Da Silva Holanda, Patrícia; Blanco, Claudio José Cavalcante; Mesquita, André Luiz Amarante; Da Cunha, Alan Cavalcanti; Macêdo, Emanuel Negrão et Secretan, Yves (2013). Hydrodynamic modeling downsteram of Tucurui hydroelectric power plant for analysis of sites to set up of hydrokinetic turbines. In: 22nd International congress of mechanical engineering - COBEM 2013, 3-7 novembre 2013, Ribeirao Preto, Brésil.
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Brazil’s has a vast and dense hydrographic network. In Para state’s Tucuruí municipality, about 300 km south of Belem, there’s a hydroelectric central which is considered large – the UHE Tucuruí located on Tocantins River. Study area of this current work is restricted to a stretch of Tocantins River starting from the UHE Tucuruí downstream until Tucuruí city. The flow has been modeled for the evaluation of sites where hydrokinetic turbines can be installed to take advantage of UHE Tucuruí remaining potentials. This potential can be used to supply communities still isolated in the region. This study guides on the hydrodynamic modeling of the stretch mentioned above, starting from bathymetric data collecting and substrate composition, elaboration of terrain’s elevation model and substrate model. Hydrodynamic simulations are established by the Saint-Venant Model. Modeling results, i.e., velocities and depths analyzed in the study area, serve to the evaluation and determination of sites to set up hydrokinetic turbines to explore remaining power.
Type de document: | Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier |
Mots-clés libres: | hydrodynamic modeling; hydrokinetic potential; UHE-Tucurui; Toacontins River; Amazonia |
Centre: | Centre Eau Terre Environnement |
Date de dépôt: | 11 mai 2018 19:15 |
Dernière modification: | 11 mai 2018 19:15 |
URI: | https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/4208 |
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