Pishvai Bazargani, Hamed (2016). Integrated photonic devices for optical pulse shaping, processing and measurement. Thèse. Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Doctorat en télécommunications, 255 p.
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Over the last decade significant increase in internet access, high speed communication, high definition media streaming and high volume cloud storage have affected our daily lives. This has resulted in an unprecedented demand in the speed and volume of data transfer. To overcome the severe speed limitations of present electronic circuits, which are practically limited to processing and switching speeds below a few tens of GHz, all-optical or alternatively electro-optical solutions have attracted considerable attention, offering generation/processing speeds from 10s of GHz to several THz. Over the years engineers have moved light ever closer to the heart of computing systems, the microprocessor, in order to keep up with the switching and processing speeds required to manipulate the gigantic amount of data being passed to telecommunication networks. This topic is particularly important for applications in data centers (Data centers consist of a large group of networked computer servers typically used by organizations for the remote storage, processing, or distribution of large amounts of data.), due to the limitations of electronics circuits and copper wires in handling and processing high data rates. In particular, silicon photonics is seen as a great foundation for optics and electronics to meet. Leveraging from mature complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication process, silicon photonics offers wafer scale testing, low cost packaging, scaling to high levels of integration, solves electrical interconnect limitation in data centers, supercomputers and integrated circuits. Despite all the advantages offered by silicon photonics, it has been mostly implemented in interconnects and/or switching applications in industry. Significant effort has been put into development of signal processing building blocks, which already exist in electronics, alternatively in optical domain with unprecedented operation bandwidths (processing speeds). These signal processors generally fall into two categories: (1) linear optics and (2) nonlinear optics-based devices. Linear optics signal processors are of higher interest in telecommunications, because they usually work with lower levels of power (few to tens of milliwatts). These processors offer 100 to 1000 times improvement in processing speed as compared with their electronic counterparts. The main objective of this Thesis is to develop integrated photonics devices for on-chip optical pulse shaping, processing and measurement. The Thesis includes proposals and developments of novel theories, designs, numerical analysis, layout preparations and experimental demonstrations. Specific accomplishements of this Thesis include: a) Proposal and development of a novel theoretical frame work, namely discrete space-totime mapping in cascaded co-directional couplers, enabling practical on-chip arbitrary optical pulse shaping with time resolutions ranging from a few femtoseconds up to the subnanosecond regime. b) Modelling, layout design and experimental demonstration of on-chip optical pulse shaping devices based on discrete space-to-time mapping theory. Demonstrated functionalities include: (1) high quality sub-picosecond/picosecond flat-top pulse generation; (2) Tsymbol/s optical phase coded bit-packet generation; (3) Tsymbol/s optical phase and amplitude coded bit-packet generation. c) Proposal and development of a nondispersive, tunable band-pass/band-reject filtering scheme using photonics Hilbert transformers (PHTs) incorporated in a Michelson interferometer. By controlling the central frequency of PHTs with respect to each other, both the central frequency and the spectral width of the rejection/pass bands of the filter are proved to be tunable. In this project bandwidth tuning from 260 MHz to 60 GHz is numerically demonstrated using two readily feasible fiber Bragg grating-based PHTs. The designed filter offers a high extinction ratio between the pass band and rejection band (>20dB in the narrow-band filtering case) with a very sharp transition with a slope of 170- dB/GHz from rejection to pass band. d) Proposal, modelling, layout design and experimental demonstration of on-chip fractional and integer-order PHTs on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer, based on laterally apodized integrated waveguide Bragg gratings. In this work high-performance photonic integer and fractional-order Hilbert transformers, with processing bandwidths above 750 GHz, have been experimentally realized. e) Experimental demonstration of on-chip, single-shot and real-time phase characterization of GHz-rate optical telecommunication signals. In particular, phase reconstruction based on optical ultrafast differentiation (PROUD) is implemented using an integratedwaveguide Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) to demonstrate self-referenced phase characterization of GHz-rate complex modulated signals (e.g. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying(QPSK), and Amplitude Phase Shift Keying (APSK) modulation formats), through a single-shot and real-time technique. Finally, I strongly believe that the ideas, techniques and devices demonstrated throughout this Thesis can contribute to the development of novel integrated-waveguide all-optical/electro-optical processors.
Type de document: | Thèse Thèse |
Directeur de mémoire/thèse: | Azaña, José |
Mots-clés libres: | dispositifs photoniques intégrés; impulsions optiques sur puce |
Centre: | Centre Eau Terre Environnement |
Date de dépôt: | 22 mars 2017 20:57 |
Dernière modification: | 22 mars 2017 20:57 |
URI: | https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/4929 |
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