Dépôt numérique

Geochemical characterization of acid mine drainage from a waste rock pile, Mine Doyon, Québec, Canada.

Sracek, Ondra; Choquette, Marc; Gélinas, Pierre; Lefebvre, René et Nicholson, Ronald V. (2004). Geochemical characterization of acid mine drainage from a waste rock pile, Mine Doyon, Québec, Canada. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology , vol. 69 , nº 1-2. pp. 45-71. DOI: 10.1016/S0169-7722(03)00150-5.

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Water quality in the unsaturated and saturated zones of a waste rock pile containing sulphides was investigated. The main objectives of the project were (1) the evaluation of geochemical trends including the acid mine drainage (AMD)-buffering mechanism and the role of secondary minerals, and (2) the investigation of the use of stable isotopes for the interpretation of physical and geochemical processes in waste rock. Pore water in unsaturated zone was sampled from suction lysimeters and with piezometers in underlying saturated rocks. The investigation revealed strong temporal (dry period vs. recharge period), and spatial (slope vs. central region of pile) variability in the formation of acid mine drainage. The main secondary minerals observed were gypsum and jarosite. There was a higher concentration of gypsum in solid phase at Site TBT than at Site 6, suggesting that part of the gypsum formed at Site 6 in the early stage of AMD has been already dissolved. Formation of secondary minerals contributed to the formation of AMD by opening of foliation planes in waste rock, thus increasing the access of oxidants like O2 and Fe3+ to previously encapsulated pyrite. The behavior of several dissolved species such as Mg, Al, and Fe2+ can be considered as conservative in the leachate. Stable isotopes, deuterium and 18O, indicated internal evaporation within the pile, and were used to trace recharge pulses from snowmelt. Isotope trends for 34S and 18O(SO4) indicated a lack of sulfate reduction and zones of active oxidation of pyrite, respectively. Results of numerical modeling of pyrite oxidation and gas and water transport were consistent with geochemical and isotopic trends and confirmed zones of high evaporation rate within the rock pile close to the slope. The results indicate that physical and chemical processes within the pile are strongly coupled and cannot be considered separately when oxidation rates are high and influence gas transport as a result of heat generation.

Type de document: Article
Mots-clés libres: acid mine drainage; waste rock pile; geochemistry; stable isotopes; internal evaporation; transport modeling
Centre: Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Date de dépôt: 08 janv. 2021 20:26
Dernière modification: 07 mai 2021 20:06
URI: https://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/11053

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