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Metropolitan Governance Background Study : What Do We Need To Know ? A Rapid Foray Into Operational Concerns. Literature Review


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Divay, Gérard; Wolfe, Jeanne M. et Polèse, Mario (2002). Metropolitan Governance Background Study : What Do We Need To Know ? A Rapid Foray Into Operational Concerns. Literature Review INRS Centre - Urbanisation Culture Société, Montréal.

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This review focuses on metropolitan issues, not urban issues in general; but rather those problems that can best be tackled at a metropolitan scale to overcome the problems ascribed to jurisdictional fragmentation. Most metropolitan areas consist of a densely developed core city surrounded by suburbs that are engulfing smaller urban centers and villages, sprawling out into the rural areas along transportation routes, and sprouting industries, commercial activities and housing in a seemingly random fashion. They are usually made up of many local governments, often of wildly differing size, population and organizing capacity. A second focus of this paper is metropolitan decision-making for collective goods. Area wide decisions involve complex systems of actors, and a huge variety of actions. Collective goods and services are those enjoyed or used by the population at large: infrastructure, economic, social and cultural development facilities, and environmental protection. Also known as public goods, or joint consumption goods, these are needs that are “non-subtractable”, as everyone requires them. Roads and sewers are such an example. However, the interest is in more than equipment and services as such, it is in the ultimate outcomes of their presence: fluid traffic movements for instance, or high levels of public health. Following this line of enquiry, the third focus is an attempt to understand how the outcomes relate to, or are influenced by, metropolitan decision-making structures and processes. This is a most challenging task, since there are very few analytical attempts at the evaluation of results except on a programmatic basis. While there has been a fair number of comparative studies on a single service such as transportation or water supply, there are very few attempts to look in detail at overall outcomes.

Type de document: Rapport
Informations complémentaires: Work prepared for the World Bank
Mots-clés libres: governance; government; metropolitan region; municipal government; state government; national government; policy; decision-making; public service; public goods; spatial planning; transportation; economic development
Centre: Centre Urbanisation Culture Société
Date de dépôt: 03 févr. 2017 20:10
Dernière modification: 03 févr. 2017 20:10
URI: https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/4962

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