Document quand l'auteur est "Cherit, Angela"Nombre de documents archivés : 1. Turner, Michelle C.; Sadetzki, Siegal; Langer, Chelsea E.; Villegas, Rodrigo; Figuerola, Jordi; Armstrong, Bruce K.; Cherit, Angela; Giles, Graham G.; Krewski, Daniel; Hours, Martine; McBride, Mary L.; Parent, Marie-Élise; Richardson, Lesley; Siemiatycki, Jack; Woodward, Alistair et Cardis, Elisabeth (2016). Investigation of bias related to differences between case and control interview dates in five INTERPHONE countries. Annals of Epidemiology , vol. 26 , nº 12. 827.e2-832.e2. DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2016.09.013. |