre INRS-Institut Armand Frappier
Khdhiri, Mondher; Piché-Choquette, Sarah; Tremblay, Julien; Tringe, Susannah et Constant, Philippe
Meta-omics survey of [NiFe]-hydrogenase genes fails to capture drastic variations in H2-oxidation activity measured in three soils exposed to H2
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
, vol. 125
pp. 239-243.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.07.020.
Piché-Choquette, Sarah; Khdhiri, Mondher et Constant, Philippe
Dose-response relationships between environmentally-relevant H-2 concentrations and the biological sinks of H-2, CH4 and CO in soil
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
, vol. 123
pp. 190-199.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.05.008.
Piché-Choquette, Sarah; Khdhiri, Mondher et Constant, Philippe
Survey of High-Affinity H2-Oxidizing Bacteria in Soil Reveals Their Vast Diversity Yet Underrepresentation in Genomic Databases
Microbial Ecology
, vol. 74
, nº 4.
pp. 771-775.
DOI: 10.1007/s00248-017-1011-1.
Khdhiri, Mondher; Piché-Choquette, Sarah; Tremblay, Julien; Tringe, Susannah et Constant, Philippe
The Tale of a Neglected Energy Source: Elevated Hydrogen Exposure Affects both Microbial Diversity and Function in Soil
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
, vol. 83
, nº 11.
pp. 1-17.
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00275-17.
Peck, Vincent; Quiza, Liliana; Buffet, Jean-Philippe; Khdhiri, Mondher; Durand, Audrey-Anne; Paquette, Alain; Thiffault, Nelson; Messier, Christian; Beaulieu, Nadyre; Guertin, Claude et Constant, Philippe
Towards the development of multifunctional molecular indicators combining soil biogeochemical and microbiological variables to predict the ecological integrity of silvicultural practices
Microbial Biotechnology
, vol. 9
, nº 3.
pp. 316-329.
DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.12348.
Khdhiri, Mondher; Hesse, Laura; Popa, Maria Elena; Quiza, Liliana; Lalonde, Isabelle; Meredith, Laura K; Röckmann, Thomas et Constant, Philippe
Soil carbon content and relative abundance of high affinity H2-oxidizing bacteria predict atmospheric H2 soil uptake activity better than soil microbial community composition
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
, vol. 85
pp. 1-9.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.02.030.
Piché-Choquette, Sarah; Khdhiri, Mondher; Levin, Ingeborg et Constant, Philippe
Dommages collatéraux d’un fertilisant naturel : Comment l’hydrogène moléculaire brouille le bilan des gaz à effet de serre
In: Congrès Armand-Frappier 2017 (10e édition), 9-11 novembre 2017, Orford (Québec).
Khdhiri, Mondher; Piché-Choquette, Sarah; Tremblay, Julien; Tringe, Susannah et Constant, Philippe
La métagénomique, un boulet plus qu'une solution pour la modélisation des processus biogéochimiques : Le cycle de l'hydrogène moléculaire comme étude de cas
In: Congrès Armand-Frappier 2017 (10e édition), 9-11 novembre 2017, Orford (Québec).
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